Not surprisingly, four of the five most vulnerable House Democrats identified by The Hotline are Blue Dog Democrats, and the other seat currently belongs to one:
#5 Michael A. Arcuri (NY-24)
#4 Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (SD At-Large)
#3 Arkansas CD-1;
Rep. Marion Berry is not running for re-election.
Chad Causey, Berry's former Chief-of-Staff, is the Democratic nominee. http://www.chadcauseyforcongress.com/
This is the Northeast Arkansas district that's across the Mississippi River from Memphis, and an area I knew well as a kid, pre-Miami, when my family would drive across the bridge and go driving-around on weekend day-trips in our non-air conditioned Ford Falcon.
Not so bad when the weather was nice, but positively brutal in the summer!
#2 Glenn Nye (VA-2)
#1 Travis Childers (MS-1)
To me, Stephanie is the anti-Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, a real warm-hearted charmer with smarts, moxie and pluck AND a very sensible voting record.
I previously wrote about Stephanie on November 25, 2007 here:
The June 14th Rasmussen Reports was not exactly good news for her.
South Dakota House: Primary Victory Bounces Noem (R) Into Lead Over Herseth-Sandlin (D)
Connecticut Republican Senate candidate Linda McMahon's new campaign ad is also on this video.
See also: http://www.electionprojection.com/2010elections/openseats10.php
For more information on the Blue Dog Democrats, go to:
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