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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

"High Noon" in Hallandale Beach on Wednesday night? After so many months of HB City Hall intentionally stonewalling the public, the city's long-running CRA scandal and the Broward IG's damning report of the HB CRA Board, alleging "gross mismanagement" of millions of dollars, will FINALLY get a public airing on Wednesday at 6 p.m. at HB City Hall; Is the Florida Joint Legislative Auditing Comm. poised to come to the rescue of long-suffering HB residents who've longed for a complete audit of the entire CRA for many years, and want to see some punishment after years of ZERO accountability and little tangible to show for the MILLIONS that went out the door?

Above, looking north on U.S.-1/S. Federal Highway at the scene of so much of the toxic public policy problems in our small ocean-side city the past ten years, where logic, reason and integrity rarely if ever intersected, with residents, taxpayers and small business owners always taking it on the chin and the powers-that-be doing whatever they wanted with no fear of punishment: the Hallandale Beach Municipal complex, 400 S. Federal Highway. January 29, 2013 photo by South Beach Hoosier. ©  2013 Hallandale Beach Blog, All Rights Reserved
"High Noon" in Hallandale Beach on Wednesday night? After so many months of HB City Hall intentionally stonewalling the public, the city's long-running CRA scandal and the Broward IG's damning report of the HB CRA Board, alleging "gross mismanagement" of millions of dollars, will FINALLY get a public airing on Wednesday at 6 p.m. at HB City Hall; Is the Florida Joint Legislative Auditing Comm. poised to come to the rescue of long-suffering HB residents who've longed for a complete audit of the entire CRA for many years, and want to see some punishment after years of ZERO accountability and little tangible to show for the MILLIONS that went out the door?

Today's important blog post consists of two parts. The first is a group email that I sent out this morning around 8:45 a.m. to a much larger than usual number of people in South Florida and around the state, after having noticed a new and interesting post over at Broward Bulldog regarding the never-ending scandal that is the Hallandale Beach CRA, and the efforts of the powers-that-be at HB City Hall to cover-up all the financial facts for as long as possible and avoid a thorough audit by credible third-parties. It's pretty self-explanatory.

I also have something from somebody for you to peruse the insightful email that was sent out last week by former HB Commissioner Keith London regarding Wednesday night's important HB CRA Board of Director's meeting at City Hall, the very first opportunity the public has had to discuss this matter, despite the Broward Inspector General's report on the city's "gross mismanagement" having come out months ago.

Besides the usual assortment of well-informed Hallandale Beach, Hollywood and Broward residents, activists and bloggers, and the handful of reliable news media members I trust, I also sent it to Florida Governor Rick Scott, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi,  Florida CFO Jeff Atwater, Florida state Senators Don Gaetz, Jack Latvala, Joseph Abruzzo and Jeremy Ring, state Rep.Lake Ray, Broward Inspector General John W. Scott and Broward County Commissioners Sue Gunzburger and Barbara Sharief, both of whom represent parts of Hallandale Beach in their district.

Sen. Gaetz is the Florida Senate President, Sen. Latvala is the Chairman of the Ethics and Elections Comm., while Rep. Ray and Sen. Abruzzo are the Co-chairmen of the important Joint Legislative Auditing Committee, which Sen. Ring is a member of.
Sen. Ring is the only state legislator receiving my email today who is actually from Broward County. 
You more regular readers of the blog who pay attention and who connect-the-dots quicker than the news media know perfectly well why contacting state Senator Eleanor Sobel and or state Rep. Joe Gibbons would've been a waste of time, reasons which I explained in a recent post about this matter.

I have previously discussed the work of the JLAC a few times before here on the blog and the important role they might have if the Broward County Commission didn't do anything last month, which is exactly what happened

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Local10 video: Hallandale Beach CRA accused of misspending $2.1 Million
Broward County Commission takes no action on audit request.
Reported by investigative reporter Bob Norman
Published On: Jun 04 2013 07:11:25 PM EDT, Updated On: Jun 05 2013 11:01:19 AM EDT

Broward Bulldog
Hallandale may seek Attorney General opinion on CRA spending; statewide impact seen
By William Gjebre, 
July 9, 2013 AT 5:56 AM

Hallandale Beach city commissioners on Wednesday will consider asking the Florida Attorney General for a ruling on how community redevelopment funds can be spent, a decision that could have a far-reaching impact.

“This is an opinion that would affect every CRA in the state of Florida,” Hallandale Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) attorney Steven Zelkowitz cautioned city commissioners at a recent meeting.
Read the rest of the post at:

Until I saw this article an hour ago, I was planning on sending out an email later this afternoon that I thought you'd find of great interest 

In it I'd cordially invite everyone to attend this "High Noon in Hallandale Beachre the HB CRA scandal on Wednesday at 6 pm at HB City Hall, and come watch in awe as the city once again tried their best to obfuscate, lie and spin its way out of a hornet's nest while denying any culpability at all.

And, of course, I'd have implores you of the great importance in attending this meeting so that you, too, can bear witness to what some of us concerned HB residents have been watching in plain sight for years while responsible parties did nothing but avert their eyes.

I call it "High Noon in HB" because of what's truly at stake tomorrow night:
HB City Hall's longstanding lack of ethical integrity and the CRA Board's desire to "Win friends and influence people" thru old-fashioned crony capitalism  and dollars not their own, with little-to-no public accountability, despite  lots of high-paid staff that never inspired confidence among the public and who never evinced much-if-any concern with such picayune matters as laws, norms and ethics, to say nothing of the community's long-term best interests.

Those of you who think you will hear an even semi-plausible or reasonable explanation from Mayor Joy Cooper, Comm. Alexander Lewy and City Manager Renee Miller for why they have fought so hard to prevent a public meeting on the facts of this matter of great public importance, down to them publicly haranguing members of the public -and publicly haranguing other members the elected City Commission- who DID want to talk publicly
and candidly about it, and the millions of CRA dollars that have flown out the door with so little tangible to show for it, are, I'm afraid, in for a great deal of disappointment.

This is not Japan, so they will NOT apologize for their longstanding stonewalling, nor will they oblige you in trying to explain their stealthy actions and words of the past several months, just as they believe they never needed to publicly explain to you why they have fought so hard and for so long to prevent a public audit of the entire HB CRA from ever taking place.

And no, to answer another question I anticipate, you will also NOT hear any reasonable explanation tomorrow night, years-after-the-fact, for why Comm. Lewy, after midnight at a HB CRA meeting with few if any residents still in attendance, tried to funnel over $200,000 in CRA funds to a group controlled entirely by Comm. Anthony A. Sanders  and his wife, Jessica.

And to do so without ever mentioning the actual name of the group publicly, but instead, by erroneously referring to their so-called stellar track record.
A "track record" that the facts show is anything but stellar and a non-profit group which is and has been anything but transparent and accountable to the public for the money they've received for so many years from the city.
In other words, don't hold your breath waiting for battlefield conversions.

Below is the simple and common sense email from Keith London that he sent out last week to give the area an idea of what was really going on, and which I forwarded to many of you here in South Florida and around the state who are not on his email distribution list.

By the way, as of this morning, I've still NOT received all the public documents I formally requested weeks ago via a Public Records Request about Mayor Cooper, City Manager Miller and lobbyist Judy Stern and their intense lobbying efforts to prevent the Broward County Commission from voting for an audit of the HB CRA via the Broward County Auditor's office.

NOT in my email but posted here on the blog for your information and education:

The reference above to Comm. Lewy refers to his actions and words at the public meeting of July 19, 2011, mentioned in my blog post of August 1, 2011
While you were sleeping: Comm. Alexander Lewy's budget chicanery & Liberal Guilt just cost you another $200,000-plus. For what and for whom, exactly?

See also:

FRIDAY, MAY 3, 2013
Csaba Kulin asks Hallandale Beach City Attorney Whitfield THE question HB citizens have long wondered, esp. as the Broward IG's Office has been busy investigating the city and turning-up mountains of incriminating and jaw-dropping evidence: Who at HB City Hall is supposed to make sure that applicable laws, ordinances and rules, especially those regarding ethics and conflicts of interest, are followed and enforced fairly? Teaser Alert: You won't like her answer

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Keith London
Date: Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 10:30 AM
Subject: Finally- Hallandale's First Public Meeting to Discuss the Response to the OIG Report

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This is a reminder there is a meeting scheduled for next Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 6:00PM of the City Commission in conjunction with the Hallandale Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (HBCRA) Board of Directors to review and discuss the City's/HBCRA's Final Draft Response to the Broward County Office of the Inspector General's Investigative Report.
The response to the OIG and Florida Legislature is due on 7-16-13, two weeks from today.
There is NO back up material at this time.
This meeting would not be taking place if not for Commissioner Lazarow making a motion seconded by Commissioner Julian and majority voted by Commissioner Sanders. Copper and Lewy voted NO to a public meeting and would still like everyone to believe nothing happened.
The following are the links to the documents from the Broward OIGs office for your review:
Broward County Office of the Inspector General, “Regarding Gross Mismanagement of Public Funds by the City of Hallandale Beach and the Hallandale Beach Community Redevelopment Agency:
  • The Inspector General made various recommendations on report page 56 related to ensuring the independence of the CRA and requested a status report by July 16, 2013. We are interested in the policies and procedures that City and CRA management intend to implement to ensure compliance with the requirements of Chapter 163, Part III, F.S.

Letter from the Florida Legislature Joint Legislative Auditing Committee requesting the following:
  • Please provide documentation to support how the initial amount was determined. If any estimates were used in determining this amount, please provide an explanation of the basis for using such estimate and how the estimated amount was calculated. Also, please provide the detailed spreadsheet that Ms. Ladolcetta references in her response.  
  • Please provide the specific authority upon which the City relied to use CRA monies for the above-noted expenditures. Absent specific authority to support the use of CRA monies for expenditures not authorized by Chapter 163, Part III, F.S., or not included in the CRA Plan, it appears that the CRA monies should be restored to the CRA Fund.
  • In addition, to resolve the disagreement, we request that the City Council, sitting as the governing board of the CRA, request an opinion from the Attorney General regarding the specific expenditures in question. The City Council should ask the Attorney General the following question(s): (1) Is the use of the CRA funds for such expenditures allowable under Ch. 163, F.S.? and (2) if not, should the City restore the funds to the CRA? In addition, we suggest that the City Council agree to abide by the Attorney General’s Opinion.
  • Please provide a copy of the status report to the Committee at the time it is sent to the Inspector General.

Hallandale’s Staff Response to the preliminary OIG report.
This is referred to as “staff’s response” because the meeting next week is the first time the OIG report is an official agenda item. To date, there has never been an official motion, resolution, vote or action by the city commission or CRA board of directors related to this important issue.
The lack response and oversight of this issue by Cooper has cost the taxpayers an additional $40,000 for the CRA attorney because of the additional work necessary to appropriately respond to the OIG Report and the Joint Legislative Committee Letter.
In Cooper’s and Lewy’s opinion, this issue is being appropriately handled by the City and CRA attorneys and requires no further discussion or explanation to the public; hence no transparency.  Please clickhere to listen and watch the June 17, 2013 CRA meeting:
But Cooper and Lewy refuse to respect the opinion of The State of Florida Attorney General the highest attorney in the great State of Florida. Please read the opinion here.
Please plan on attending this meeting and supporting open transparent government.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need additional material.
Keith S. London

Cell: 954-494-3182

Monday, July 8, 2013

So guess who fell off the truth-telling bandwagon and got back to his familiar logrolling ways in the Miami Herald? Yes, Maurice Ferre of the Miami-Dade Expressway Authority; FL state Rep. Jeanette Nuñez is 100% correct -the MDX is overstepping its boundaries. Facts show they are arrogant and territorial as hell, and it's clear they want to expand their fiefdom!

View Larger Map
So guess who fell off the truth-telling bandwagon and got back to his familiar logrolling ways in the Miami Herald? Yes, Maurice Ferre of the Miami-Dade Expressway Authority; FL state Rep. Jeanette Nuñez is 100% correct -the MDX is overstepping its boundaries. Facts show they are arrogant and territorial as hell, and it's clear they want to expand their fiefdom!
My comments are after the spin.

Miami Herald
Letter to the Editor
MDX is doing its job
July 7, 2013

Re state Rep. Jeanette Nuñez’s June 30 letter, MDX is overstepping its boundaries:

The Miami-Dade Expressway Authority (MDX) was created by the Florida Legislature and the Miami-Dade County Commission in 1994 as an agency of the state. Seven of MDX’s board of 13 members are appointed by county commissioners and six by the governor. 

On March 19 and June 18, 2013, MDX held public hearings on the rate issue for State Road 836. The MDX Board voted 7-5 in favor of the 70-cent option over the one for 60 cents. This new rate starts the summer of 2014. 

The toll policy and new toll rate were studied, discussed, debated and publicly aired for several years. We are no more a monopoly than the Florida Department of Transportation or Florida’s Turnpike. MDX staff and I, as chair, visited every county commissioner and as many city mayors as would see us to review plans. We were before several editorial boards, on radio and TV talk shows. The Miami Herald covered the toll issues amply and fairly. 

In the six advertised public meetings, two webinars and two public hearings, there was minimal participation. In the last public hearing MDX received the objection and concerns of seven legislators and five mayors preferring 60 cents rather than the 70-cent toll rate per mainline gantry. 

In the same Miami Herald edition, there were other articles on government expenditures for Jackson Health System’s $830 million “wish list” and the county water and sewer department’s pipe plan. Florida’s Turnpike implemented a $12 million-a-year toll hike recently. 

Freedom is not free, and progress has a cost. Americans, and Miamians, well understand that our infrastructure needs drastic repairs. As painful as toll increases are, doing less than our best would be more painful to travelers. 

MDX gets no money from Washington, Tallahassee or Miami-Dade County. If any of these governments wants to help MDX financially, we would gladly review our decisions. 

For seven years Congress has failed to adequately fund the U.S. transportation needs. Bridges are failing everywhere, even, unfortunately, our own Bear Cut Bridge in Key Biscayne. Many local cities, like the growing Doral, are concerned that traffic pains will slow growth and affect quality of life. 

Good public policy requires difficult decisions for all of us. MDX is not overreaching. MDX is doing its job. 

Maurice Ferre, chair, MDX, Miami

A few weeks ago Ferre seemed to be trying to play the all-too-rare voice of reason in Miami-Dade County by opposing fare hikes of this stealthy body most people in M-D not only DON'T understand, but instinctively hate -for good reason.

Unfortunately for both residents and common sense, that was all a mirage, since he's now back to playing the role of sycophant to the hilt that's been his designated role since he's fallen to the outer fringes of relevant politics and public policy.

It's really great that the Herald's feeble-minded Editorial Board is so bereft of any common sense that despite this being known as one of THE most apathetic and least civic-minded regions in the entire country, they run this piece without any mention whatsoever that Ferre is the former mayor of Miami -and wannabe mayor of M-D County- so that all the legions of 
know-it-alls from Aventura to Florida City who moved down here since Hurricane Andrew hit, and as we know, think they know everything -many of them, Jets fans, of course- can have some useful context to better understand a pol calling for more money for his latest crew of insiders.

Naturally, to make the whole log-rolling effort complete, Ferre compliments the Herald.
How did I know THAT was coming?

The original Letter to the Editor that Ferre's spin exercise was trying to undo was this bit of spot-on truth-telling:

Miami Herald
Letter to the Editor
MDX is overstepping its boundaries
June 29, 2013

Miami-Dade County commissioners created the Miami-Dade Expressway Authority (MDX) in 1994 to ease traffic congestion and establish local control of toll revenues. Two years later MDX took over the five busiest roadways in the county — the Airport, Dolphin, Don Shula, Gratigny and Snapper Creek expressways. While its foundation and the original intentions of MDX were necessary at the time, in recent months, MDX has overstepped its boundaries and taken advantage of its de facto monopoly over Miami-Dade’s major roadways. 

MDX originally approved a fixed toll rate of 70 cents for the Dolphin Expressway in March, and after a 60-cent alternative was introduced, it called for a public hearing where community members and elected officials could voice their opinions on the matter. On June 19, voice them they did. 

In fact, I and several colleagues from the Miami-Dade legislative delegation attended and condemned the toll increase at an MDX board meeting. We asked the board to pass the less costly alternative, a 60-cent toll per gantry. Nonetheless, the motion for the lower toll failed on a 7-5 vote, even in the face of widespread public opposition. 

Therefore, the MDX board went about its business — not the people’s business — and passed the resolution increasing tolls to 70 cents per mainline gantry and 30 cents per ramp gantry. Before this change, the roundtrip tolls from my district in southwest Miami to downtown were $2.50. If the new tolls are implemented, the cost would rise to $4.20. Commuters who use the expressway will see an increase in what they spend on tolls when the new charges begin next summer. 

MDX has vastly overreached its boundaries as a quasi-governmental body and I hope to remedy the situation for my constituents legislatively before the charges come into effect in June 2014. To borrow the term coined by Roll Back Tolls, MDX is practicing “tollation” — tolling without representation. 

Even though MDX is a state-sanctioned agency, there are systemic inadequacies within its structure. I’m worried that MDX is not held properly accountable for its decisions because there are no elected officials sitting on the board and it has not prudently explored other options to finance future projects. I’m also worried about MDX’s apparent monopoly over tolls in Miami-Dade County and its inability to engage in active listening with the public. 

This decision to raise tolls portrays MDX as having little concern for the economic well-being of the resident, and I will remain adamant in supporting my constituency on this controversial issue. 

Jeanette Nuñez, state representative, Miami

As always, you can read much more analysis on other problems associated with the arrogant folks at MDX at Transit Miami, where they've been hip to what MDX has been doing for as long as I've been -expanding their fiefdom.

Transit Miami @transitmiami
"Transit Miami is an online web journal dedicated to advancing smart growth oriented land use policies, and mutlimodal transportation in South Florida."

Jeanette Nuñez's profile on the Florida legislature's website:

Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Söderberg sisters come to the rescue of our Summer boredom! "First Aid Kit" performs 'Emmylou' LIVE at 2013 Glastonbury Festival (HD); Dancing Barefoot; Paul Krugman finally "gets" @FirstAidKitBand and promptly falls for them -hard!

2Shaymcn YouTube Channel video: First Aid Kit Emmylou Live Glastonbury 2013 ) HD
Uploaded July 6, 2013.
More heavenly harmonies from Sweden's Klara and Johanna Söderberg.

I've waited a few days in posting this because there were so many legal problems associated with the BBC's telecast of this performance that the videos were being pulled and yanked off of YouTube almost as quickly as they were being uploaded.
Frankly, I didn't want to have to play a game of 'Musical Chairs' again -get it- and constantly need to be double-checking this post and replacing one embed code for another as various versions get yanked like falling dominoes. 

Me, I prefer that when I place a video here on the blog -unless it's something from SVT or that tells you upfront that it'll only be available for viewing for a finite period of time- that the video stays put and doesn't migrate somewhere.

Klara and Johanna even posted a non-BBC version via their twitter feed and it got pulled down, too. In fact, here's that tweet from Monday:

But patience pays off for you the faithful blog reader, even though you didn't know what was going on behind the scenes, as blog YouTube fave 2Shaymcn, ace Abba and Swedish and British music lover and chronicler, one of the first people I ever subscribed to when I got my YouTube account years ago, has come to the rescue once again, via the vid up top.

NME discusses their playlist on the last day of the English music festival here:

I noticed right before watching "Key Largo" for the millionth time on Turner Classic Movies on Saturday night that liberal economist and N.Y. Times columnist Paul Krugman mentioned in a new post that he has officially and finally fallen for Klara and Johanna, finally "gets" them, after hearing their cover of Patti Smith's "Dancing Barefoot "at the 2011 Polar Music Prize award telecast honoring her and Kronos Quartet.

You can watch a video of the whole ceremony here:

Here's another video of them performing "Emmylou" LIVE in Nashville that I'd meant to post here before I left for Stockholm in January.
It was done for MTV USA's The Big and Best of 2012. Uploaded December 12, 2012

Get More:

My last four blog posts about First Aid Kit are here:

The official music video for Emmylou 

First Aid Kit - Emmylou

Trending -with style!- at Hallandale Beach Blog: Maria Sharapova and her knowing, nuanced and amusing tweets about sports, food, fashion, travel and the unusual under-the-microscope life she leads; @MariaSharapova, #Sugarpova, #Stockholm: ABC News Nightline video of her 2010 trip to Chernobyl

Trending -with style!- at Hallandale Beach Blog: Maria Sharapova and her knowing, nuanced and amusing tweets about sports, food, fashion, travel and the unusual under-the-microscope life she leads; @MariaSharapova, #Sugarpova, #Stockholm: ABC News Nightline video of her 2010 trip to Chernobyl
Here at the blog we love her because she's STILL so remarkably level-headed and thoughtful despite all her great success, on and off the court! 
If @MariaSharapova is NOT playing in the finals of a Women's Grand Slam, like this morning's Wimbledon finals, chances are high that we won't watch it for more than 15-20 minutes at a time.

The other crazy thing is that for reasons not worth getting fully into here, because of Maria Sharapova's upbringing via her parents, despite her being born in Russia, she's demonstrably more pro-American and down-to-earth -and better informed- than most members of the current U.S. (and European) Mainstream Media that's covering Wimbledon on TV/cable and which you'll be reading online over this Fourth of July weekend, especially the jaded and  blasé under-40 women
Some of us really appreciate that aspect of her winning personality.

My last blog post on Maria Sharapova featured a very good ABC News Nightline segment that originally aired on August 17, 2010.called Out of the Ashes: Maria Sharapova .
It dealt with her visiting the general area near where she might've been born, about 100 miles from Chernobyl -correct, THAT Chernobyl- where her parents lived UNTIL AFTER the 1986 nuclear accident that led them to western SIberia, due to radiation fallout and concern with birth defects.
Maria was born about 51 weeks after the disaster.
The second part of the video focuses on her first yisit there since she was 13 years old.

That November 28th, 2010 blog post was titled, Anna Poslavska, 2010 Miss Ukraine, has a doppelgänger who frequently hits the Panera in Hallandale Beach; Maria Sharapova in The Ukraine

E:60 Maria Sharapova From Russia With Love Chernobyl, 2010.
Narrated by then-ESPN correspondent Rachel Nichols. 

which is more interesting when you remember that three months ago, she tweeted about fictional Swedish literary icon, Pippi Longstocking...

The thought that popped into my head while writing this:
Longest legs, Maria Sharapova vs. Stacey Keibler
I think we might need a Tale of the Tape to figure that one out for sure.

Friday, July 5, 2013

More on Broward County politicians' residency ruse: Is intentionally violating & evading the Florida Constitution 'the new normal' for ethical standards in the Sunshine State? Latest facts & chronology regarding at least 5 Florida legislators from Broward -and one Broward Commissioner- who DON'T live full-time in the districts they were elected to represent

More on Broward County politicians' residency ruse: Is intentionally violating & evading the Florida Constitution 'the new normal' for ethical standards in the Sunshine State? Latest facts & chronology regarding at least 5 Florida legislators from Broward -and one Broward Commissioner- who DON'T live full-time in the districts they were elected to represent
Why would you expect an individual who values power more than integrity and who doesn't really live full-time where they do, to care as much about the actual day-to-day Quality of Life and problems of those constituents and small business owners as someone who does?
It's part of why it's called representative democracy.

It's supposed to be a lot more than just any old job you drive to from somewhere else.
Sometimes, things are exactly what they look like.
This is just such a time.

video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player
Local10 News video: 
Senator caught on video staying outside district, Maria Sachs has home in Boca Raton, claims to reside in Lauderdale condo
Bob Norman, Reporter,
Published June 26, 2013 04:45:07 PM EDT

video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player
Local10 News video: 
Broward Commissioner's residency claims don't hold up, 
North Miami mayor sued over city's residency rule
Bob Norman, Reporter,
Published June 25, 2013 03:07:21 PM EDT
Updated June 25, 2013 11:00:00 PM EDT, 
Related article at:

Media Trackers Florida
City Commissioner in Florida Resigns Under Residency Questions
By Tom Lauder
June 21, 2013

Local10 News video: 
Florida Democratic leader caught living outside district
Bob Norman, Reporter,
Published June, 12 2013 03:34:55 PM EDT, 

Media Trackers Florida
Florida State Rep. Joseph Gibbons Avoided Making Residency Claims Under Oath
By Tom Lauder
May 3, 2013

Media Trackers Florida
Florida Residency Games Are A Family Affair for Florida State Rep. Joseph Gibbons
By Tom Lauder
May 2, 2013

Media Trackers Florida
Florida Rep. Joseph Gibbons Appears to Violate Constitution's Residency Requirements
By Tom Lauder
April 16, 2013

Media Trackers Florida
Florida State Rep. Hazelle Rogers Flaunts Constitution's Residency Requirements
By Tom Lauder 
April 15, 2013

-Related ethical problem
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
State attorney probed Gibbons' campaign funds
By Brittany Wallman
11:14 a.m. EDT, April 15, 2013
Office of Broward State's Attorney closeout document re Joe Gibbons commingling campaign funds and personal funds, where he blamed his staff for all the problems.

