FOLLOW me on my popular Twitter feed. Just click this photo! @hbbtruth - David - Common sense on #Politics #PublicPolicy #Sports #PopCulture in USA, Great Britain, Sweden and France, via my life in #Texas #Memphis #Miami #IU #Chicago #DC #FL 🛫🌍📺📽️🏈. This photo of Cary Grant and Grace Kelly in Alfred Hitchcock's 1955 classic "To Catch a Thief" is the large Twitter photo on my @hbbtruth account

Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan, with iconic City Hall in the distance, on left, in Kungsholmen. In my previous life, I was definitely born there.

A reminder of why I and my savvy, sensible friends -like @UdenCatherine - push back vs. the serial nonsensical public policy + misanthropy fm #HollywoodFL City Hall, both the City Comm. as well as its often imperious, feckless, highly-paid, thin-skinned bureaucrats. THIS! ☀️🌴🏖️😎. Hollywood Beach, March 2025
Showing posts with label Angie Harmon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Angie Harmon. Show all posts

Thursday, November 28, 2013

It's all over at halftime -Angie Harmon wins! THE house in America that I (we) should've gone to today for Thanksgiving is @Angie_Harmon's; @jasonsehorn, PicturesOfAngie, @Madamefigaro, #nfl, #pigskin

Angie Harmon on WhoSay:


So at halftime of the first NFL game of the day this Thanksgiving, Packers at Lions, I think it's perfectly clear that we have a clear-cut winner.

THE house in America that I (we) should've gone to today for some delicious turkey, sweet cranberries, warm and friendly conversation, and some very informed football talk -via @jasonsehorn- for dessert is Casa Angie Harmon@Angie_Harmon, whom as I've written here on the blog so many times, we've always admired and adored for so many good reasons.
We thank the rest of you for participating, but we definitely have our winner!

But for those of you reading these words out in Hawaii, there's still some time for you to chew over these inspired recipes via nos amis @Madamefigaro: On mange bien!

Above, Angie on the cover of the September 2000 issue of Texas Monthly, the very-popular and critically-acclaimed magazine I frequently bought over the years at The News Room on the corner of K St. & Connecticut Avenue in Washington D.C., next to the Farragut North Metro station.
Back when I was living and working up there.

As it happens, I bought this particular copy, though, that sweltering first weekend of September 2000, after flying into DFW from DC for the wedding of my dear and oh-so-talented friend Shannon, in Sulphur Springs, TX, where her parents and sister had then-recently moved to from Hope, Arkansas.
Hope being where Shannon was born and grew-up and where more famously, Bill Clinton was born.
I bought it at the Walmart on the way to "dry" Sulphur Springs, where the cashiers looked like young Lynda Carters
Really :-)!

Shannon's mother knew Bill Clinton as a kid from across the street, of course, and Shannon had a wonderful photo of herself and BC on her desk for years at the Washington bureau of Nippon TV, at the National Press Building, from when she'd been in high school and was in Little Rock for some event while Clinton was governor of Arkansas. (Girls State?)
Shannon was a savvy and resourceful TV producer and sometimes on-air talent, thanks to her fluent Japanese that sometimes had her traveling across the globe following President Clinton or some other important story that Japan & Nippon TV were interested in.

Since I had roughly an hour drive ahead of me once I arrived in north Texas that Thursday afternoon, I stopped off at a Walmart along the way on I-30 so I could grab some soda, junk food and odds & ends for my hotel room, since with temps around and above 105 in the shade -if you could find some shade- I knew I'd need to keep my cold Coca Cola intake high for the duration.

The magazine rack with Angie's "Hey pardner" smile was one of the first things that I saw in the store and into my basket it went, toute-de-suite! 
And I still have it, too.

For those of you who may've forgotten, as well as those of you who are new to the blog, your faithful blogger -Dave- was born in San Antonio, and my mother's side of the family has been living in the beautiful Hill Country of Texas since 1855: Bandera.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Tweets of Note: Recent Political, Public Policy & Pop Culture tweets you may've missed -October 1 thru October 12, 2013 -From Amnesty to Angie Harmon, Jack Bauer to Jack Wilshere, Fraser Nelson to Mickey Kaus and illegal immigration

Congressman boasts immig amnesty will win because "there is no money on the other side" #wheresCommonCausewhenUneedit

"Jack Wilshere should stick to his guns over Englishness of Manchester United teenager Adnan Januzaj
Jack Wilshere is wrong to make U-turn over Manchester United prospect Adnan Januzaj's eligibility for England – not least because he has a point."

I wrote about Chaz's blog post on Monday in my blog post titled, "Chaz Stevens' latest blog post is a reality gut-check for the State of Florida re their lax enforcement of rules and laws re municipal CRAs, including where he lives in the Grand Duchy of Deerfield Beach, where bureaucratic self-enrichment is a tradition, not a rumor

James Romenesko @romenesko: Chaz Ebert: "Dear Roger, It has been six months since you left us, but...

