Showing posts with label Middle East. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Middle East. Show all posts

Monday, September 17, 2012

re Fouad Ajami's Washington Post essay: Why is the Muslim world so easily offended?; What Muslim "moderates"?; Målmo as the European canary-in-the-coal-mine doesn't auger well for the success of Muslim "moderates" or assimilation efforts; #MUSLIMRAGE

IkoIko video: A 2006 Fox News Channel segment by reporter Steve Harrigan on immigration strife in Sweden and ethnic violence caused in the Rosengård area of Målmo by Muslim immigrants. Uploaded April 17, 2006.

Despite all the changes that have taken place since it first came out, Prof. Fouad Ajami's 1982 book, The Arab Predicament, which I first read in school, still remains a go-to
book for those who need to make sense of the current Mid-East reality and how we got to this point, for better and worse, as well as an insightful look at Arab sensitivities and sensibilities (and ultra-sensitivities) to being seen as the outlier. My comments follow the essay.

The Washington Post
Why is the Muslim world so easily offended?
By Fouad Ajami
Published: September 14, 2012
Modernity requires the willingness to be offended. And as anti-American violence across the Middle East and beyond shows, that willingness is something the Arab world, the heartland of Islam, still lacks.
Time and again in recent years, as the outside world has battered the walls of Muslim lands and as Muslims have left their places of birth in search of greater opportunities in the Western world, modernity — with its sometimes distasteful but ultimately benign criticism of Islam — has sparked fatal protests. To understand why violence keeps erupting and to seek to prevent it, we must discern what fuels this sense of grievance.

Responses to the Ajami essay, which I sent out via email early on Saturday evening, consisted largely of "Maybe because the lunatic religious fanatics are running the show?" and even a link to Google Maps of the Middle East and questions about where are those Moderate Muslims that the Mainstream Media so adores, anyway?
Where are they hiding, exactly?

Well, actually, they're not hiding, per se, rather it's just that a disproportionate number of them live far from the field of battle and the negotiating table, living as so many of them do in New York, London, Paris and Berlin among many other places, which is why reporters there have no problem finding them - THERE.

This, of course, is a self-fulfilling prophecy in a sense in that having so many educated "moderates" in Western cities -a problem the MSM never sees or brings up- means that there's less actual resistance to tenets of radicalism in those countries.
Radicalism fills the vacuum, not reasonableness.

As for the rest of his essay, I do have an important correction for those of you who will perhaps not see it yourselves, and it actually touches on a subject that I've been wanting to write about and update since my last post on it, which netted me many interesting emails, though not all positive, since there's always someone who prefers butt-kissing to honesty.

In the middle of his essay, Prof. Ajami says something that with just a slight bit of word substitution could just as easily be said is true of large swaths of current-day Miami, "You can live in Stockholm and be sustained by a diet of al-Jazeera television."
(Just substitute "Spanish-language programming"for al-Jazeera.)

While that is factually true about Stockholm as much as it is true of dozens of other large and dynamic Western cities, as I've stated previously here on the blog, a better yet more troubling example of what he speaks about is in Målmo, on Sweden's west coast, opposite Denmark's capital, Copenhagen.

See my January 6, 2011 post titled, 
Uh-oh! Upcoming BBC World Service 'Open Eyes' segment on racial tensions in Malmö. Hmm-m...; Swedish immigration policy costs borne by local residents

Unfortunately for Målmo, owing to both past immigration patterns, geography, and familial ties, it's now home to not only an area that soon will be 50% Muslim, but also home to a large percentage of Muslim immigrants in the Rosengård area who, in many cases, make little effort to even try to assimilate Swedish values and norms.

No, Malmö, despite an avalanche of internal and external Political Correctness regularly sprinkled on the city and its inhabitants by a very PC and often patronizing national and European news media, is also the home to what all reasonable parties acknowledge is a very big long-term problem: a large percentage of all the Muslim immigrants in Sweden who fail to fully appreciate Sweden's freedoms, liberties and culture and incorporate that into their daily lives, people who actively fight assimilation, live right there

And many of the people who don't feel they should need to change are cocky and uncivil and don't care what you think about them being so publicly ungrateful.
And they aren't afraid of using violence, either, as the video at the top makes clear.

When you attack firemen trying to put out a fire in YOUR neighborhood... you DON'T get the benefit of the doubt.

But it's a lot more than just a PR problem to be solved, since the things that have happened there the past ten years have ranged from very negative to extremely dangerous and even deadly, and have been well-documented by the Swedish news media.
Everyone knows what has happened there.
Because of this extensive coverage, the rest of the country has largely started to develop negative feelings about Målmo as a whole because of what they view, essentially, as a policy of appeasement.

No, even worse from the point of view of Swedes who don't like what they see with a small but not insignificant number of immigrants taking advantage of their good nature and willingness to help, they see far too many people who won't even pretend that they're trying to assimilate, which, if you didn't know, is the one thing that educated Swedes of all political persuasions DO rather INSIST upon -immigrants actually trying to assimilate.

And that includes learning enough Swedish to at least get by, not consciously going out of your way to cause offense by intentionally NOT speaking Swedish in public or govt. interactions, just to make others uncomfortable.

That tension and anger felt by a majority of Swedes is largely due to not only the natural resentment of knowing that you're being taken advantage of by others, but also, frankly,  knowing for a fact that there are many more would-be immigrants in other countries who would only be too happy to do what little is expected of them if they could legally move to Sweden.
People who'd be happy to try their best to fit in without having to be asked or reminded, and who would contribute something positive to society.
That's who they want more of!

There are some positive things going on in Rosengård, thanks to the hard work of some very dedicated people who want to show Sweden and the rest of the world that there are lots of immigrants who are, indeed, grateful for their new lives in Sweden, and the myriad opportunities that they and their families now have.

No, not every immigrant has a chip on their shoulder -or a rock in their hand.
Some DO take pride in their area, and are well-adjusted, including the kids shown in this mittomrade video, which got posted to YouTube last week.

mittomrade video: Sophästen på Rosengård. Ivan Varga of "Ivan's Wagon Trail" and his horse, Bango, paid a trip recently to the Rosengård area of Malmö and proved an instant hit. Uploaded September 14, 2012.

I didn't mention it before but among the many aspects of the failed immigration policy that causes people heartburn is the not-insignificant matter of all that taxpayer money being spent on all these social programs and activities, which contrary to what you may think in the U.S., actually comes more from local government, not from the national government.
Which means that something locally that might've done some good, was not funded because something for immigrants was. 

A majority of people in Sweden feel that thru not only their words and actions but also thru their willingness to put their money where their mouths are, and bankroll a humanitarian process that makes it easy for newcomers to become part of the dynamic modern world that is Team Sweden, they don't think it's unreasonable for the newcomers to act more civilized and think before acting, not throw-down at the smallest sign of a slight, like where they came from.

Taxpayers feel like they've shown their good intentions, and think it's not unreasonable for more immigrants to show more effort and gratitude, NOT act like they're still living in their old Mid-East country, and act publicly and privately in ways that are contrary to Sweden's customs and culture.

Yes, unfortunately for the people of Malmö, many Muslim immigrants in their part of the country have really mastered the art of bending-over-backwards to be seen publicly as the sullen "other," the outlier, and to get media attention for that.
The foreigner who publicly takes advantage of Swedish hospitality and who won't get with the program.
Is it because that's how they really feel, or because they thought they could get away with it and know that it gets them more attention? 
Probably both, but then the outlier never tells, do they?

The thing is, despite all their democratic freedoms, Sweden, like Japan, is a consensus-driven and still-largely homogeneous country, and one that does NOT like people trying to consciously go against the grain and undermine Swedish society or customs simply for the sake of doing so; as opposed to doing so because of some larger, well-intentioned principle or policy.

