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Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan
Showing posts with label Piers Morgan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Piers Morgan. Show all posts

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Delicious! CNN Piers Morgan punctures smug CNN afternoon anchorbabe Brooke Baldwin's ill-founded predicate in attack on Romney. Morgan: "He's only been saying what's been happening."; #London2012

No, the predictable -and unexpected- safety, security and logistics problems associated with London hosting something as huge as the 2012 Olympics have NOT exactly been a secret, as this front page Sunday story from The Daily Mail makes clear: Minister's Daughter in Olympic Safety Scandal
Oh, dear! The cat is out of the bag. Just don't wake CNN's Brooke Baldwin, as she needs her beauty sleep.
Delicious! CNN Piers Morgan punctures smug CNN afternoon anchorbabe Brooke Baldwin's ill-founded predicate in attack on Mitt Romney. Morgan: "He's only been saying what's been happening."

Get it?
Romney's only been saying about logistics and security problems with the London 2012 Olympics what has been reported on the front pages of the British and Scottish newspapers for months!
They already know!

And it's been reported at the Drudge Report and on ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox News Channel newscasts for months, too.
That's why it's called "common knowledge!"

Taxi for Mr. Buckles -MPs savage G4S boss over Olympic chaos, The Guardian from last Wednesday, July 18, 2012.
So with so much being written, on the front page, something that a supposed-journalist like Baldwin should've known, or at least acted like she already knew was common knowledge, what gives with the dopey and smarmy attitude? 
Baldwin seems to be the last to know, the latest idiot who has a TV show.

(I'd planned on having some screenshots here of what took place around 2 p.m. on CNN but I'm having a problem downloading the photos from my videocamera.)

Jesus, that was so embarrassing, and really showed that left to their own devices, CNN's desire to go after Romney, who is clearly often his own worst enemy, when there's little rationale.
They do it because it's their natural instinct.
I'd forgotten why I didn't watch CNN during the day and Brooke Baldwin reminded me.

The real question is why Romney felt the need to say anything about it at all.
Oh, that's right, because NBC News Brian Williams asked him.
The same NBC that is airing the Olympics starting tomorrow.

Romney's comment should've been that he would mention his concerns or constructive suggestions to people who could actually do something about it, and that didn't include Brian Williams.

An hour after that 2 pm exchange with Morgan, yet another CNN host was brought on board to say something and Fareed Zakaria largely agreed with Morgan.
But then used that as an opportunity to attack the caliber of Romney's foreign policy people, including, surprisingly, Richard Armitage.

Hmm-m... I thought the Mainstream Media had voted that Armitage was a good guy because he was Colin Powell's top assistant under Bush 43, despite the fact that Armitage was the actual person who leaked the info about Valerie Plame
Powell acted ignorant about that publicly for months and months as people who were NOT involved, had their whole lives completely disrupted as they had to hire expensive defense attorneys during a government witch-hunt.

And lest you forget, one of the principal reasons that I've never liked Colin Powell and thought him a bit of a fraud is that despite all his tough talk about doing the right thing, when the opportunity presented itself, we never got any explanation from Powell on why he didn't publicly say that his assistant was the leaker.

Colin Powell didn't care about how much his secret affected those other Americans, he only cared about protecting his pal's identity. 
That's who Powell really is to me -an over-rated, aloof and self-absorbed person.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Is Adam Carolla the new Sheridan Whiteside? Skewers American media's strange love affair with Piers Morgan, slams the narcisissm running amok in U.S.

On an appearance on KTLA-TV (Los Angeles), Adam Carolla channels Sheridan Whiteside and skewers the American media's strange love affair with new CNN chat host Piers Morgan, and slams the narcisissm running rampant in the U.S., giving numerous examples of things that bother him.
Now that's funny -and true!

The best of all posssible worlds!

Adam's podcast, available for free, is currently the most-popular podcast on iTunes.
He'll be appearing at the
South Beach Comedy Festival next Thursday the 3rd at the
Colony Theater on Miami Beach and up at the West Palm Improv on Friday March 4th.

The Man Who Came To Dinner
, with Monty Woolley as Sheridan Whiteside, only one of my ten favorite films -and literary characters- ever.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Piers Morgan: 'Britain is breaking'

13-year-old becomes father

Piers Morgan: 'Britain is breaking'

In this video snippet from Thursday night's Question Time program on the BBC, show guest and journalist Piers Morgan comments on the case of 13-year old father Alfie Patten, what's emerged about his own upbringing, and what that portends for the youth of a country that already consistently leads Europe in almost every negative health and social behavior characteristic.

Morgan believes it reflects the breakdown of morality among young people in the UK."