Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Contrary to contention of MSM, DNC & DWS, latest Rasmussen poll shows 61% of U.S. favor state laws that shut down 'repeat offenders hiring illegals

CNS News video:Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz denounced Republicans last week for believing illegal immigration "should in fact be a crime."

Related article at:

While I'm generally not a fan of polls conducted among Likely Voters -as opposed to habitual Voters- contrary to the U.S. Mainstream Media, the Democratic National Committee's army of apparatchiks on the blogosphere and their sycophants across the country in TV news rooms and newspaper editorial boards, not to mention, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz -who represents part of Hallandale Beach, and NO, it's NOT the blue-collar neighborhoods!- the latest Rasmussen Reports poll on immigration policy comes as absolutely no surprise to those of us with at least one foot anchored in reality.

In fact, it's
precisely what your own common sense and sense of fairness would tell you about Americans even before you saw the results -61% of the U.S. favors state laws that shut down 'repeat offenders hiring illegals.
Because, simply put, most Americans believe that everyone should have to abide by the rules and laws of THIS country.

Locally, n
o amount of biased, one-sided Miami Herald editorials or fact-free 'news articles' by Alfonso Chardy and Patricia Mazzei can change that.

These Herald articles all have something in common -they almost never publicly state that the position advocated by the very people the reporters seek to paint as sympathetically as possible, is, nevertheless, overwhelmingly opposed by the majority of the people living in this this country and this state, and they never reveal just how low that level of support is.

Amnesty for illegal immigrants does not and will not ever enjoy the popular support of the American people, and no amount of public demonizing by La Raza and the professional Latino advocacy/self-interest community will make it so.

Since their argument is not supported by either logic or reason or the 'numbers,' the reporters just ignore those inconvenient facts, and instead, write paens to the foreign-born parents who broke the law, intentionally overstayed their visa, never showed-up in court for their legal hearings, and in many cases, never learned much in the way of English in their 15-20 years in the United States, even as their foreign-born kids turned out to have figured it out.

Or, alternately, the Herald reporters try to make modern Peru or Colombia seem like a veritable hell-hole that no reasonable person would want to live in, even though the Herald itself, of course LOVES, LOVES, LOVES Latin America.

So which is it?
Emerging vibrant democracy or hell-hole?
It depends on what public image the Herald's editors want to convey to readers in their "news articles," doesn't it?

As I've stated in this space before a time or two, it's very, very curious that whenever they cover U.S. Naturalization ceremonies in South Florida, craving that money shot of the cute little kid waving the American flag, South Florida TV and print reporters -but ESPECIALLY the Miami Herald- NEVER EVER ask the new Americans who came thru the system LEGALLY after following the rules and doing the things required of them over a number of YEARS, whether they believe that immigrants who came to the United States illegally should benefit from breaking the law and get the same benefits as THEY now do.

No, that is a question that is NEVER EVER EVER asked by the South Florida news media.
And everyone knows why.

It's because the answers from the new Americans would NOT conform to the pro-amnesty bias of the reporters themselves and the media organizations that employ them. PERIOD.

They're so afraid of the truth and the power of that message being uttered by immigrants who followed the law, that the question never gets asked.

Rasmussen Reports
61% Favor A State Law That Would Shut Down Repeat Offenders Who Hire Illegal Immigrants
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
The U.S. Supreme Court late last week upheld the legality of an Arizona law cracking down on employers who hire illegal immigrants, and most voters support having a similar law in their own state.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 61% of Likely U.S. Voters favor a law in their state that would shut down companies that knowingly and repeatedly hire illegal immigrants. Just 21% oppose such a law, and another 18% are undecided.

Read the rest of the story at:

See also:

Washington Post

Supreme Court upholds Ariz. law punishing companies that hire illegal immigrants
By Robert Barnes
May 26, 2011

Arizona, the state at the forefront of efforts to crack down on illegal immigration, may revoke the business licenses of companies that knowingly employ undocumented workers, the Supreme Court ruled Thursday.

In a 5 to 3 vote, the court rejected arguments that control over illegal immigration is solely a federal responsibility and endorsed narrowly drawn state efforts to regulate the employment of those in the country illegally. Eight other states — Colorado, Mississippi, Missouri, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia — have passed similar laws that would punish companies for hiring undocumented workers.Link
Read the rest of the article at:

Fox News Channel video: President Obama's Border Speech Falls Short

For U.S. Government Accountability Office information on
Criminal Alien Statistics: Information on Incarcerations, Arrests, and Costs for Criminal Alien Statistics, see http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-11-187

Federation for American Immigration Reform YouTube Channel: