Culture of Corruption & Incompetency by Feckless Broward School Board, General Counsel Barbara J. Myrick & Supt. Robert Runcie in a Nutshell.
re The special Grand Jury impaneled by the Florida Supreme Court via Gov. Ron DeSantis investigating feckless Broward County Schools & its School Board:
Broward education activists & taxpayers want you to make sure that Broward Schools General Counsel Barbara J. Myrick is one of first persons grilled.
She has a LOT to publicly account for, as does nearly every School Board member
"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life."
- Winston Churchill
So, as to that part above about having "enemies"... For those of you who are newcomers to the blog, I've been writing fact-filled, analytical blog posts about the serial corruption, incompetency and fecklessness by the Broward School Board on a whole array of issues for the past twelve years.
And, I've also written about them with regularity as welll on my popular South Florida Twitter handle, @hbbtruth, since October of 2013.
There I often buttress some other person's good point with facts they might not be aware of, or, necessarily throw some cold water and cold hard facts on someone saying something that's contrary to reality that can't be believed by anyone with common sense who knows anything about human behavior.
There is an awfully LOT of that on Twitter from Broward County, especially among supporters of Supt. Runcie and the business Establishment who can't even do their own independent investigating, relying almost entirely for their numbers and talking points on the very people in charge and who've been elected who aren't getting the job done right.
Trust me, there's a good reason that so many activists, personalities, elected officials and members of the South Florida or Florida press corps, people that you know and trust, are Following me on Twitter and reading my latest post on this blog, which, depending upon the subjects du jour, can net anywhere between 30,000 and 90,000 page views a month.
(For the record, I'll be picking up the pace and be posting more posts per week now that I'll not be traveling quite as extensively as have since early last August.)
That means not just accepting whole what is written in South Florida newspapers or on websites or seen on TV, but of my actually going to meetings all over Broward County -and especially in Hollywood and Hallandale Beach- and meeting other concerned and curious Broward citizens and taxpayers who wonder about the same things I do: ethics, accountability, public oversight, conflicts-of-interest and power plays by certain parties and groups within the Broward education Establishment and the people who support it in the Broward business community.
The latter being people who make extraordinary amounts of money on the Broward school system as contractors and vendors for projects, whether they're needed or completely wasteful.
So, all that said, I have seen, first-hand, the incriminating reports and the damning photos and the files that have been so much in the news since 2007 surrounding the culture of corruption.

Above and below, July 13, 2010 photo by South Beach Hoosier, looking south at the Broward County Schools HQ, 600 S.E. Third Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
©Hallandale Beach Blog, All Rights Reserved
Ann Murray -she's a phony, a bigot and a no-show. Consistently. That's what voters have seen of her tenure on Broward School Board so far -she needs to go!; update on projects at Hallandale High School
It speaks volumes about what has been allowed to go on in Broward County for YEARS without any of the know-it-all "geniuses" in the Broward business Establishment finally saying "Enough!"
It also says a lot about the bad reporting the past ten years in South Florida that with the exception of the Florida (Broward) Bulldog, no other media outlet in South Florida reported on this story that explains so much of what happens here.
That sort of effort over a dozen years also creates all sort of friction with people who are supposed to be working FOR the public, including numerous past and current elected Broward School Board members, administrators and their staffs who don't like seeing the truth being publicly discussed in a logical and reasonable way, and even worse, discussed in print where anyone can see the facts and not have to accept their own particular spin on things.
So that kind of effort is why I was on the Top Ten list of people whom the Broward School system has been BLOCKING on Twitter since 2016, as the Angela Greben tweet above makes clear.
Yes, I wear their BLOCKING of me like a gold medal, and proudly so.
In watching last week's important Broward County School Board meeting with an agenda item regarding the firing of Supt. Robert W. Runcie -whom I was an early fan of until two years later it was clear there was NOT going to any any of the required change in culture or direction- while I was traveling, I was so upset by what I saw and heard that despite promising myself that I would be calm and not LIVE TWEET responses to what I was seeing, I felt obliged to ignore that intuition and drop some knowledge on the Twitterverse, including some folks at the meeting or who were commenting upon it who didn't have the institutional knowledge that I had of many of the characters and charlatans who spoke on behalf of retaining Supt. Runcie.
Proving yet again why #Broward = 4-letter word in #FL: passive aggressive #SchoolBoard att'y makes deals WITHOUT knowledge of clients, elected officials, who are her BOSS, not the other way around. Another Barbara J. Myrick success story!
re The special Grand Jury impaneled by the Florida Supreme Court via Gov. Ron DeSantis investigating feckless Broward County Schools & its School Board:
Broward education activists & taxpayers want you to make sure that Broward Schools General Counsel Barbara J. Myrick is one of first persons grilled.
She has a LOT to publicly account for, as does nearly every School Board member
I've got 17 reasons @BrowardSchools should fire @RobertwRuncie. But they voted 6-3 to keep him. Because Florida. #MSDstrong— Billy Corben (@BillyCorben) March 6, 2019
- Winston Churchill
So, as to that part above about having "enemies"... For those of you who are newcomers to the blog, I've been writing fact-filled, analytical blog posts about the serial corruption, incompetency and fecklessness by the Broward School Board on a whole array of issues for the past twelve years.
And, I've also written about them with regularity as welll on my popular South Florida Twitter handle, @hbbtruth, since October of 2013.
There I often buttress some other person's good point with facts they might not be aware of, or, necessarily throw some cold water and cold hard facts on someone saying something that's contrary to reality that can't be believed by anyone with common sense who knows anything about human behavior.
There is an awfully LOT of that on Twitter from Broward County, especially among supporters of Supt. Runcie and the business Establishment who can't even do their own independent investigating, relying almost entirely for their numbers and talking points on the very people in charge and who've been elected who aren't getting the job done right.
Trust me, there's a good reason that so many activists, personalities, elected officials and members of the South Florida or Florida press corps, people that you know and trust, are Following me on Twitter and reading my latest post on this blog, which, depending upon the subjects du jour, can net anywhere between 30,000 and 90,000 page views a month.
(For the record, I'll be picking up the pace and be posting more posts per week now that I'll not be traveling quite as extensively as have since early last August.)
That means not just accepting whole what is written in South Florida newspapers or on websites or seen on TV, but of my actually going to meetings all over Broward County -and especially in Hollywood and Hallandale Beach- and meeting other concerned and curious Broward citizens and taxpayers who wonder about the same things I do: ethics, accountability, public oversight, conflicts-of-interest and power plays by certain parties and groups within the Broward education Establishment and the people who support it in the Broward business community.
The latter being people who make extraordinary amounts of money on the Broward school system as contractors and vendors for projects, whether they're needed or completely wasteful.
So, all that said, I have seen, first-hand, the incriminating reports and the damning photos and the files that have been so much in the news since 2007 surrounding the culture of corruption.
Above and below, July 13, 2010 photo by South Beach Hoosier, looking south at the Broward County Schools HQ, 600 S.E. Third Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
©Hallandale Beach Blog, All Rights Reserved
Above, Supt. Robert Runcie after a public meeting of his Listening Tour at the City of Hollywood's Fred Lippman Multi-Purpose Center, which was the second time I'd heard him speak in-person, having previously heard him in March at Hollywood Hills High School, also in Hollywood. May 14, 2012 photo by South Beach Hoosier.
©Hallandale Beach Blog, All Rights Reserved.
For more on the situation above with my friend Catherine, who has since moved to Las Vegas, please see parts 1 and 2 of my February 2012 blog post titled,Also true: what happened to my friend Catherine when she was a voice of reality re #Broward #SchoolBoard's lack of competency/accountability, told truth re #HallandaleBeach school getting shaft -despite a court order! @CGreenbarg @Colleen_Wright @smtravis— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 9, 2019
Ann Murray -she's a phony, a bigot and a no-show. Consistently. That's what voters have seen of her tenure on Broward School Board so far -she needs to go!; update on projects at Hallandale High School
It speaks volumes about what has been allowed to go on in Broward County for YEARS without any of the know-it-all "geniuses" in the Broward business Establishment finally saying "Enough!"
It also says a lot about the bad reporting the past ten years in South Florida that with the exception of the Florida (Broward) Bulldog, no other media outlet in South Florida reported on this story that explains so much of what happens here.
As you might imagine, that sort of consistent public questioning of elected officials and administrators and a willingness to publicly challenge people personally to substantiate and back up what they say leads to lots of things.
On the one hand, it means that many people throughout Broward who make education one of their chief concerns -regular citizens, public officials as well as many local print/TV reporters and columnists- know from personal experience that when I say something, that I not only know of what I speak, but can also personally produce the incriminating evidence, or, know the very people who can produce it so that the public finds out the truth.That sort of effort over a dozen years also creates all sort of friction with people who are supposed to be working FOR the public, including numerous past and current elected Broward School Board members, administrators and their staffs who don't like seeing the truth being publicly discussed in a logical and reasonable way, and even worse, discussed in print where anyone can see the facts and not have to accept their own particular spin on things.
So that kind of effort is why I was on the Top Ten list of people whom the Broward School system has been BLOCKING on Twitter since 2016, as the Angela Greben tweet above makes clear.
Yes, I wear their BLOCKING of me like a gold medal, and proudly so.
Broward County @browardschools & @RobertwRuncie provide their #BlockList but don't specify who is doing the blocking— Angela Greben (@AngelaGreben) January 29, 2016
@hbbtruth @AngelaGreben @GlennaOn10 @Buddynevins I tried to educate him. Didn't work.So did Mike M. Then he went over to the dark side.— Charlotte Greenbarg (@CGreenbarg) January 29, 2016
@CGreenbarg Reality: Most of #SoFL media has rolled over like puppies 4 Runcie while ignoring #Broward #SchoolBoard doing zip re thr oversight of #SchoolHardening. Ppl who speak honestly/factually got/get blocked. Media ignores it.,— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) May 12, 2018
B4 U arrived on scene, post-numerous #ethics fiascos @ #Broward #Schools, which I wrote abt so much I was #1 on thr Blocked list, Usual Suspects said an all-female Board wld be more caring, accountable., etc.— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) July 24, 2018
Point is, was same old BS redone as new narrative. Didn't fool anyone.
In watching last week's important Broward County School Board meeting with an agenda item regarding the firing of Supt. Robert W. Runcie -whom I was an early fan of until two years later it was clear there was NOT going to any any of the required change in culture or direction- while I was traveling, I was so upset by what I saw and heard that despite promising myself that I would be calm and not LIVE TWEET responses to what I was seeing, I felt obliged to ignore that intuition and drop some knowledge on the Twitterverse, including some folks at the meeting or who were commenting upon it who didn't have the institutional knowledge that I had of many of the characters and charlatans who spoke on behalf of retaining Supt. Runcie.
The deputy at Stoneman Douglas High reportedly joked at how unprepared he was for action, telling a colleague: “When I pull out (my) gun, French fries will come out.”— Megan O'Matz (@megomatz) March 15, 2019
After being called “fake news” and “racist” I’m being vindicated.— Andrew Pollack (@AndrewPollackFL) March 12, 2019
Our new Sheriff Tony is demanding changes to the Promise Program, the program that prevented my daughter’s killer from being arrested.
We are get closer to justice everyday. #fixit
Robert Runcie's critics outnumbered as they lose bid to oust him as schools chief— Scott Travis (@smtravis) March 6, 2019
Said about a motion to fire someone to a board member whose daughter died in a school shooting— David Smiley (@NewsbySmiley) March 5, 2019
This was a professional set up done by @RobertwRuncie They controlled who was allowed in the board room meeting which were Runcies supporters. They were not allowing media, mayors, victims families but Abby Freedman all the way back in the line...was given a first row seat.— Nathalie Adams (@Nathaliecadams) March 6, 2019
@richardcorcoran MT @Colleen_Wright 5th person in favor of firing #Broward #Schools Supt Runcie is speaker #57...— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 5, 2019
Since shooting @ #MSD "you've had an entire yr to harden our schools. Not 1 campus in [#Broward] County is harder to access than it was in Feb of 18."@BillyCorben
Amen. Can't fight facts, logic, and the law . . . Not forever.— Nathalie Lynch-Walsh (@nathalie_lynch) March 5, 2019
Great editorial. However, Runcie is a narcissist. They make the worst sort of leaders, and by definition are not "good" people. They will, however, hide, deny, spin and threaten good people to get what they want, and keep what they have.— Nathalie Lynch-Walsh (@nathalie_lynch) March 5, 2019
Grand Juries have a way of catching up to people like that.— Nathalie Lynch-Walsh (@nathalie_lynch) March 5, 2019
Follow the money. See who profits from $800million bond work. I bet the same business interests are involved. Lots of symbiotic backscratchers— Charlotte Greenbarg (@CGreenbarg) March 5, 2019
Charlotte, how many dozens of times have U & I spoken to each other at meetings that #SoFL TV stations ignored re how little the #Broward Biz community learned from the Beachside Montessori debacle inv. Ann Murray & Jennifer Gottlieb? 🤨🤬@Buddynevins @RedBroward @TimWSternberg— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 5, 2019
.@CGreenbarg "I took proof of fraud as pointed out by the [Chief Auditor] to Satz. I had a mtg. w/an ASA. The auditor who uncovered fraud met w/him as well.... I got a letter telling me “that’s how the Board does business” i.e., nothing to see here, move on."🙄@GovRonDeSantis— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 5, 2019
Says a lot abt level of corruption in #Broward that electeds belonging to Broward Black Elected Officials, a group that claims to be a nonprofit but which isn't acc to IRS, has been able to act like unregistered PAC to intimidate its enemies -the public!— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 5, 2019
"It had nothing to do w/my daughter" [#Broward #SchoolBoard member Laurie Rich Levinson] said then #FL state Senator & current #Broward Comm. Nan Rich.— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 5, 2019
There you have it in a nutshell, folks!
Laurie Rich Levinson proving -again- that BS walks AND talks.
.@lorialhadeff: "The tragedy was a symptom that uncovered & highlighted many failures" in Broward schools. "He's damaged the dsitrict in ways affecting all of our children." Cites drop in school grades, slow bond progress, failure to enact certain security measures, etc.— Scott Travis (@smtravis) March 5, 2019
That's what happens when you don't do your own research and don't have a firm grip on the facts.— Nathalie Lynch-Walsh (@nathalie_lynch) March 5, 2019
@Colleen_Wright @CGreenbarg @Buddynevins @RedBroward @browardpolitics @SoFlaOpinion @BillyCorben @NewsbySmiley Insert Pat Moynihan quote: "Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts."— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 5, 2019
Yet 4 years, meetings re #education in #Broward has been like BYOB. 🤨🙄
MT @nathalie_lynch on BS dished out as facts by #Broward #SchoolBoard that insults people who know better.— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 5, 2019
- Methinks [Patricia Good] didn't do her homework. Runcie claimed school board had implemented safety measures #MSD commission found were never done.
Incredulous? Yes, but NOT the way that she means it.— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 5, 2019
Actually, I'm more appalled than incredulous, but at least this has shown the world how the #Broward #SchoolBoard operates -like a fiefdom. #fealty@nathalie_lynch @TimWSternberg @CGreenbarg @RedBroward @Buddynevins
@smtravis @CGreenbarg @Buddynevins @RedBroward @NewsbySmiley @TimWSternberg @browardpolitics— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 5, 2019
Tennille Decoste ran against @lorialhadeff 4 the #Broward #SchoolBoard seat Alhadeff now sits in -and Decoste lost.
Funny how she forgot to mention it when she had mic, eh? @BillyCorben
#Broward #SchoolBoard Blows $1.5 Million, Has No Money, via Bob Norman 8/3/2009— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 5, 2019
In '07 #Broward #SchoolBoard decided to build classroom additions at many schools that "clearly didn't them." Gave $18.5 M contract to 1 of its favorites, Moss & Associates.
The Florida Supreme Court agrees with @GovRonDeSantis and unanimously ordered a grand jury.— Andrew Pollack (@AndrewPollackFL) February 25, 2019
With subpoena power and the ability to issue criminal indictments there will be accountability. #fixit
In 2013 @RobertwRuncie promised vital security improvements to ensure the students & teachers in @browardschools would be safe. In 2014 he asked taxpayers for $800m. By late 2017 promised security improvements still had not been made. In 2018, 2/14/18— Ryan Petty (@rpetty) February 18, 2019
Why does @browardschools Supt Robert Runcie hang on despite increases criticism and a Grand Jury investigation? Maybe because he gets a pension boost if he stays until October. @browardpolitics @NakedPoliticsFL— Buddy Nevins (@Buddynevins) February 17, 2019
Lori Alhadeff, who lost her 14-year-old daughter Alyssa at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, is making a difference on the Broward School Board. But Florida lawmakers need to address the obstacles being placed in her way.— Sun Sentinel Opinion (@SoFlaOpinion) February 16, 2019
@stevebousquet @Buddynevins @RedBroward @CGreenbarg @kellistargel Can't help but feel that responses of #Broward #Schools & #Runcie to new GrandJury will be like French Army trying to explain why Maginot Line failed to prevent Germany fm invading.— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) February 16, 2019
Deeply, deeply unsatisfying!😔
A year ago today I pulled up to MSD to find my princess. This picture of me circulated through the media. Many Dems said that my daughter deserved to die because I support @realDonaldTrump. Every day since I’ve fought the Dems/policies that were responsible for her death. #FixIt— Andrew Pollack (@AndrewPollackFL) February 14, 2019
Broward schools turned down a potential $55 million for school safety, money that might have made them better prepared for one of the deadliest school shootings in U.S. history. They claimed they already had a plan to keep schools safe. #tellewa— Scott Travis (@smtravis) February 13, 2019
Gov. Ron DeSantis seeks grand jury investigation of Broward schools, one year after Parkland shootings— Ryan Petty (@rpetty) February 13, 2019
None of the opinions about @RobertwRuncie performance from the BCPS school board come as a shock other than they have become more solidified over the past year. Good to see Nora Rupert and Lori Alhadeff are speaking up. #fixit— Andrew Pollack (@AndrewPollackFL) February 12, 2019
Very disappointed that @Robin_Bartleman and @SBBCBrinkworth wouldn’t step up for our children😢 but not surprised with @PattiGood68 and #LaurieRichLevinson since they gave him “highly effective” and his “watchdogs” @AnnMurrayDist1 @Osgood_leads and @DonnaKorn2 CAN’T STEP UP...OUT— Nathalie Adams (@Nathaliecadams) February 12, 2019
Broward schools may develop threat assessment policy that requires principal & a district staff member to sign off on all threat assessments, Supt. Robert Runcie told School Board. Concerns raised at Stoneman Douglas that principal was unfamiliar with them.— Scott Travis (@smtravis) January 22, 2019
The 2nd sign off isn’t a question I’d ask because it already makes sense to me. The principal and a district staff member sign off saying they’ve read the threat assessment. They can’t then act like they knew nothing about the danger if something happens.— Scott Travis (@smtravis) January 23, 2019
I agree. If inept administrators require check off procedures to make sure that they do their jobs properly, they shouldn’t be administrators.— Tim W. Sternberg, Ed.S. (@TimWSternberg) January 23, 2019
Updated for 2019: "After all, w/a loss of 1,800 students, shldn’t there be a trim in administrators & other associated staff. That is what happens in the real world, but when taxes pay the bills nobody has to feel the reality of required contraction of staff (and their salaries)"— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) January 23, 2019
@nathalie_lynch @Colleen_Wright @rpetty So, 4 years later...— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) January 7, 2019
MT @smtravis #Broward hired #Houston #Schools COO Leo Bobadilla in 2015, despite documented mismanagement & cost overruns of school construction. Bobadila forced out in Dec. for same reasons.
MT @nathalie_lynch Lack of info given to #Broward #SchoolBoard re bond during Bobadilla's 3-yr tenure supports my theory he was hired to keep info from the board for as long as possible. What needs investigating is the motivation for the rush to the 2014 ballot. @richardcorcoran— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) January 7, 2019
LynchWalsh says 2014 needs assessment done haphazardly. Projects & cost estimates done not by actual needs but what can be spread out to get most votes. Also questions why Leo Bobadilla is still facilities chief when he's lost his largest duty, overseeing bond. 2 of 2— Scott Travis (@smtravis) October 8, 2018
re Bobadilla: "But if you were hiring someone for an important position of public trust, wouldn't you want to know as many salient & relevant facts as possible about their past experience, good and bad? Probably so.— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) October 9, 2018
The problem is that Ann Murray doesn't."
I am not doing this to get famous, I am doing this so no family ever again has to feel the way my family feels. There are no excuses! We must have proper security in every school in America! I will not stop until that is accomplished. We must #FixIt! #MeadowsMovement— Andrew Pollack (@AndrewPollackFL) April 11, 2018
Proving yet again why #Broward = 4-letter word in #FL: passive aggressive #SchoolBoard att'y makes deals WITHOUT knowledge of clients, elected officials, who are her BOSS, not the other way around. Another Barbara J. Myrick success story!

@TheFlaBar 1/ Proving yet again why #Broward = 4-letter word in #FL: passive aggressive #SchoolBoard att'y makes deals WITHOUT knowledge of clients, elected officials, who are her BOSS, not the other way around.— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 15, 2019
Another Barbara J. Myrick success story! 🤨
Hardly surprising that #Broward #SchoolBoard att'y Barbara J. Myrick, woman who thinks her clients work for her, wld decided that @ public meetings, she gets to make up rules to suit her moods
@TheFlaBar 2/ Hardly surprising that #Broward #SchoolBoard att'y Barbara J. Myrick, woman who thinks her clients work for her, wld decided that @ public meetings, she gets to make up rules to suit her moods:— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 15, 2019
Of course, the public didn't vote 4 #Broward #SchoolBoard att'y Barbara J. Myrick, but she feels free to tell elected officials who ARE making policy what they shld do -ignore findings of past Grand Juries bec facts are a funny thing. WTF? 

@TheFlaBar 3/ Of course, the public didn't vote 4 #Broward #SchoolBoard att'y Barbara J. Myrick, but she feels free to tell elected officials who ARE making policy what they shld do -ignore findings of past Grand Juries bec facts are a funny thing. WTF? 🤨— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 15, 2019
#Broward #SchoolBoard att'y Barbara J. Myrick, the runaway lawyer, continues to take advantage of her clients and use that to advance her own personal & professional interests.
But nobody in #Broward voted for her! 

@TheFlaBar 4/ #Broward #SchoolBoard att'y Barbara J. Myrick, the runaway lawyer, continues to take advantage of her clients and use that to advance her own personal & professional interests.— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 15, 2019
But nobody in #Broward voted for her! 🤨
#Broward #SchoolBoard att'y Barbara J. Myrick still acts like she's their boss:
"@lorialhadeff was interrogated by Gen. Counsel Barbara Myrick last week on why she voted against new security chief & was told her reason was unacceptable." 

@TheFlaBar 5/ #Broward #SchoolBoard att'y Barbara J. Myrick still acts like she's their boss:— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 15, 2019
"@lorialhadeff was interrogated by Gen. Counsel Barbara Myrick last week on why she voted against new security chief & was told her reason was unacceptable." 🤨
“LoriAlhadeff has...helped us see that #Broward’s #SchoolBoard is trending toward a rubber stamp... , that rules & laws need to be re-evaluated,... how Runcie and Myrick treat board members like subordinates, when they work for them.” 

@TheFlaBar 6/ “LoriAlhadeff has...helped us see that #Broward’s #SchoolBoard is trending toward a rubber stamp... , that rules & laws need to be re-evaluated,... how Runcie and Myrick treat board members like subordinates, when they work for them.” 🙄🤨🤔— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 15, 2019
RT @CathyLerman "Hasn’t Lori been through enough without having to put up with this? Myrick needs to be investigated by the grand jury not as an accessory but as a primary player and strategist for the BCSB Corruption Cartel. Florida Bar, are you listening?" 

@TheFlaBar 7/ RT @CathyLerman "Hasn’t Lori been through enough without having to put up with this? Myrick needs to be investigated by the grand jury not as an accessory but as a primary player and strategist for the BCSB Corruption Cartel. Florida Bar, are you listening?" 🤨🤔— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 15, 2019
When she says "they" she means "me." 

MT @smtravis #Broward #SchoolBoard att'y Barbara J. Myrick said SchoolBoard was not consulted before they took legal action to hold @SunSentinel reporters in contempt of court. Said it was considered emergency decision.

