Showing posts with label Scott Wyman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scott Wyman. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ilene Lieberman, churlish chronic, self-interested obstructionist to common sense and ethics

Wednesday November 25th, 2009

Once again, below, clear evidence that Comm. Ilene
is playing her by now familiar role.
Not the role of pragmatic idealist, not the role of
reasonable compromise, but the role of obstructionist.

She waited until after the county Charter Review
made their recs last year before deciding
to offer up a measure that the County Auditor
-whom I have no quibble with- ought to be required
to makes financial estimates of the prospective costs
of ballot initiatives and referendums, and that such info
appear on the ballot.

There are lots of well-informed people in Broward
who are in complete agreement with me that
Comm. Lieberman came up with the proposal that
became an ordinance, at least in in part,to sink the
idea of having an independent, advisory MTA in
this area that could start making positive suggestions
based on what the public and transportation-users
think, not what box the county wants to put people in.

And by an advisory MTA, I mean one that was
composed of real taxpayers and which paid
proper heed to citizens, and which was NOT
the puppet play-thing of the County Commission
and their faceless bureaucratic MPO system,
which few citizens know about or understand.

That MPO system, while not without some smart
and well-meaning people, many of whom I've met,
is great in the abstract, but the reality is that it's
also the refuge of many bureaucratic drones who
give taxpayers and bus riders the back of their
hand, like they're laboratory rats.
Employees I'd like to see axed, toute-de-suite.

It's the last refuge of the dim-witted Joy Coopers
of the world, who say that everything should be
done thru MPO as a way of avoiding true
accountability, even while keeping parochial pols
in charge, due in large part to the
pervasive influence
of the
Broward League of Cities, which is too
great in my opinion.

For simple proof of this, go to the
Minutes of the
last public Charter Review Commission meeting,
April 9, 2008, 1 p.m.

Start at the public comments on page 6 and watch
what happens
when Joy Cooper is asked a series
of very reasonable questions by CRC members
Ted Mena and Michael C. Buckner.

It speaks for itself.

In the year 2009, citizens don't want to take a
seat in the back of the bus while imbeciles like
Joy Cooper do the driving -off the cliff.

(The woman who at the formal presentation
and Commission vote on the city's over-due,
over-budget Transportation Master Plan,
at the HB Cultural Center, was too dumb
to ever ask the city's consultants whether
or not the city's own mini-bus drivers were
ever interviewed for input; they weren't.

Right, ignore your own employees who are
best-positioned to speak to traffic issues
and patterns and take the word of consultants
who do their research based on city traffic
patterns during the slowest part
of the year.
That's her enlightened management style
which has so coarsened public sentiment
and common sense here.

In case you forgot, that's the meeting that
Comm. Anthony A. Sanders
never attended
and subsequently never gave an explanation
for missing.
Yeah, because traffic isn't really much
a concern here.

About what you'd expect from a city like
Hallandale Beach that is so poorly-run and
with so little apparent awareness of how
very poorly it is regarded in South Florida,
that when it came time to host BCTA chief
Chris Walton for one of his frequent visits
throughout the county, that he was given
the HB Cultural center at the SAME TIME
as a HB City Commission meeting.

As if, somehow, Broward taxpayers would suddenly
forget everything they knew and had experienced in
the recent past and would suddenly accept govt.
estimates on construction costs -and Broward's
in particular as reliable
- and use that factoid
as a deciding factor in deciding an issue.

See also:

When that move of Lieberman's later seemed
to be a real impediment when the Broward
County Commission wanted to do something
to help fast-track a new county Courthouse,
in part because that would have to appear
on the ballot if a bond issue, along with that
estimate she insisted upon, Lieberman
appointed herself to the county's Courthouse
Taskforce, and was promptly made Chair,
giving her two chances to bite the apple
and affect this important decision, not just one.
Right, because she has no obvious conflicts.

You read about that decision where in
the South Florida media, exactly?
Right, it never came up.

As to the Ethics Commission. simply do what
Charlotte Greenbarg
suggested, as quoted
by Scott Wyman in his very good Sun-Sentinel
article of September 10th:
Broward ethics
panel plans sweeping reforms

"My ideal would be something very simple -- don't ask and don't take,"
said Charlotte Greenbarg, president of the Broward Coalition, a
umbrella group representing area homeowner and condo associations.
"They shouldn't ask for anything and they shouldn't take anything.

Who could argue with that?
So easy that even a Broward County
commissioner could remember it,

did a poor job as Chair in the view
of many who were closely following the actions
of Taskforce members, many of whom seemed
to have conflicts of interest of the sort that in a
more enlightened community with higher standards,
would cause them to have never passed muster
in the first place.

Not that they were bad people, simply that their
own experience and personal and professional
relationships with certain people was of a sort
that would tend to cause them to not be objective
as to the basic question of whether a new
Courthouse was, in fact, needed.

As opposed to having the existing one modified
and expanded, using some artistic creativity and
making it far safer, more energy-efficient,
technology-based and taxpayer/citizen-friendly,
NOT lawyer/judge-friendly

Some outside-the-box thinking was required,
but as usual, that kind of thinking was shown
the door.

Quick, name the Taskforce member who was
appointed specifically to represent the average
county taxpayer?
There wasn't one.

As you know from my previous posts,

did NOT properly update Taskforce
meeting information on the county website, and
under her leadership, they actually had the gall
to place agendas, past Minutes and other
pertinent material on the county website hours
AFTER their last public meeting, not prior
to that meeting

So, where did you read about that in the
South Florida media, exactly?
Right, it never came up.

And all of a sudden, word started emerging in
the usual places that the County Commission
was going to try to finesse this project instead,
so that it won't ever have to appear on the ballot
for taxpayers to give their informed consent,
because it's abundantly clear that Broward
taxpayers are NOT in favor of building a new
Broward Courthouse.

Ilene Lieberman
, churlish chronic,
obstructionist to common sense.

This is part of an email that was forwarded to me.
I've deleted some blank space to make it more
compact.and easier to read:

From: Cepero, Monica
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2009 1:13 PM
To: 'Alfreda Coward'; 'Carl Shechter'; 'Comm. Carl Shechter'; 'Felicia M. Brunson'; 'Howard Bakalar'; Jardine, Arlene; 'Julie Lakosky'; 'Kenneth Fink'; Leu, Leah; Cepero, Monica; 'Neal de Jesus'; Robert Wolfe; 'Robin Rorapaugh'; Russo, Jean; Seff, Bradley; Teitler, Robert; 'Washington Collado'; 'William Scherer'
Subject: Broward County Ethics Commission verbatim minutes

Attached are the verbatim minutes from the last Ethics Commission meeting. The summary minutes will be forthcoming next week.

Have a nice weekend,


Monica M. Cepero

Assistant to the County Administrator

115 South Andrews Avenue, Room 409

Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

Well, it's now 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday Nov. 25th.
the day before Thanksgiving, with county
employees off on Friday.
I just went to the
Broward County Ethics Commission
homepage at:

As you can see for yourself, the Minutes for the
November 12th Ethics meeting are not there now,
two weeks later.

Trust me, based on what the verbatim Minutes
say, when you actually see the Minutes in print,
you will be very, very angry.

The next meeting of the Broward County
Commission is Monday December 9th, from
9-11:30 a.m.

Broward Beat

Sources: County Commissioners Trying To Block Ethics Rules
By Buddy Nevins

Some Broward County commissioners are apoplectic over what’s happening at the Ethics

And it is causing them to act, well, downright unethical.

Some County Commissioners are accused by sources of applying pressure to reign in the ethics group. The group was created by voters to draft new ethics rules for the county.

“We’re having trouble and it’s coming from the Fourth Floor,” said one ethics commission member.

The Fourth Floor of the Government Center is where commissioners are cloistered behind two sets of receptionists.

See the rest of the story at:

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Latest Poll Info from Rasmussen Reports on Govt. Spending Echoes South Florida Voters' Sentiment

Excerpts from an email that I sent out Friday to some of the
concerned citizens and elected officials of this city and region,
and the South Florida press.
April 28, 2009 photo by South Beach Hoosier

Just received some very interesting info this morning
from Rasmussen Reports via their free daily updates,
something you might want to consider getting as well.

The article, below, on voter sentiment regarding govt.
spending was just released at 10:30 a.m. this morning,
and is exactly in line with everything I hear from public
policy types and politically-involved citizens at events
I attend throughout South Florida, yet other than with
the recent case with BSO, the Broward Sheriff's Office,
which has gotten a lot of media attention, where exactly
are the meaningful yet intelligent cuts in govt. spending
that you can point to that ought to have been forthcoming?

77% See Politicians Unwillingness to Cut Government
Spending as Bigger Problem Than Voter Resistance to
Tax Hikes

Where are the media reports showing examples of local govt.
getting smarter and slimmer thru technology, that were all
the rage just a few years ago?
The manana bureaucracy I encounter in South Florida on a
daily basis seems as dysfunctional and non-responsive as ever,
with our own city of Hallandale Beach being Ground Zero
for dysfunctional govt. for reasons that we all can recite.

April 2009 photo by South Beach Hoosier

April 2009 photo by South Beach Hoosier

Perfect example of govt. dysfunction: Last August
at the city's public budget meeting at HB City Hall, I specifically
challenged HB City Manager Mike Good and his staff to explain
the logic of the city persisting for years in using garbage cans
without lids at THE windiest place in the whole city
-the public beach.
(It's not like that last fact is 'Breaking News'.)

His response: lots of talk. no action, just like his
promise moments later to place blue recycling
bins on the beach itself.

The logical results are self-evident to anyone, above,
a photo from a Saturday last month around 3 p.m. or so.
Nine long months later, the city still uses the same exact
garbage receptacles, sans lids, which is part of why the
beach is SO dumpy and unattractive, and there are
still no blue recycling bins on the public beach,
where beach-goers actually are, to make encourage it,
not make it impossible.

Here in Hallandale Beach, fellow citizens and residents
appealing improperly-cited code violations from the
city still get a very rude, lethargic and combative response
from City Hall when availing themselves of their rights
under the state's Sunshine Laws to get public records
they need to successfully appeal.

Hallandale Beach police officers get approval to drive their
police cars even farther into the far western Broward suburbs
to get home -at Hallandale Beach taxpayer's expense.

Yet the public beach here that is so terribly maintained is
NEVER patrolled by these same HB police officers in ways
that are even remotely comparable to our neighbors,
especially on three-day holiday weekends like this one.

Everyone who ever goes to the beach knows this is true,
it's "common knowledge," but HB City Manager Mike
Good and Mayor Joy Cooper and their Rubber Stamp
Crew just shrug their shoulders, like they have no real power
to change that policy, or create a new positive dynamic.
That's just another reason why they are each so personally
contemptible -their sheer laziness and apathy.

April 28, 2009 photo by South Beach Hoosier
Above, hen coming home to roost in Hallandale Beach
about wasteful govt. spending and utter lack of competency?

The contractor lifeguards are literally overwhelmed on
these sorts of weekends, yet the HB Police will NEVER
be seen on or near the beach except in the case of an
actual emergency, despite how large the crowds will get,
the amount of illegal/underage drinking taking place
in public, etc.

I'll be there late Sunday morning before returning home
for the Indy 500 telecast and will record the scene with
some photos before I leave, which you'll see soon.
Prediction: it will be just like last year's Memorial Day
Weekend... and the year before that and the year before....

To me, it'll be very interesting to see whether or not
-or to what extent- South Florida pols and those
in Tallahassee are able to resist this popular citizen
sentiment that this Rasmussen Report pinpoints,
the one that for some citizens, found catharsis thru
the recent Tea Party movement that the Miami
Herald and Beth Reinhard ignored for months
while other media round the country covered it
like a real story.
And what effect, if any, that sentiment will have on
South Florida pols in the next 16 months before the
Nov. 2010 election.

Will they accept the new economic/spending paradigm,
or will some, like the tone-deaf Broward School Board
and its administrators, with their fatal obsession with
large pots of construction money and lobbyists' money
and largesse, for a dysfunctional system that is actually
losing students and their tax-paying parents in droves,
persist in their old parochial views, and keep calling this
a temporary hiccup, eager to go back to their prior
ruinous spending behavior?

Channel 4's Jim DeFede has some thoughts on
South Florida's bureaucracy and fixes his gaze south on
Miami-Dade County and the very unhelpful 311 "Help Line"
that M-D taxpayers are paying for, but being poorly-served
DeFede: Why I Hate Miami-Dade 311

Have a safe Memorial Day holiday and remember what
and whom we honor this weekend!

Just as an FYI, my earliest ancestor who fought for this
country once marched from Alexandria, VA with
Capt. George Washington and other colonists as part
of General Braddock's long march to the French-controlled
Fort Duquesne in Pittsburgh.

Years later, under very different circumstances,
he served as a Revolutionary War spy for General
George Washington against the British Army
he'd once fought alongside.

After the war, for his brave efforts, he received
a large parcel of land north of Steubenville, Ohio
-where the first Federal Land Grant office
was later located- which is why my ancestors
were among the very first citizens of Ohio,
having crossed the Ohio River and relocated from Washington Township, PA, south of Pittsburgh, even before Ohio became a state in 1803.

For more info on recent developments with BSO
and their budget battles with the County Commission,
please see WFOR's Ted Scouten's report from Monday
Details Emerge About BSO Layoffs

and some other recent BSO stories at

Also take a look at these two Scott Wyman blog posts from
Friday's Sun-Sentinel Broward Politics blog:
County savings targeted in fight over budget deficit