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Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan
Showing posts with label Bristol. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bristol. Show all posts

Friday, August 19, 2011

Florrie, our favorite British 'Next Big Thing,' is back in the studio recording -next Thursday she's flying to L.A. to work on her next project

Florrie - Begging Me (2011). Directed by Price James.

"I won't lose the battle, not in love, not in war, cause I got something to fight for..."

Florrie Arnold, our favorite British 'Next Big Thing,' is back in the studio: reading, writing & recording. Hurrah!

The dynamic singer/drummer/guitar-player from Bristol is shown above performing "Begging Me," the infectious song that I've mentioned previously, here, which in these dog days of sweltering August, is STILL the number-one song I hum to myself in the car while stuck in South Florida traffic gridlock, of which we have so much, giving me so many more chances than a normal American to croon or hum it.

I've avoided a few chances this summer to mention what's new with Florrie because it hasn't really risen to the point of something worthwhile visually I could share, per se.

But early this morning, around 2 a.m., I received her latest blog post and it contained the news that I and her other fans have been waiting for, now that her six song Experiments EP has been out for a while. (Songs can STILL be listened to FREE on her website, bought on ITunes.)

After another few days of being in the studio, and then a photo shoot for the cover of her next album, she's flying out to L.A. next Thursday to work with some talented folks who are aiming to help her on her next project and, hopefully, get her the sort of attention she deserves on this side of the Atlantic.

Florrie - I Took A Little Something (2011). Directed by Justin Wu.

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention two things that I've thought of a lot the past few months, starting with when I first watched Robyn perform and dazzle on ABC-TV's Jimmy Kimmel Live show, which I wrote about on April 14th in a post I titled
Robyn - Call Your Girlfriend & Dancing on My Own - ABC-TV's Jimmy Kimmel Live; 13-Year-Old Girls Ruining American Idol Vote -and U.S. film industry!

Florrie would absolutely KILL on that show, esp. dressed as she is in the video in Dolce & Gabbana.
She'd positively send some of the audience into orbit and leave the rest of them slack-jawed.

The second thing is, IF Florrie has the time and gets the chance -are you listening out there?- since I know that she will be back in L.A. from Skåne by then, could someone from her team please ring up Jennifer Åkerman and arrange to meet Jen somewhere so that she can show Florrie around the town she now knows so well?
It would do everyone involved some good, not least of all, music fans.

A couple of helpful introductions here and there, interspersed with a few hours devoted to bouncing creative ideas off of one another, some shared laughs and a few drinks over dinner to see if there's something these two talented songbirds could do together in the future...
I'd kill to hear a few duets from them somewhere on Sunset... table for four, up near the front if it's alright with you.
Just thinking out loud...

But just because I'm thinking out loud here, doesn't mean that it's still not a VERY GOOD idea!

My first post on Florrie was back on March 5th, 2011, titled, Say hello to Florrie - She's musically ship-shape in Bristol fashion, always equipped with a beat & melody -and has a voice & face you won't forget,

Monday, May 30, 2011

Begging Me -First song from Florrie's new six-track EP out two weeks from today, June 14th

Florrie - Begging Me (2011)

Some of you who come to the blog fairly regularly -and esp. those of you who have a highly-tuned pop sensibility that more closely mirrors my own than your friends' or that of the town you live in- have already dropped me an email or two (or ten) asking why I've been so slow to post this first song video from the second Florrie Arnold EP -six-tracks!- which drops two weeks from today, June 14th, when it's been on so many other websites already.
Good question.

Mostly, it's because I wanted to wait 'till this weekend since my intuition has always been that the original release date announced, in late May, would not prove practical for one reason or another.
I guessed right, too, since the news about the release date change came a week ago today in a post by Florrie herself at her website, ending
There will be more news coming over the next few days as it gets closer to the new deadline :) Sorry that you guys have to wait a bit longer, but I promise it'll be worth it!

Since I last posted on her back on March 5th, 2011 in a post titled, Say hello to Florrie - She's musically ship-shape in Bristol fashion, always equipped with a beat & melody -and has a voice & face you won't forget, I've come across her very useful BBC artist page, which has links to all of her various appearances on the myriad channels of the BBC mother-ship, national and local.

Earlier this month Florrie was the cover subject of the Sunday Times Style supplement and someone, perhaps one of the perceptive management consultants she uses, even was smart enough to see the wisdom and humor of snapping a photo of her reading the magazine with just one eye peering above the magazine.

Check out that March post of mine out and then check the following for more info on this amazing dynamo:
Florrie's official website, where you listen to her introductory EP, with FREE downloads:
Florrie's official YouTube Channel

And we'll now end this post with her song from last year that still pops into my head every week at the strangest of times. Where was this song when I was at IU and could've used it?

Florrie - Give Me Your Love (2010)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Say hello to Florrie - She's musically ship-shape in Bristol fashion, always equipped with a beat & melody -and has a voice & face you won't forget @Florrie

Channel 4's T4: Introducing Florrie

Say hello to Florrie - She's musically ship-shape in Bristol fashion, always equipped with a beat & melody -and has a voice and face you won't forget. She's sort of like a fabulous Julie Christie-inspired musical Pied Piper for the 21st Century that you take an instant liking to.
Florrie Arnold, she's a charmer, this one!


Dolce & Gabana Channel: Their online magazine, SWIDE, scores an EXCLUSIVE interview with Florrie Arnold.

Florrie - Give Me Your Love (Nottingham Rock City, September 2010)
I just love this song and the way they perform it!
This is what LIVE performances ought to be like!

Florrie - Sunday Girl -Recorded in Paris, 2011 (Blondie cover)

official website, where you
listen to her introductory EP, with FREE Downloads:

Florrie's official YouTube Channel:
Florrie's Twitter feed,  @Florrie

official YouTube Channel:

Dolce & Gabana's
official YouTube Channel:


Florrie Arnold - Sunday Girl (Blondie Cover)

Musique de la publicité Nina Ricci "Nina L'Elixir"

Blondie - Sunday Girl (1979)