@TheFlaBar 8/ When she says "they" she means "me." 🙄🤨🤔— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 15, 2019
MT @smtravis #Broward #SchoolBoard att'y Barbara J. Myrick said SchoolBoard was not consulted before they took legal action to hold @SunSentinel reporters in contempt of court. Said it was considered emergency decision.
Runaway lawyer's mea culpa, Aug 7, 2018
MT @smtravis #Broward #SchoolBoard att'y Barbara J. Myrick said Supt. #RobertRuncie was not part of decision to hold reporters in contempt. "If you have anyone to blame, it's me. I take full responsibility for what occurred."
@TheFlaBar 9/ Runaway lawyer's mea culpa, Aug 7, 2018— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 15, 2019
MT @smtravis #Broward #SchoolBoard att'y Barbara J. Myrick said Supt. #RobertRuncie was not part of decision to hold reporters in contempt. "If you have anyone to blame, it's me. I take full responsibility for what occurred."
Suing reporters MT @smtravis #Broward #SchoolBoard att'y Barbara J. Myrick compared the district’s actions to “leaving cars unlocked and someone comes and steals it and saying it’s not the thief’s problem that you left the door unlocked.” 

@TheFlaBar 10/ Suing reporters MT @smtravis #Broward #SchoolBoard att'y Barbara J. Myrick compared the district’s actions to “leaving cars unlocked and someone comes and steals it and saying it’s not the thief’s problem that you left the door unlocked.” 🙄— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 15, 2019
MT @smtravis Not meeting requirements of job description shld not disqualify 2 staffers fm high paid jobs, #Broward #SchoolBoard att'y Myrick said.
But does disqualify candidate w/a PhD & MBA fm becoming a secretary, she previously said. 

@TheFlaBar 11/ MT @smtravis Not meeting requirements of job description shld not disqualify 2 staffers fm high paid jobs, #Broward #SchoolBoard att'y Myrick said.— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 15, 2019
But does disqualify candidate w/a PhD & MBA fm becoming a secretary, she previously said. 🤨
This is normal where, exactly? 

MT @smtravis #Broward #SchoolBoard member @lorialhadeff tried to vote against a job candidate over concerns w/process.
#Broward #SchoolBoard att'y Barbara J. Myrick told her she’s not allowed.

@TheFlaBar 12/ This is normal where, exactly? 🙄🤨🤔— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 15, 2019
MT @smtravis #Broward #SchoolBoard member @lorialhadeff tried to vote against a job candidate over concerns w/process. #Broward #SchoolBoard att'y Barbara J. Myrick told her she’s not allowed.
Updated February 14, 2019 by Scott Travis of the South Florida Sun Sentinel
MT @smtravis #Broward #SchoolBoard att'y Myrick makes Lori Alhadeff state reason why she was voting against Brian Katz.
Alhadeff said bec some qualified applicants weren't interviewed/she had issues w/ process.
Myrick said that's not an allowable reason. 

@TheFlaBar #logic 13/ MT @smtravis #Broward #SchoolBoard att'y Myrick makes Lori Alhadeff state reason why she was voting against Brian Katz.— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 15, 2019
Alhadeff said bec some qualified applicants weren't interviewed/she had issues w/ process.
Myrick said that's not an allowable reason. 🙄
@GovRonDeSantis @richardcorcoran @TheFlaBar 14/ THREAD. If Barbara J. Myrick isn't 1 of 1st persons @ #Broward #Schools intrvu'd by Grand Jury, what wld that say?@lorialhadeff @AndrewPollackFL @rpetty @nathalie_lynch @CGreenbarg @Buddynevins @RedBroward @smtravis @Colleen_Wright— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 15, 2019
----I'm sure she will be, although the Grand Jury will have its hands full with all the other willing participants.— Nathalie Lynch-Walsh (@nathalie_lynch) March 16, 2019
Culture of Corruption & Incompetency by Feckless #Broward #SchoolBoard, General Counsel Barbara J. Myrick & Supt. Robert Runcie in a Nutshell.— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 16, 2019
The special #Florida Grand Jury investigating them will find target-rich environment: here are examples. #FixIt 😠
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