Honestly, how oblivious can the City of Hallandale Beach government and its employees be to their own town, and the way it appears to visitors and tourists?
Well, enough so that you'd think that someone from City Hall in general, and DPW in particular, would've noticed this situation, which has been a problem for months and months and made a phone call...
Or, failing that, that City Commissioner Francine Schiller would've seen it, since she MUST pass it every time she goes home at night from City Hall. Apparently not.
That's a perfect way to illustrate how a word like oversight has two completely opposing meanings, especially in a town as poorly run as Hallandale Beach.
Adapted From: WordNet 2.0 Copyright 2003 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
A noun
1 oversight, lapse
a mistake resulting from inattention
Category Tree:
act; human action; human activity
╚nonaccomplishment; nonachievement
╚mistake; error; fault
╚oversight, lapse
2 supervision, supervising, superintendence, oversight
management by overseeing the performance or operation of a person or group
Category Tree:
act; human action; human activity
╚group action
╚social control
╚management; direction
╚supervision, supervising, superintendence, oversight
3 oversight, inadvertence
an unintentional omission resulting from failure to notice something
Category Tree:
psychological feature
╚cognition; knowledge; noesis
╚process; cognitive process; mental process; operation; cognitive operation
╚basic cognitive process
╚disregard; neglect
╚oversight, inadvertence