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Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan

Monday, December 20, 2010

Robyn rocks Malmö at Musikhjälpen 2010 as amazed fans watch her like a goldfish in a glass bowl at Gustaf Adolfs Square

Video that provides an overview of what she was up to that day...

Robyn gästade Musikhjälpen - video

Reporter: Ralph Bretzer

Separate complete videos of Robyn singing her two songs are below, but here's the most thorough article on her appearance I've found but it's in Swedish, so use your Google Translate if you don't talar svensk.
Många ville se Robyn i glasburen på torget

Av Karsten Bringmark
18 DECEMBER 19.24 2010-12-18 19:24:00

MALMÖ. – Skitkul att vara här.
Och det tyckte också många Malmöbor som följde Robyn i Musikhjälpens glasbur på Gustav Adolfs torg.
Jublet dränkte all julmusik efter hennes sång.
Fler hundra flockades framför glasburen när Robyn blev intervjuad, och smickrad av programvärdarna; hennes senaste visit i Musikhjälpen är det enskilt mest visade klippet.

Read the rest of the article at:*/robyn-gastade-musikhjalpen

This year's theme at the six-day Musikhjälpen 2010, www.Musikhjä was "Barn är inte till salu!" -Children are not for sale- as funds raised went to groups involved in fighting child labor, child prostitution and child soldiers, the later of which is a particularly serious problem in Africa and Asia.

For more information and compelling videos of these problems in Moldavia and Senegal, please see:

Trust me, the videos will really get to you, too.


Robyn - With Every Heartbeat, SVT, Musikhjälpen 2010

David Benvenuto YouTube Channel: Robyn - With Every Heartbeat  - LIVE Musikhjälpen 2010. Malmö, Sweden. Uploaded August 23, 2013

Max Holmberg YouTube Channel: Robyn - Hang With Me - LIVE Musikhjälpen 2010. Malmö, Sweden. Uploaded December 18, 2010.

My last post on Robyn was from July 28th of this year titled Road-tripping across the U.K in an RV with a Swedish pop star is fun... Robyn - Hang With Me (Official Video)

Love this!

Back on November 22nd, the Miami Herald ran a short piece on Robyn on their PEOPLE page in the first section of the newspaper, under the header, Robyn earns Swede revenge.


And as if that wasn't dopey enough, it used the words "teeny-bop star" in the very first sentence.

I snapped this shot of it that day at the Panera Bread here in Hallandale Beach, mostly to show those of you overseas or at least out of HB, how truly lame the newspaper
is when it tries to appear hip.

Or, actually, tries anything these days. #Fail


For more information:
webpage: www.Musikhjä

If you need to catch up on some moments from the festival...

One of the best YouTube Channels for music out there, with an ear for what makes really good Scandinavian music POP is this one by Damian, which I subscribe to and urge you to check out:

Damian's blog is

Robyn's official record company website is


Updated Wednesday December 22, 2010

I usually try NOT to go back to individual posts days after-after-the-fact, except in rare cases where there's an inadvertent spelling mistake I catch, a dead link someone tells me about, or some mistaken information that might prove troublesome, but I make an exception now and then when I think it's appropriate and today is such a day.

Today, it's specifically because of something that I found out about thru a friend that I think might add to what I wrote above.

Since I initially posted above, a fashion-forward friend in Sweden who read what I wrote -but who wasn't at Musikhjälpen- has sent me an email with a link to an interesting blog that is the handiwork of a really personable, talented -
and very cute!- woman in Malmö, one of the world's great university towns, who is a combination student, Ford model, blogger and dancer, and did I mention, DJ?

I think I was looking for someone like her the whole time I was in Bloomington at IU, that is, if blogging technology has existed then.

IF only I had had a blog back then!

Besides, how can you not love a woman who writes at the end of her blog profile: "Pluggar konst på vardagarna och dansar om nätterna. Life is good!"

Lina Sandberg is this blogger's name and her blog is ici

Lina is one of the more popular bloggers on the very popular blog network, which tends to focus on women's fashion and related subjects, a lifestyle and demographic that advertisers desperately want to be simpatico with, whether in the U.S. or Europe.

Well, anyway, Lina actually was at the Robyn concert in Malmö for a bit, and has some photos of her day that are worth checking out. In fact, she even played DJ for a bit before Rebecca & Fiona did their thing.

I hope to have more about the wildly-popular Rebecca & Fiona in an upcoming blog post, but for now, here's the URL for the post Lina wrote about this past weekend: