Showing posts with label William M. Brant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label William M. Brant. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mayor Cooper's Economic Stimulus Plan Starts Close to Home; @MayorCooper

Well I guess it'll come as no surprise to those of you who have come to this space from time to time and become attuned to the strange backward ways of Hallandale Beach, that despite my specifically making a point of publicly requesting it the first week of January of 2008, 57 weeks ago, at the HB City Commission's city-wide public meeting to discuss the city's proposed Master Plan as well as their Transportation Planguess which South Florida city nestled along the FEC tracks won't be hosting a second-round round of SFECC public meetings for its own citizens over the next few weeks?

Hallandale Beach, forever the public policy orphan! 

This, despite my very public conversation via microphone with HB City Manager Mike Good there, wherein he implied his office would "get right on it" since it seemed so obvious.

Last year, when Mayor Joy Cooper was head of the Broward League of Cities, she had no trouble in quickly finding a public space within the city where she and her allies/cronies within Broward County could speak out against the FL Constitutional Amendments, securing Hallandale High one night, and even running ads in the local newspapers, which is actually how I came to first find out about it.
(Right, Hallandale High, the F-rated school that somehow never has its poor academic standing brought up publicly at HB City Commission meetings, even when efforts were made recently by Comm. Anthony Sanders to utilize taxpayers funds for FCAT practices and/or workshops for their students -even though some kids there live in Hollywood
Where's the accountability?

How many kids will participate and how much will it cost? That doesn't really seem too much to ask -in advance.)

From accounts of people I know and trust who attended the Broward League of Cities event, they apparently tried to tilt the proceedings so that it would only be people against the Amendments who spoke, but apparently Broward Property Appraiser Lori Parrish showed-up to attempt to balance the equation, somewhat, ruining the League's plans for a one-sided event, which, to my mind, was clearly a press conference masquerading as a "public forum."

But what do Cooper & Company actually do for the citizens she's supposed to be representing?
Well, in the case of the SFECC, nada.

Perhaps because, right now, in my opinion, SFECC can't immediately help Joy Cooper acquire more power, name recognition or fame, which in my opinion, based on her own actions and words, is what she's all about these days, witness her rather pathetic and clumsy name-dropping of Bill Clinton's name in her recent so-called Sun-Times column.

That's the weekly column that's always chock-full of so many laughable spelling, syntax, and metaphor errors, not to mention, clear mis-statements of fact. In fact recently while drinking some coffee, someone walked up to me and asked me -in all seriousness- if I'd seen her recent absurd reference to the effect of "Yang and Yang."
No doubt she meant ying-and-yang, but how does she not know that, or ever check for spelling mistakes?
I'm a very good speller, but I still usually remember to use Spell-check on my computer before sending something out.

Somehow, coming on the heels of the embarrassing travel expense stories in the Sun-Sentinel by Jennifer Gollan and the Herald's subsequent editorial, Cooper didn't mention the fact that she's spent more than $3,000 for a new office at HB City Hall, even though there was nothing wrong with her old office.
She just wanted a new one. 

That planned one-sided meeting by Cooper & Company at Hallandale High recalls the city's own unintentionally hilarious meeting later against the Amendments at the HB Cultural Center, wherein City Manager Mike Goodnot some independent third-party, conducted the entire meeting, even to the point of using his own property bill as a reason to be against it, though he was not a good example since he'd recently moved within the past few years.

That Mr. Good lives in Cooper City is his choice, of course, but it underscores the fact that far too many other HB City Hall folks in charge live up around there, so see next-to-nothing of the city on weekends, like the sad beach conditions beach-goers encounter, or the complete lack of routine police patrols there.

And -shocker!- the City of Hallandale Beach also didn't invite anyone from the other side of the issue to appear, so residents could make-up their own minds, based on the facts, not the city's mis-information campaign.
As you know well from my past postings here, that's how they do things in this part of Broward County.

For those reasons, I'll instead be attending the SFECC meetings in Hollywood tonight and in Aventura on the 24th.
And this time, I'll remember to bring my camera!!!

If you haven't already done so, I invite you to please take a look at some of the recent changes my friend Michael has made to his Change Hallandale website,

He's gotten a great response since starting it, expanding the base of people who know exactly what's going on in plain sight in Hallandale Beach, and how that compares to other cities in the region.

His facts, all independently-sourced, speak volumes, which is why they so confound the folks at HB City Hall.
They can't argue the self-evident facts-on-the-ground in the city, policy or process, so instead, they obfuscate, malign and take umbrage at informed and concerned citizens who refuse to take their word for anything.

This was perfectly evident to everyone during the Public Participation portion of the City
Commission meeting two weeks ago, when someone asked about those very facts.

After hearing Mayor Cooper say in response to a HB citizen, something along the lines of residents needing to speak to the people in charge and the people who knew the answers,
after spotting the city's DPW manager, William M. Brant, sitting in the back of the City Hall Chambers, like he didn't have a care in the world, still peeved at the months of inaction on beach conditions I'd witnessed, I took the opportunity to lambaste him and the Dept, for STILL not having a single blue recycling bin on the beach -much less, an appropriate number in convenient places- more than SIX MONTHS AFTER Mike Good specifically said at the city's Budget meeting in August that it would happen.

Well, I was at North Beach soon afterwards, on Sunday afternoon the 8th, reading the Herald, the NY Times and the NY Postwhile also noticing the very visible beach erosion that had sand disappearing less than a foot from in front of the lone lifeguard stand there.

(It was a two-foot drop, running south towards The Beach Club for just about a block. In case you missed it, see News-4's Michael Williams' excellent report from early February: Hollywood & Ft. Lauderdale Beaches Want Their Sand

And there at the beach, four days after my public comments, showing the city's typical apathy and incompetency, there was still not a single blue recycling bin around that busy part of the beach, despite all the dozens and dozens of such bins the city owns that are in storage.

That's a cold hard self-evident fact that my camera documented with photos that'll appear on my blog soon, with earlier photos I've taken over the past six months of the invisible blue recycling bins.

"No, as a matter of fact, I really don't have to take their word for it, do I?" I said laughingly

After looking at this official response to Hallandale Beach Commissioner Keith London's public records requestafter I asked him about it after the fact, one of the things that really jumped out at me was the fact that, for whatever reason, City Manager Good's office thought to toss Commissioner Anthony Sanders' office costs in here, too, even though that information was NOT specifically requested by Comm. London.

What was requested and NOT provided was any copy of the rationale given by Mayor Cooper on why she needed a new City Hall office, away from her Commission colleagues, when there was apparently nothing physically wrong with her existing one.

From what I gather, after speaking to numerous people, apparently she takes the point of view that the "improvements" are not for her personally, per se, but rather for "the Office of the Mayor."

Except that in the city's charter, under a city manager government, the mayor's role is largely ceremonial, since while she is, in fact, the presiding officer at city commission meetings, she doesn't have veto power.

Question: Why do you think this happened AFTER the election rather than before it?

Well, there's a HB City Commission meeting scheduled for 1:30 and 7 p.m.tomorrow.

Why don't you ask Mayor Cooper that very good question?

based on the agenda, the highlight of the evening portion of the program seems to be another presentation by EDAW's Donald Shockey of the city's Master Plan, so if you've never seen it in person, you ought to show up and see what the city could look like if City Hall was actually working hard for its taxpayers and making things better, not worse.

Though there is little doubt the plan will be approved Wednesday night, it's an open question whether EDAW's hard work on the plan will ever be implemented as designed.

A Resolution Of The City of Hallandale Beach, Florida, Adopting the Citywide Master Plan and Implementation Strategy  As Prepared By EDAW, Inc (Staff: Director, Development Services)(See Backup) CAD#018/06 (Staff ReportSupporting Docs)


REQUEST #048/09

DATE: January 5, 2009  
        TO: Bill Brant, Director Public Works
        Jennifer Frastai, City Manager Administrator  
FROM: Commissioner Keith London  
THRU: D. Mike Good, City Manager
Your browser may not support display of this image.
The following information/action was requested by Commissioner Keith London as noted: 
      RE: Commission Office Expenses  
Please provide me with the following information: 
  • Copy of the time sheets for everyone who worked on Mayor Cooper new office space.
  • Wages including benefits for everyone who worked on Mayor Cooper new office space
  • Copy of expense reports for materials to create Mayor Cooper new office space.
  • Copy of receipts of materials
  • Original letter asking for a new office from Mayor Cooper
 Additionally, please include what all commissioners have requested for office improvements                           
      Please take the necessary steps to complete the request and submit a Summary Report to my office no later than January 19, 2009.
DATE: January 13, 2009      
TO: D. Mike Good, City Manager 
FROM: William Brant, P.E., Director, Public Works, Utilities & Engineering  
Your browser may not support display of this image.RE: Above Commission Request

Staff received request on November 18, 2008, (W/O # WF0031889, WF 0031987) to install window in room 202, move the Mayor's furniture and paint Commissioner Sanders Office. This project was completed by December 31, 2008.  
Staff respectfully request to consider this CR completed and closed. (MM) 

Labor / Wages  
Pedro Perez $35.91 hr  48 hrs $1,724.00 Mayor's Office 
Michael Harris $27.37 hr 24 hrs $560.00 Mayor's Office 
Donald Williams $30.21 hr 7 hrs $211.00 Mayor's Office 

Edward Ryan $30.21 hr 8 hrs $241.00 Sanders Office
Total   87 hrs $2,736.00 

K&K Mirror $360.00
Home Depot $237.40
Sherwin Williams $232.44

Total $829.84 

PROJECT TOTAL $3,565.84 

Staff Researching Request  
Michael Morse $54.16  1.5 hrs  $81.24  
Dean Lettera $59.71  1.5 hrs  $89.56 
Yolanda Benitez $26.07  1 hr  $26.07

Total   4hrs  $196.87

84 HOURS $3,762.71 
Department Head Signature       Date

Department Director/Staff Time to Complete: 4 hrs
Your browser may not support display of this image.
Your browser may not support display of this image.City Manager/Staff Time to Complete: 
DATE: January 19, 2009     
TO: D. Mike Good, City Manager
FROM: Jennifer Frastai, City Manager Administrator
Your browser may not support display of this image.RE: Above Commission Request
The following is a list of furniture expenses:
Mayor Cooper's:
Conference Table: $968.08
Desk Chair: $333.98
Guest Chair: $230.45
File Cabinet: $423.85
Delivery/Set up/Freight: $205.00

Commissioner Sanders:
Desk Chair: $203.49
Desk Accessories: $242.43
Guest Chair (2): 334.80
Department Head Signature       Date
Department Director/Staff Time to Complete: 2 hrs
Your browser may not support display of this image.City Manager/Staff Time to Complete: 

Monday, January 19, 2009

Welcome to Hallandale Beach: where old cigarettes and condoms party at the beach that HB Cops ignore!

Above, January 2, 2009 photo by South Beach Hoosier.

 Above, July 26, 2008 photo by South Beach Hoosier.

January 17th, 2009

Sometimes, coincidences happen for a good reason, and I think such is the case today.
I was already in the process of writing something that I was going to post this weekend about the deplorable conditions of the beach, when the Broward Palm Beach New Times' Juice blog did a piece yesterday afternoon that covers much the same ground.
It's just below my comments 

Have you all read Hallandale Beach Commissioner Keith London's interesting email yet about developments at last week's HB City Commission meeting -which I didn't attend- regarding conditions at the beach?  Here's the germane portion for this email:

There was a presentation from two high school students requesting the implementation and participation of a beach clean up in the City of Hallandale Beach.  During the clean up, the waste will be sorted, measured and cataloged by type and volume of waste on the beaches. The students informed the Commission that in past clean-ups, cigarette butts accounted foe 46% of the waste. 

Armed with this information, I made a motion requesting the city attorney the feasibility of a creating a future ordinance "to make smoking illegal on City of Hallandale Beach public beaches".
The Motion passed 3:2. London, Ross, Sanders for, and Cooper and Julian against.

I really commend these high school kids and only wish I'd been there to speak with them afterwards, to say so in person, since that's the kind of positive reinforcement they need.

If high school kids are so appalled by what even they can see at their beach that they actually feel compelled to show up at City Hall to complain about it -and we'll assume that they don't share that public policy gene like us- just remember they're NOT the only ones to notice, just the only ones with enough resolve to press the issue.

How truly embarrassing for this city!!!  

I have dozens of photos, including many from the past two weeks, that are emblematic of the awful current reality and recent past of the beach, as evidenced by the photos below.

As we all know from our travels, in many if not most American communities fortunate enough to have a beach, especially those dependent on tourism, the beach is an invaluable resource that's esteemed, treasured and given
extra care and concern.

It's a place where city officials and elected officials constantly visit and hover around to keep track of not only its physical and aesthetic condition, but also to gauge the mood of resident and visitor beach-goers to see if there's any problems or concerns there they need to be aware of.

They are pro-active, NOT reactive and slothful and full of excuses as they are in Hallandale Beach. 

That public sentiment is often an early indicator of the residents' collective feeling about the town itself, since when resident taxpayers feel that a place as high-profile as the beach is going downhill, and not being properly looked after, it's only natural that they suspect that other things in the city they can't see are falling apart, too.

It's only human nature, but it's something the City of Hallandale Beach has been in utter denial about for years, as one problem after another has been left to fester there.
Yet when confronted with the reality, they've instead put their heads in the sand.
The evidence is all around you.

That's why I and many other HB residents I've spoke to over the past 18 months want the city to emulate the City of Hollywood, where the city's Parks and Rec. Dept. manages their award-winning beach, doing a great job that makes them the envy of South Florida.
Just because our beach is so much smaller doesn't mean it has to be managed SO poorly and with so little regard for either safety or aesthetics.

(Ask yourself a question: If a well-managed but land-locked city like Coral Springs had a beach this size, what would it look like and how would it be managed?
Now compare that image in your head with the current reality of ours.  'Nuff said!)

To accomplish this in HB would require yanking responsibility for the beach away from Hallandale Beach's incompetent DPW and assigning it and the requisite money and personnel to HB's Parks and Recreation Dept., which currently is only responsible for the children's playground equipment and rental Chickee Huts down on South Beach.

(Not that you would know that, though, since there is NO signage of any kind at the beach letting patrons know just who is responsible for what or whom to contact.  
Just like so much of the city, right?)
Everything else at the beach is the current responsibility of DPW, whose employees are consistently unable to perform their jobs in a timely, efficient or competent manner, as the evidence clearly shows, day-after-day.

For proof of that, see my blog post of last Monday on beach conditions:
Ron Gunzburger sees a LOT of amusing things at his beach; I only see incompetency at mine!

Failing that sort of inter-dept. transfer, I and many others would prefer that the city simply request bids from private contractors to perform specific beach maintenance that will get the most out of that precious resource, which DPW's director William M. Brant clearly has shown no interest in doing.

To be kind, Mr. Brant seems to be like Aquaman: fine when dealing with water, but when he's on dry land for very long, he loses all his powers.
That's simply not good enough for the amount of taxes HB residents pay.

The citizens of this beach-side city deserve MUCH BETTER than they get with regard to beach maintenance and overall attractiveness, and over the next week or so, I will be posting numerous photos to my blog to illustrate the exact nature of the problems I've witnessed first-hand over the past two years.
And letting others in the South Broward area who have an interest know about it, too.

Self-evident problems of the sort that DPW consistently ignores, doing far less than the bare minimum acceptable in most American communities, but which the current crew at HB City Hall ignores completely and gives lip service to.

Make no mistake about it, DPW is a big part of the problem at the beach, not part of the eventual solution.

Just as is true with the city's recycling program, which is a laughingstock, as I was reminded of all over again last Sunday morning, when I saw the same broken glass on the ground next to the two poorly positioned dumpsters -with holes in their lidsat the facility next to Ingalls Park, as I'd seen last week.  

And the week before that and... 

See my Sept. 5th, 2008 post on the whole recycling mess in HB, complete with photos of the ever-widening disaster at Ingalls Park:



Broken Latin in Hallandale Beach, FL -Seaoats 
This descriptive nature sign on Hallandale Beach's north beach, regarding a supposedly protected environment, complete with Latin genus, is a particularly telling example of the kind of terribly myopic and non-existent mgmt. the beach has received for years from the City of HB and the State of Florida. This sign has been broken since at least October of 2003.
Even more galling, the area immediately around the seaoats has pile after pile of hundreds of old cigarettes dumped willy-nilly around it. 
The day this photo was taken, the garbage below the sign and in adjoining areas had been there for WEEKS! 
Original photo here was taken January 2007; this one taken May 11, 2008; photo by South Beach Hoosier


Close-up of Broken Latin 
The Seaoats sign that's been broken since at least Oct. 2003 at Hallandale Beach's north beach, not far from the lifeguard stand.
In late June of 2008, due to the combined neglect of the State of Florida, Broward County and the City of Hallandale Beach, the sign was blown off and landed fifty feet away, where yours truly noticed it under a beer can. Now there are ZERO signs on Hallandale Beach's North Beach. Your government in action!  May 16, 2008 photo by South Beach Hoosier

Two photos above from my blog.
Below, beach memories of August 11, 2008: one of the areas replete with hundreds and hundreds of old cigarettes
punctuated by old condoms!
Photo by South Beach Hoosier.

Below, January 2, 2009 photo by South Beach Hoosier
Snapshot of a poorly-maintained public beach: Finding a used condom near one of the only two park benches at 4 p.m., on a Friday holiday afternoon on a beach full of families.

If any of you all are interested in getting the royal Hallandale Beach Blog tour of the beach area some time, let me know, and I'll be happy to highlight all the problem areas for you, so you can see that I'm not exaggerating.

Trust me, there are MANY MORE problems there I don't even have time to get into here.
Broward Palm Beach NewTimes
The Juice blog
Hallandale Wants to Kick Our Butts Off the Beach
January 16, 2009
By Amy Guthrie