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Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan
Showing posts with label internet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label internet. Show all posts

Friday, July 25, 2014

So it's come to this? An online quarantine! U.S. Congress members and their legion of genius(!) staffers are placed in the penalty box by Wikipedia after months of intentional mischief & mis-edits that catches the attention of @CongressEdits. But it's not like local, county and state officials (and their staffers) are any different with their deliberate attempt at mis-direction, esp. in Florida and the use of Twitter


For an example of the curious self-editing and treatment of news from politicians in South Florida see this blog post from May 9, 2012 titled "The curious case of Broward County Comm. candidate Marty Kiar's Tweets, which, for me, are more revealing for what they DON'T say"

Friday, November 1, 2013

re Obamacare "tech surge" at The White House to fix broken Ocare website: I posit educated guess why West Wing is being so secretive re identities of this Nerd Squad A-Team meets Mission Impossible: Saving Obamacare 2.0. That answer is "optics"

Pundits' prescriptions for what ails healthcare CNN contributor Ryan Lizza and A.B. Stoddard from The Hill give Brooke Baldwin their RX for the Administration's healthcare woes. October 30th, 2013 06:32 PM ET 

Somewhat out of the blue Thursday, while reading some tweets of some of the people I religiously follow, I got to wondering if I'd actually stumbled across at least one of the reasons why the White House is being so secretive as to the identities of this Nerd Squad A-Team 
meets Mission Impossible - Saving Obamacare 2.0

Given the condescension that has come out of the WH over the past 5 years on a whole host of policy and political issues involving gender and identity politics, often greatly amplified by their echo chamber of sycophants in the Beltway press corps, especially among younger female reporters and producers, isn't it likely that seeing concrete facts or photos that confirm that the Obamacare rescue crew is largely composed of not just men but the dreaded White Men would just be too much of a PR buzzkill and "optics" problem for Team Obama to publicly countenance?

Instead of wholesome, free spirit, All-American girl-next-door and savvy computer nerd poster girl Angela Bennett (Sanda Bullock) in The Net, it's sixty-something year old Dads and Uncles with computer super-powers far beyond the ken of most normal mortals coming to the rescue.

Note what happens at 0:42.
Someone has hacked into a cabinet member's personal medical file. 

Just wondering...

Tech experts enlisted to help fix Obamacare website 
By CNN Staff 
updated 4:17 PM EDT, Thu October 31, 2013

Friday, August 16, 2013

Enterprising N.Y. Observer tech reporter Jessica Roy's latest post is about a sign of our sad times: Online ‘Sextortion’ Trend, the new blackmail, has targeted newest Miss Teen USA; California state Senator Anthony Cannella has bill to deal with this problem there, but what about Florida?

New York Observer 
Betabeat blog
Miss Teen USA Is the Latest Victim in Online ‘Sextortion’ Trend 
Cassidy Wolf says she was contacted anonymously by a hacker who claimed to have nude photos of her.
By Jessica Roy, August 16, 2013 8:58 a.m.

The FBI is investigating a “sextortion” plot involving Cassidy Wolf, who was crowned Miss Teen USA last weekend, according to the L.A. Times. Though an official declined to elaborate on details of the case, including whether or not a suspect had been targeted, the plot is the latest incident in a series of sextortion scandals in which hackers gain access to personal information about a victim and use it to manipulate them into handing over nude photos.

The last time I mentioned Jessica K. Roy, the clever editor of the N.Y. Observer's tech blog, Betabeat, and tech writer for the Observer was my September 18, 2012 blog post titled, Teen girl's despicable revenge plot goes viral -and now comes the backlash to her cyberbullying! New York Observer's Jessica Roy has the scoop on the video from Putin's Russia: "Video of Russian Teens Brutally Bullying Peer Goes Viral. Bullying breeds more bullying"; @JessicaKRoy

Her numerous previous post on the revenge porn and blackmail phenomenon are at:

As it happens, there's an AP story about what's going on with a Senate bill in California,
SB255to bring them into the 21st Century, though unfortunately, the penalty is only a year in jail and a $1,000 fine.

Read more here:

Bill's text:

@JessicaKRoy  @NewYorkObserver

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Who will replace FCC Chair Julius Genachowski? TIME ignores the Raddatz Corollary; Pretending to fix the digital divide, via federal grant program to extend high-speed Internet, is a great money-making opportunity for some to feed off taxpayers; Broadband Technology Opportunities Program

Who will replace FCC Chair Julius Genachowski? TIME ignores the 
Raddatz Corollary; Pretending to fix the digital-divide, via federal grant program to extend high-speed Internet, is a great money-making opportunity for some to feed off taxpayers; Broadband Technology Opportunities Program 
Not sure but per the Raddatz Corollary, the person selected by President Obama to take over at the Federal Communications Commission will likely have a spouse or ex-spouse who -coincidentally- is a network TV anchor, correspondent or executive that is much better-known than themselves. But TIME story ignores that angle of the story...

As FCC Chief’s Term Nears End, Speculation Grows Over Possible Successor
By Sam Gustin
February 21, 2013

One on One: Susan P. Crawford, Author of ‘Captive Audience’

The question of Internet connection speed and customer service is a matter of more than academic interest to me, in that I live very close to the oldest commercial road in South Florida, U.S.-1, a road that is quite literally chock full of wires and cable for everything technology under the sun.

I could hardly be more centrally-located and yet...
Though I'm supposed to get a certain level of service from AT&T for my U-Verse Internet connection, I've never received anything close to it, and neither do people I know in the  neighborhood who chose COMCAST.

Meanwhile, the new hotel I stayed at in downtown Stockholm last month, a nice bargain hotel but not a four-star hotel with pricey bells and whistles, had a speed of between 13 and 21 when I was online with my laptop watching videos of the ABC News Nightline episodes I was unable to watch.

The sped was so fast that it was like getting a direct feed from Sveriges Television (SVT) -no interruption, no flutter, just a super-sharp, clean transmission.
I was almost dizzy with the quality of the service!

I'm more than willing to pay a reasonable price for consistently "great" Internet service.
Right after I finally get a couple of months of the "good" service I was promised many years ago.

Meanwhile, to their credit, the New York Times, in the person of reporter Edward Wyatt, did a great job two weeks ago uncovering more damning information on one of the most un-reported news stories of the past several years -one that highlights the problems associated with too many well-intentioned people in authority over-reacting to legitimate concerns about the digital-divide and leaping before they look, leaving federal taxpayers on the hook and resulting in both waste and mis-allocated resources.

New York Times
Waste Is Seen in Program to Give Internet Access to Rural U.S.
A fiber optic installation in Flagler, Colo. Some rural towns have no broadband, and some are getting more than they want.
By Edward Wyatt
Published: February 11, 2013

AGATE, Colo. — The bank is gone from this once-thriving ranching and farming community on Colorado’s windblown eastern plain, as are the dairies, the hotel and the Union Pacific depot. The post office remains, at the corner of Main Street and First Avenue, the intersection of the town’s two paved streets.
There is not much that is modern in Agate, except at the 11-student elementary school, which has three high-speed fiber optic Internet connections — more than nearly every school in Denver, 70 miles to the west, and, for that matter, just about any school in the country. And it is something, the school says, that it doesn’t need.
Read the rest of the article at:

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Jeremy Hunt discusses the next phase of the U.K.'s ambitious superfast broadband plan and why it's necessary

Jeremy Hunt announces next phase of superfast broadband


Ambitious new plans for Britain's broadband

Earlier this month, British Culture, Media and Sport Minister Jeremy Hunt,
the former shadow Home Secretary, followed-up his earlier statements this summer on U.K. super broadband policy by announcing more specifics about what the British government plans on doing to increase not only the speed of Internet connections, but to greatly increase Internet usage in Britain, as currently, up to nine million Britons have NEVER used the Internet.
Out of a population of over 62 million.

The aim is to have
every community in the U.K., no matter how small, to have "access" to superfast broadband by the end of 2015. As you might've guessed, they're particularly keen to close the gap with many other Western nations -Ye Olde Digital Divide!

DCMS Press release:
Next phase of superfast broadband plans announced

Britain's Superfast Broadband Future

BT and the MIT Media Lab


For more information, see:

BT Global Banking & Financial Services YouTube Channel

YouTube Channel:

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Video: Channel 4 News technology correspondent Benjamin Cohen on the browser battle between Microsoft and Google for the British and European markets

I'm finally ready to play catch up on some news videos that I have been meaning to post here for quite some time. I think you'll find them quite informative and entertaining, which is the way the new should always be presented -but isn't. The first is one from February 15th from Channel 4 News (U.K.)

Technology correspondent Benjamin Cohen on the browser battle between Microsoft and Google for the British and European markets, Explorer vs. Chrome for customer loyalty and the $, Sterling & Euros that come to search engines.

February 15, 2010

Segment begins at 04:22

Benjamin Cohen's informative technology blog is at:

Catch up on the last seven days of Channel 4 News programs with their catch up service at