South Florida Sun-Sentinel
County Commission candidate's ties to Broward questioned
Gibbons' wife, young kids live elsewhere
By Brittany Wallman, Sun Sentinel
April 12, 2013

Media Trackers Florida
Florida House Minority Leader Claims to Live With Felon to Meet Residency Requirement
By Tom Lauder
April 11, 2013

Media Trackers Florida
Florida Senator Maria Sachs Thumbs Nose at Residency Law
By Tom Lauder
April 4, 2013

Media Trackers Florida
Florida Legislator Claims to Live Separately from His Wife to Meet Residency Law
By Tom Lauder
April 1, 2013

-Related ethical problem
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Broward Politics blog
Ethics commission: Rep. Gibbons cleared
By Brittany Wallman
11:05 a.m. EST, February 7, 2013 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

#Gettysburg -150 years ago today, Gen. George Meade saved the Union at the Battle of Gettysburg, repulsing Pickett's Charge, and preventing Gen. Robert E. Lee and his Army of Northern Virginia from sweeping south into Baltimore and Washington, D.C. Meade prevented a defeat that would have given the British and French an excuse to declare an impasse, with President Lincoln and the U.S. Congress on the run; Dr. Allen C. Guelzo, brilliant Lincoln scholar, shares his knowledge about that momentous day; Doris Kearns Goodwin picks a bad time to show a lack of humility and class

Ken Burns YouTube Channel video: The Civil War: Gettysburg. On July 3, 1863 in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, the Union lured the Confederate troops out into the open field. Pickett charged and the tide of the war changed in the Union's favor. Uploaded August 2, 2012.
#Gettysburg -150 years ago today, Gen. George Meade saved the Union at the Battle of Gettysburg, repulsing Pickett's Charge, and preventing Gen. Robert E. Lee and his Army of Northern Virginia from sweeping south into Baltimore and Washington, D.C.  Meade prevented a defeat that would have given the British and French an excuse to declare an impasse, with President Lincoln and the U.S. Congress on the run; Dr. Allen C. Guelzo, brilliant Lincoln scholar, shares his knowledge about that momentous day; 
Doris Kearns Goodwin picks a bad time to show a lack of humility and class

New York Post
The hero of Gettysburg
Hardly anyone knows his name, but 150 years ago, one of America’s greatest generals, George Meade, saved a nation
By Ralph Peters
Last Updated: 3:37 AM, June 30, 2013
Posted: 12:39 AM, June 30, 2013
One hundred and fifty years ago tomorrow morning, two great armies slammed into each other outside a crossroads town in Pennsylvania. Neither army’s commander intended to fight at Gettysburg, but the battle took on a life of its own as reinforcements rushed to the sound of the guns. Soldiers in blue and gray would fight for three days, leaving almost 7,000 Americans dead and 30,000 wounded.
At the close of the battle on July 3, 1863, the Army of the Potomac, led by Maj. Gen. George Gordon Meade — the most underrated soldier in our history — had won the Union’s first indisputable victory in the east. With Gettysburg’s strategic effect compounded by news of Grant’s capture of Vicksburg, Miss., on July 4, the Confederacy was left with no realistic chance of winning the war militarily (although the South’s valiant, stubborn troops would fight on for two more years). The secessionist government in Richmond could only hope to conjure a political settlement.
Read the rest of the column at

And while some people like Rob Lowe get it, some don't.
People whom you don't expect to be so uncouth, partisan and self-possessing of a moment.
Did you hear about this?

1 Jul 2013

GettysburgCollege YouTube Channel video: Allen Guelzo on July 3, 1863.

New York Times 
Opinionator blog
What Gettysburg Proved
By Allen C. Guelzo
July 1, 2013
It took no more than a few days after the Battle of Gettysburg for the men who had fought there to realize how important it had been. “The Battle of Gettysburg, like Waterloo, must stand conspicuous in the history of all ages,” wrote a staff officer, Frank Aretas Haskell, who himself would die less than a year later in a much less conspicuous battle at a place called Cold Harbor. And even by the most remote measure, Haskell was right.
Read the rest of Professor Guelzo's essay at

Dr. Guelzo is one of the world's foremost Lincoln scholars, an amazing writer and before he was at Gettysburg College, he used to be on the Planning & Zoning Advisory Board in the Pennsylvania town he lived in over ten years ago, which is how I first met him, at one of their meetings.

Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg by tour guide Gary Kross

If you missed it over the weekend, see my post about Gettysburg, with some really great and informative videos featuring something you've probably never seen before, but which I'm 100% sure you'll enjoy:

Some of my pre-Ohio Territory paternal ancestors grew-up not far from Gettysburg and are buried nearby.'s_Charge