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sasha Alexander & Angie Harmon, America's savviest, sexiest and most-likable TV crime fighters, return Tuesday night as Rizzoli & Isles returns to TNT for Season 3 at 9 pm Eastern. Love #rizzoliandisles

KTTV FOX 11 Los Angeles' Good Day LA: Sasha Alexander of TNT's Rizzoli & Isles, June 4, 2012.

Sasha Alexander & Angie Harmon, America's savviest, sexiest and most-likable TV crime fighters, return Tuesday night as Rizzoli & Isles returns to TNT for Season 3 at 9 pm Eastern, the first of 15 new episodes.

On Tuesday afternoon, TNT is re-running six episodes from Season 2 from 3 p.m. until the Season 3 premiere at 9 p.m. Eastern. The encore is at 11 p.m. 

ABC-TV's The View: Angie Harmon of TNT's Rizzoli & Isles, June 4, 2012.


TNT video: Rizzoli & Isles, Season Two Rewind!/tessgerritsen!/JaneRizzoli  @JaneRizzoli

We all know from all the TNT promos and teasers that Jane and Maura are on the outs after Jane changed her mind and might've shot Maura's criminal father, Paddy in the Season 2 finale, leading Maura to get all primal on Jane.

My own intuition -and knowledge of how TV dramas like to resolve things- tells me that as the first few episodes develop and the facts emerge, it'll become clear that that it wasn't bullets from Jane's gun that did the deed but rather bullets from the gun of Jane's love-interest on the DL, FBI Agent Dean. 
Which will be how and why the Internal Affairs folks come into the picture and "out" their relationship.

Did I mention yet that a few months ago, I was part of TNT's focus group that -theoretically at least - helped shape the  direction of the print ads for Rizzoli & Isles this season? 
There were some really good ones and some ones that seemed, well, not quite so inspired.
In any case, when they start showing-up in the usual media sources, I'll comment here from time-to-time on the news ones, since I kept notes on what I originally thought of the various renderings we were given to examine, and how they ranked among the ones I graded.

I nixed almost all of the more egregiously gun or handcuff-oriented ones -like what Kanal 9 uses in Sweden- just because they seemed to remind me of silly Grade B film ads from the 1960's and '70's, or seemed designed to appeal to people who aren't already watching the show.

While every show always likes to add viewers, at this point, since they have a winning formula and are getting very good ratings and have advertisers very interested in being associated with  the show, I think their priority ought to stay on making the show more consistent and on keeping their present viewers happy and properly motivated, not expending energy trying to get new viewers by portraying the show as something it's not.

Meanwhile, Angie Harmon has been making great use of that killer smile and killer body while 
production was dark on the Rizzoli & Isles set...

Craig Morgan- This Ole Boy (Official music video) features Angie Harmon. January 9, 2012.

Given what I've written here in the past about how much I like the stars and the show, it probably won't surprise you to learn that I'd watch this even if it were a silent film...

Above, beautiful and talented -and like me, Texas-bornAngie on the cover of the September 2000 Texas Monthly, which I bought when I still lived in Arlington County, VA -and was flying pretty frequently. The particulars are that I bought it iAugust of 2000 while I was at a Walmart located on the drive from DFW Airport to Sulphur Spings, halfway between Dallas and Texarkana on I-30, for a fabulous-but-hot weekend that featured the wedding of my dear friend, Shannon.
That weekend, when the Cowboys lost to the Eagles, it averaged between 110 and 115 degrees.

Monday, November 28, 2011

When TNT's 'Lady Law' knocks, open the door! HBB faves The Closer and Rizzoli & Isles return tonight to amuse and delight us -and boy do we need it!

When TNT's 'Lady Law' knocks, open the door! HBB faves The Closer and Rizzoli & Isles return tonight to amuse and delight us -and boy do we need it!

The Closer's 7th season continues tonight with the first of the five last episodes in the series on TNT tonight at 9 p.m., as we begin to suffer premature Kyra Sedgwick withdrawal.
"Thank you."

The repeat is at 11 p.m.

As most of you who follow the show probably know by now, TNT intends to spin-off Mary McDonnell's character of Capt. Sharon Raydor in their upcoming new series "Major Crimes."

As of now, I'm not quite sure when that will air, as they may wish to put it on right before the London 2012 Olympics airs late next summer on NBC's myriad outlets, and then come back in the fall. That's what I'd do if I was programming the network.

Season 2 of Rizzoli & Isles – returns tonight at 10 p.m. as "basic cable’s most-watched drama" with longtime Hallandale Beach Blog favorites Angie Harmon and Sasha Alexander as crime-solving sleuths for the Boston Police Department, with lovely Sasha as the drop-dead gorgeous and brainy forensics genius, below, to Angie's "Old School" moxie-filled detective.

Screen grab of Sasha Alexander by South Beach Hoosier.

To quote myself, "Love, Love, Love them!"
Their rapport is spot-on fabulous!

The show repeats at Midnight and then on Tuesday at 11 p.m.

FYI: Angie Harmon and Sasha Alexander will be tweeting during tonight's new episode! See!/RizzoliIslesTNT for more details, or ask a question directly to them @Angie_Harmon & @SashaAlexander1.

Need to catch up, see the Rizzoli & Isles - Season 2 Mid-Season Rewind

If you haven't already heard, TNT is already hard at work producing a drama for next summer called "Perception,"starring Eric McCormack, Rachael Leigh Cook, Arjay Smith and Hallandale Beach Blog fave Kelly Rowan, who so famously played Kirsten, USA's Covert Affairs' Peter Gallagher's on-screen wife in The O.C., a show I loved and never missed because of the clever and knowing dialogue.
And seriously, Rachel Bilson dressed-up as Wonder Woman to surprise Seth?
Both brilliant AND priceless!

Rachel Bilson as Wonder Woman in Fox-TV's "The O.C."

According to TNT's official press release -I'm on their mailing list and a member of their Inner Circle- Perception centers on McCormack as "an eccentric neuroscientist who helps solve complex criminal cases."
In Perception, McCormack plays Dr. Daniel Pierce, a neuroscientist and professor recruited to help the federal government crack difficult cases. His intimate knowledge of human behavior and masterful understanding of the mind give him an extraordinary ability to read people, but his eccentric view of the world and less-than-stellar social skills can often interfere with his work.
When I last saw McCormack on TV it was in one of the all-time classic episodes of USA's Monk, "Mr. Monk's 100th Case," as a TV host profiling Adrian's eccentric method of crime-solving. That episode was on IOn TV recently.
Hmm-m.. eccentric? Sounds familiar, no?

My last two post on these two shows were:
1.) July 12, 2010, Sasha Alexander fans rejoice! Sasha and Angie Harmon in Rizzoli & Isles finally premieres tonight on TNT at 10 pm and 12:05 a.m. Eastern,
2.) JULY 11, 2011, Oh, how I've missed you! Sasha Alexander & Angie Harmon's Rizzoli & Isles, and Kyra Sedgwick & Co.'s The Closer are back to delight us again tonight!


TNT webspage for The Closer:

The Closer YouTube Channel:

TNT's webpage for Rizzoli & Isles

Rizzoli & Isles YouTube Channel:

Monday, July 11, 2011

Oh, how I've missed you! Sasha Alexander & Angie Harmon's Rizzoli & Isles, and Kyra Sedgwick & Co.'s The Closer are back to delight us again tonight!

TV Guide magazine video: Rizzoli & Isles secrets! Angie Harmon and Sasha Alexander tell all!

Two of my favorite TV shows, TNT's Rizzoli & Isles and The Closer are FINALLY back tonight after what seems like forever. Or years.
Well, that is, it would seem like years if I didn't habitually watch the repeats, with Rizzoli & Isles having been run on TNT the past few weeks late night to remind people why it was the second-highest ranking cable TV show debut ever when it aired last year.

Watching Sasha Alexander & Angie Harmon's smart and knowing banter and sarcasm, and Kyra Sedgwick's spot-on quirky-meets-savvy-genius leading a team of LAPD detectives to solve an inexplicable mystery is always a treat for me.

They are two of the few TV shows that I never miss or watch while on the computer, since so much of what is conveyed on them is thru facial cues, not unlike some of the best moments of MASH.
You completely miss that element of familiarity if you're on the computer.

Above, a screenshot I took of Season One's finale which was repeated last week on TNT, where Maura (Sasha Alexander, right) has come over to the apt. of Jane (Angie Harmon) to help watch over her, after a perilous situation at the police station where they were held hostage. A few seconds after this scene, where Jane tried to tell Maura how to shoot after Maura has gone over the specs, the following dialogue occurs:
Laura (to Jane) while pointing the gun towards an imaginary miscreant: "Jane, do I look like a bad ass?"

Jane (responding and chuckling while walking to the kitchen):
"Yeah, you look like a bad ass."
How can you not love a show where they say that?

TNT video: Sasha Alexander gives us a tour of the new Season Two sets geared around her character, Maura Isles

TNT video:Go behind the scenes of an intense sequence on the set of Rizzoli & Isles and see how the cast train to make the action as realistic as possible.

See more interesting videos at the official homepage as Season Two begins tonight at 10 p.m.:

The season premiere of Rizzoli & Isles repeats Tuesday night at 8 p.m.

The seventh year of The Closer begins tonight at 9 p.m. and like everyone else, I'm eager to see what the repercussions are of Brenda's deliberate decision to drop-off a murdering gang-banger back in the 'hood where everyone knows that he robbed and killed someone at a neighborhood store that was off-limits for the warring gangs.
Earlier, he had conned Brenda and her Major Case Squad of detectives back at the station in a case involving three dead soldiers back from the war outside a night club, including his twin brother.
He got a plea deal for his cooperation, but afterwards, he revealed that he was the one who pulled the trigger at the store.

TNT video: Watch an exclusive overview of Season 7 of The Closer featuring interviews with cast and crew.

More behind-the-scenes videos at The Closer homepage: