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Showing posts with label Gary Planchar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gary Planchar. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Galling Geller Gambit II: Gary Plancher of Davie running against Ann Murray for Broward School Board seat -HERE

My comments follow these two blog posts on prospective
candidates for the Broward School Board, though for
a change, Lauren Book is not mentioned in either one.

Because the Herald doesn't have an Education
blog, the first one ran last Wednesday in their political
blog instead, a constant criticism of mine, while Buddy
Nevins advances the curious case of Gary Planchar
in Wednesday's Broward Beat.
Miami Herald
Naked Politics blog

By Patricia Mazzei
April 7, 2010

Until this week, only one of the four Broward School Board members seeking reelection had drawn an opponent: Laurie Rich Levinson had filed to run against Phyllis Hope.

Then Bob Parks drew a challenger for the first time in 12 years in Nora Rupert, a teacher at Piper High School. And now Ann Murray is being challenged by Gary Plancher of Davie. Murray, who was elected in 2008, represents the Southeast Broward district that includes Hollywood and Hallandale.

Read the rest of the post at:

Broward Beat

Applaude Two Board Members; Boo Bob Parks
By Buddy Nevins

Two School Board incumbents are doing something unusual – raising no money for their re-election.

Meanwhile, long-time School Board member Bob Parks has the usual suspects pouring money into his campaign.

Read the rest of the post at:

I have never heard of Plancher, and neither, apparently,
a week after the fact, has anyone else I know in Broward

But within a few minutes, I was able to discover that
Plancher, who lives in Davie, wrote the comments
at the bottom of this post about Anthony Man's
Sun-Sentinel article from last November, below,
which gives you some keen insight(!) into candidate
Plancher's views of residency rules and representing

He appears to be for whatever is best for him, rules
or no rules.

As I've been mentioning since last year, County
Commission candidate Steve Geller lives in
Cooper City, yet is running for a District he doesn't
actually live in -ours- and now, Plancher is
mimicking this galling Geller gambit, daring news
reporters to ask him about it or mention it in print
or TV.
They don't.

He's seen over a period of many months that
there is no apparent downside to doing this,
despite Mitch Caesar's crocodile tears, but
then again, Plancher's NOT the go-to
quote-meister for all occasions for South Florida's
news media that Geller has, unfortunately, become,
especially for the Sun-Sentinel, where he is
relentlessly quoted regardless of how little he
actually knows about a particular subject.

I found this info on Plancher on a Broward
website in seconds

Seriously, how lucky is Ann Murray to draw an
opponent like this instead of the savvy, serious challenger
that she truly deserves -who actually lives here-
who will go right at her and her dismal track record
with some vigor?

As you all know by now, I believe that track record is
a woeful one, given what Murray herself continually
said she'd do and be if elected: a pro-reform voice,
not an echo of the status quo

She's been well-nigh invisible in Hallandale Beach
since being appointed and then elected for the
remainder of Eleanor Sobel's unfinished term,
and has done almost nothing to justify the vote
some of us gave her, including yours truly.

Whenever I've written about her or Jennifer
in the past, I've received plenty of
negative email about them rather quickly,
often from people I personally know around
the county and deal with fairly regularly,
of course.

They offer up much of the same criticism as me,
albeit tinged with the hope that those two will,
eventually, do the right thing by their constituents
-some day.

Though "some day" never is a specific date on
a calendar as you and I understand it.

I take the more traditional point of view, which
is that past performance is the best predictor,
and that since neither has distinguished herself,
I don't have to pretend to like them when I don't.

What's most surprising to me is the large number
of very dis-satisfied, even angry voters/parents
in SE Broward, who've written me to say that
until they'd come across my blog comments about
these two characters, however they did, they had
thought THEY were the only ones around who felt
like they'd been had by Gottlieb and Murray in
past elections, since the education reporters down
here tend not to write negative stories about
individual School Board members, absent an
indictment or perp walk.

At first, I must admit, it was odd to hear that my
admission of voter remorse provoked pleasure in
others, but that's the case and I've learned to roll
with it.

Many of these same frustrated Broward residents
also wonder why South Florida's news media has
given the School Board members -in both Broward
and Miami-Dade
- so much latitude, since they
are elected officials, too, after all.

Of late, I've even heard a criticism voiced that I often
heard expressed up in Arlington County, VA, where
I lived for 15 years, which was that the reporters
assigned to the education beat, overwhelmingly female,
were more prone to be cheerleaders for the subject
in general, perhaps because of having teachers in the
family, and thus not likely to have the temperament
to really go after a School Board member with quite
the same relish they would a member of a city, county
or state elected body.

Not that you asked, but judging from my emails,
people are still really ticked-off about School C in
Hollywood, too!

But you need a qualified opponent first before you
can vote against her, and as Buddy Nevins notes
above, at present, Jennifer Gottlieb is a solo act.

Updated about 4 months ago
Gary Plancher
Gary Plancher
Rubbish, moving from one to another district will be a matter of formality.
should i avoid shopping in distrcit 9? absolutely not, Al jones is a very qualify
candidate and that is all matter? should Obama be running a country where
African Americans are not the majority?
it is simply that is not the way we do it in this country. qualification is what
Al jones will do an excellent job representing the district.
November 25, 2009 at 8:11am

In case you forgot:
BrowardPalmBeach NewTimes

Ann Murray Gets the Royal Treatment

By Bob Norman
Friday, Aug. 28 2009 @ 3:56PM

Broward County School Board Member Ann Murray was surrounded yesterday by sycophants who showered her with campaign checks.

It wasn't in her home district in the Hollywood area where she lives but in Okeechobee, the little town on the big lake up north. It was at a business called Royal Concrete Concepts, which currently has contracts worth at least $15 million to build storage facilities and other buildings for the School Board.

The company showed its appreciation for Murray's support with a shindig and plenty of campaign checks (we'll tally the number later). Make no mistake: When you're getting treated like a queen, it's hard not to succumb to the machine.

Read the rest of the post at:


At Broward County Commission meeting of January 27, 2009:

MOTION TO REAPPOINT Mr. Gary Plancher to serve on the Health and Sanitary Control Board. (Commissioner Rodstrom)


New commissioner's residency a huge issue or insignificant - depending on your political party prism
By Anthony Man
November 24, 2009

Broward Democratic Chairman Mitch Ceasar said Tuesday he’s outraged that Gov. Charlie Crist’s appointment to the Broward County Commission, Al Jones, doesn’t live in the district he’ll be representing.

Jones, a Republican, was tapped on Monday by the Republican governor to fill the vacancy created by the suspension of Democratic County Commissioner Josephus Eggelletion, who was arrested two months ago as part of an FBI undercover operation into corruption among Broward officials.

Read the rest of the post at: