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Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan, with iconic City Hall in the distance, on left, in Kungsholmen. In my previous life, I was definitely born there.

A reminder of why I and my savvy, sensible friends -like @UdenCatherine - push back vs. the serial nonsensical public policy + misanthropy fm #HollywoodFL City Hall, both the City Comm. as well as its often imperious, feckless, highly-paid, thin-skinned bureaucrats. THIS! ☀️🌴🏖️😎. Hollywood Beach, March 2025

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Broward County Commissioner Stacy Ritter's indignant response to my post "Rearguard action against Broward County ethics proposals"

So imagine my surprise earlier tonight at hearing from Broward County Comm. Stacy Ritter out-of-the-blue -at bottom- after mentioning in my blog yesterday what some local news reporters have said on the record about the current fight over the Broward Ethics Commission's very sensible proposals.

Frankly, to be honest, compared to other things I've posted in the past, it was nothing terribly original on my part, per se, just connecting-the-dots a bit with some added facts I'd gleaned so that folks reading my blog would have some additional context for understanding the arguments
and what was happening now.

Obviously, I also had my
opinion on what was happening.

(But unlike
Comm. Kristin Jacobs a few months ago, who had an indignant aide telephone me a few times because she was upset that I'd written that in the opinion of myself and many others South Florida transportation advocates, she was a poor choice for the Broward MPO, given her lack of attendance at ANY of the high-profile public transportation meetings that I and dozens of other transportation advocates had attended over the past 4-5 years, Comm. Ritter -apparently- contacted me herself.)

The thing that makes no sense to me -
and perhaps will seem non-sensical to you as well- is why does Comm. Ritter think I should've contacted her directly before I linked to a news story about what State Rep. Ari Porth specifically said to the Sun-Sentinel'sBrittany Wallman?

I'm a reasonably skeptical person about almost everything I read or hear from the news media, but without any actual proof that
Porth would have a reason to lie -and why would he, since he has nothing to gain from saying something that could be easily disproved?- why would I doubt what's written in Wallman's blog post, per se, especially since Rep. Porth has been entirely consistent about wanting stricter scrutiny of elected officials in Broward?

I saw Rep.
Porth in person at the Broward Legislative Delegation meeting in January on the Ethics proposal, and he and Rep. Ellyn Bogdanoff were singing from the same hymn book on much-stricter ethics and accountability.

January 26, 2010 photo by South Beach Hoosier

Above, crowds milling around before the Broward Legislative Delegation meeting of January 26th, at the Broward College HQ on East Las Olas Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, which met to discuss a bill creating an Inspector General to be an ethical bloodhound tracking Broward's many miscreant pols. 
That's Miami Herald reporter Amy Sherman on the far left wearing the red top and blue jeans.

Besides, it's not like I'm a fact-checker -
at yes, The New Yorker- and nobody will ever read Wallman's story unless I give the okay about everything that's written.

I'm simply alerting people to what is being said about an issue of great importance, but I have no control over what was said or its truthfulness.

I wonder if Comm. Ritter is still angry about the public finding out via my email to Bob Norman of the Broward Palm Beach New Times a few months back about what she said about civic activist and Broward Coalition President Charlotte Greenbarg before the Broward Ethics Commission, one of the few meetings of theirs that I missed towards the end, where I was often the only member of the public present for the entire meeting?

My own post on this was on January 23rd, Broward County Commissioner Stacy Ritter Unplugged on Ethics

Then again, I'm sure
Ritter never paid much attention to that the same way that she and some of her colleagues never paid attention to a lot of things over the past few years, judging by the sad state of the county and the self-evident animus even formerly-apathetic residents have now for the county govt. and its myopic policies that far too often in retrospect appear to be shallow and self-serving in the extreme.

Above, January 26, 2010 photo of the Broward County Government Center in Fort Lauderdale, FL by South Beach Hoosier.

But then I'm so old-fashioned that way, since I don't personally believe that Broward County Commissioners should be able to get two bites of the same apple, serving on the Broward Planning Council and voting on a matter, and then voting on it AGAIN a few weeks later wearing their Commissioner hat, as Comm. Ritter did on the unpopular and controversial Diplomat LAC proposal in Hallandale Beach that Mayor Joy Cooper and the Hallandale Beach City Commission tried to cram down the throats of residents.
In that instance, the city only gave citizen taxpayers access to the Diplomat's already-filed public documents -and changes- via the city's website about 28 hours before the first vote of consequence, the city's P&Z Advisory Board. 
And the very next day, the HB City Commission voted 3-2 for the Diplomat.

A week before Christmas!
I consistently brought up the city's behavior before both the Planning Council and the County Commission to show the city's bad faith, an argument that apparently fell on deaf ears with Comm. Ritter, since I believe she voted for the development every single time.

While some civilian members of the Broward Planning Council who live some distance from HB were conscientious enough to actually visit the neighborhood to see what kind of negative
having four or five 25-30 story condos in what is largely now a single-family home and three-four story low-rise area would have, Comm. Ritter never bothered to see it for herself.
To be honest, based on how she's voted in the past, that's what my friends and I who worked so hard against the Diplomat plan expected -and she didn't disappoint.

I've deleted the
Blogger comment email address below after Ritter's name so that I don't get any spam in the future, as I already get more than enough.


For more on Broward County Comm. Stacy Ritter you may want to see previous Broward Palm Beach New Times stories and blog posts at 
or you can see her bio on her official web page on the county's website at

Also be sure to read Robert Wechsler's government ethics blog at

This particular post of his from last week deals with the subject at hand:
The Broward County Commission Should Not Be Challenging the Constitutionality
of a Lobbying Provision

Also check-out
and consider Bookmarking
and and the Broward County page at,_Florida
And finally, this Broward Beat post from Monday the 21st,
Legislators Must Take Up Ethics Reform

By Buddy Nevins

Only one thing could unite the badly-divided Broward Legislative Delegation: Disgust with the Broward County Commission.
Legislators’ revulsion at the commission is understandable.Anybody with a sense of decency is sickened by commissioners maneuvering for 10 years to avoid ethics reform.
Read the rest of the post at:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Stacy Ritter
Date: Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 9:46 PM
Subject: [Hallandale Beach Blog] New comment on Rearguard action against Broward County ethics pro....

Stacy Ritter has left a new comment on your post "Rearguard action against Broward County ethics pro...":
60 days ago I said I would vote for the Broward County Ethics Commission proposal. Today, nothing has changed. I have proposed a Broward County Inspector General to be voted on by the commission in August. As for Rep. Porth's assertion that I lobbied against the bill - it isn't true. I do believe that Ari was used by Republicans, some in elections of their own, to make this a partisan issue. What better way for Republicans to point fingers at Democrats than to have a Democrat, unwittingly, do it for them?

I have invited anyone who has questions about my personal or professional life to call my office (954.357.7003) and either speak over the telephone or come into the office and chat. To date, no one has taken me up on that offer. I guess it's just easier to make allegations and spew vicious lies than to actually care about the truth. I don't know who writes this blog, but you never contacted me and asked me if what Rep. Porth allege is true, which it is not. Had you bothered to call or e-mail me and printed my response, you would have known that. I take offense at being accused of things I haven't done. No doubt you would feel the same.

tacy Ritter

Posted by Stacy Ritter to Hallandale Beach Blog at June 21, 2010 9:46 PM

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