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Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan
Showing posts with label Friday Night Lights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Friday Night Lights. Show all posts

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Minka-mania! Soon, South Florida will be Minka's World: we'll just live in it; Charlie's Angels premieres on ABC-TV next Thursday

ABC-TV video: Behind the Action of Charlie's Angels - Charlie's Angels

In no time at all, much to the dismay of some, this South Florida-set TV show will regularly be among the twenty most-watched and recorded programs in the U.S., Canada, Europe and Australia.

And with that, the professional scolds among some in academe and at the Think Tanks, the Usual Suspects, will decry the lack of positive role models for young girls on TV.

Until then, though, the adorable and delightful Minka Kelly is back again on the small screen, and as anyone who knows me or who has read the blog since it started over four years ago knows, that's great news.
Here at the Hallandale Beach Blog, we don't care who knows: We LOVE Minka!

Minka Kelly is the sexiest woman alive 2010. Esquire, November 2010.
She's definitely in the conversation!

Now if only there was some way to have a joint Burn Notice-Charlie's Angels episode!
I think Michael's mom would like Eve's (Minka's) spunk! (Look out, Fiona!)
Who doesn't like a smart woman with spunk -besides Lou Grant?
Not me!

For the record, I NEVER saw the Charlie's Angels films in theaters nor have I ever watched them on TV, since the premise and the assembled cast just wasn't very appealing to me.
But 35 years ago, I did watch some of the original shows once in a while...

Pilot episode of ABC-TV's Charlie's Angels (1976)

If you're a regular reader here, you already know about the erroneous Jaclyn Smith as my aunt story. If only...

Above, Chery Ladd and Gene Barry sing and dance in an episode from the original TV series. Oh, the things you have to do these days to catch a criminal or solve a mystery. Cheryl sang the national anthem before some Super Bowls, you know? Well, now you do.

It's neither here nor there but when former 'Angel' Chery Ladd (Kris Munroe) -my favorite- played James Caan's wife on NBC-TV's "Las Vegas," and had Molly Sims as her daughter, tell me that wasn't absolutely perfect casting?

The two of them together were perfectly believable!

1978 Hasbro TV commercial for Charlie's Angels action figures -Kris Munroe

As I put it on my other blog South Beach Hoosier years ago...


Something to cheer about! NBC's Friday Night Lights
Actress Minka Kelly as Lyla Garrity, the heartbreaking soul of the Dillon Panthers. I honestly don't think there's anyone on television with a more natural and beautiful smile than Minka Kelly. See past articles about the show at:

My last Minka-related post was on April 15, 2011 titled, Quality writing counts! 'Friday Night Lights' last season begins tonight at 8 p.m. on NBC-TV,

Friday, April 15, 2011

Quality writing counts! 'Friday Night Lights' last season begins tonight at 8 p.m. on NBC-TV

NBC-TV video:
FNL -The Final Season Begins

NBC-TV video: FNL Cast on Final Season

As you'll recall me mentioning previously, I watched all the Season 5 episodes of FNL on DirecTV already, so I can tell you with certainty that this is THE best season yet.

Review past LA Times Showtracker posts on FNL as necessary

Lots of great news nuggets below:

The Atlantic Online
'Friday Night Lights': How a Low-Rated Drama Launched the Next A-List
By Kevin Fallon
Apr 15 2011, 11:00 AM ET

Per the above, which comes with a photo gallery, I actually watch all the current TV shows starring the former FNL cast members.

I especially like Fox-TV's new show, The Chicago Code, with Matt Lauria and Jason Clarke as police detectives, Jennifer Beals as the Police Supt. (and Clarke's character's former partner),with
Delroy Lindo dazzling as usual as the ethically-challenged Chicago councilman, with both a do-good angel and corrupt devil perched on his shoulders.
They are pitch-perfect in their roles in a show that may be my favorite new 2011-12 show.

Last week's episode, "Wild Onions" was the best yet, and hopefully, Fox will show the wisdom to pick it up soon for a second season, since there are lot of compelling stories a cast this talented can tell about a city with a million stories.

A sneak for this coming Monday titled, "St. Valentine Day's Massacre"


New York magazine
Vulture blog
Where Are They Now? Comparing the Friday Night Lights Characters to Their New Roles
April 15, 2011 at 1:15 p.m.

Friday Night Lights Season 5 - BTS: How They Shoot - Now on DVD

Minka, we've missed you this past year!
We were relieved to have heard months ago that you're going to be spending so much time in Miami, both the real one and the TV version via
ABC's remake of Charlie's Angels.

Minka Kelly Is the Sexiest Woman Alive 2010

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Don't judge a book by its cover -or a sexy Superhero by her costume: video of Adrianne Palicki as Wonder Woman

Adrianne Palicki rehearsing a chase scene as Wonder Woman, Los Angeles, March 2011.

Adrianne doing what actors do the most on a set- waiting!
Might as well have her tresses worked on.

How many times as a kid did you ever heard the maxim, "Don't judge a book by its cover"? To which we now add the comic book corollary -or a sexy Superhero by her costume.

Last time we spoke of longtime HBB favorite Adrianne Palicki, late of Friday Night Lights fame and Lone Star -which I loved- was back on February 17th in my post, 'unknown' Adrianne Palicki cast as 'Wonder Woman' in David E. Kelley's upcoming NBC-TV show

Since then, our gal Adrianne has been busy going thru her Diana Prince paces, knowing that the whole world was watching, watching and watching some more, with lots of the recent commentary being on her evolving costume, much of which was decidedly negative

Style Bistro
Adrianne Palicki's 'Wonder Woman' Costume Looks Different
Written by Alicia on Mar-30-11 1:53pm
Lots of photos here, too!

Large photo of newest version of costume at:
Yeah, I noticed, too: they made the traditional red boots blue and the gold bracelets silver.

Which Wonder Woman Wears It Best? Lynda Carter Weighs In
By WSJ Staff
March 19, 2011, 5:37 PM ET

Adrianne Palicki on Criminal Minds (Part 1)
, The Thirteenth Step

This episode from two months ago might've been THE scariest episode yet of Criminal Minds because it also seemed like the most realistic -spree killers.

Speaking of TMZ, they still haven't mentioned Adrianne yet.
C'est la guerre!