You can be a thirty-SOMETHING college-educated female that thinks that teenage girls in Sweden vying to be selected as the Lucia in their hometown, school or church is pretty silly in the 21st Century, and write about it on your too-cool-for-school political or fashion blog.
But that's very different than verbally attacking the teenage girls in public, or you publicly saying that the tradition should stop merely because you and your hip pals are not enthusiastic about it.

The photos above are December 13, 2010 screenshots I took of Amanda Römmesmo Diaz (as Lucia) from the 7 a.m. St. Lucia concert at Kungsholms Church in Stockholm that was nationally broadcast LIVE by SVT -and to me here in South Florida via SVT Playin an event that was officially titled, Luciamorgon i Kungsholms kyrka. © 2012 Hallandale Beach Blog, All Rights Reserved
Nobody is forcing you or your hung-over pals to get up early on December 13th and watch the national TV broadcast of the candlelight and music ceremony from some well-known church,  while you all sit on your sofa thinking and saying disparaging thoughts about people you don't even know, while eating hot crossed buns or cold pizza pulled from the fridge.
Sleep-in, it's all the same to everyone else
It's freedom of choice.

But denying others the choice to make their own personal decisions, well, that's the problem in a nutshell isn't it for the Muslim in Muslim-dominated countries today?
He or she is part of a religious culture that continues to deny personal choices and freedoms and micro-manage all aspects of someone's life.

That sort of attitude is anathema to most Swedes, who, thanks to several well-chronicled exploits of several Muslim troublemakers, have in many cases largely given up on the idea that most future Muslim immigrants will do the right thing and assimilate.
Which, logically, is why some ask, Why not just turn off the faucet to the Middle East?

Meanwhile, over at


Saturday, June 2, 2012

V for Verdict: Ex-Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak finally gets his due -LIFE- for his role in deaths of unarmed Egyptian protesters last year at Tahrir Square, but, curiously, skates on the corruption charges, leading to chants of outrage in courtroom from indignant Egyptians

Telegraph TV video:Ex-Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak finally gets his due -LIFE- for his role in deaths of unarmed Egyptian protesters last year at  Tahrir Square, but, curiously, skates on the corruption charges, leading to chants of outrage in courtroom from indignant Egyptians. June 2, 2012.

CAIRO — An Egyptian judge on Saturday sentenced former President Hosni Mubarak to life in prison for the killing of unarmed demonstrators during protests that ended his rule. It was the first verdict of an Arab ruler brought before the law by a popular revolt and for many Egyptians it may be the greatest achievement so far of the uprising that ended his rule.

Read the rest of the article at:

New York Times

Egyptian Court Sentences Mubarak to Life in Prison
By David D. Kirkpatrick
Published: June 2, 2012

Meanwhile, somewhere in Broward County, someone -perhaps you- is likely to be heard saying the following while walking the aisles of Home Depot after first hearing this news on their car radio about the no-go on the corruption charges that seemed like a slam dunk:
"I didn't know that Mike Satz had a cousin in Egypt who was also a prosecutor."

Meanwhile, in other news around the Broward County courthouse...


Friday, April 27, 2012

Sen. Marco Rubio's thoughtful speech on the future of U.S. foreign policy before The Brookings Institution -more muscle, less 'realism' dithering! #rubio

Sen. Marco Rubio video: Sen. Marco Rubio's speech on the future of U.S. foreign policy before The Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C. April 25, 2012.

Sen. Marco Rubio's thoughtful speech on the future of U.S. foreign policy before The Brookings Institution -more muscle, less 'realism' dithering!

See summary of remarks at 
or the full transcript at

The Washington Post
Marco Rubio’s foreign policy speech stakes out a middle ground in GOP
By Karen DeYoung
Published: April 25, 2012
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) took another step onto the national stage Wednesday with a foreign policy speech that positioned him squarely in the middle between a dying breed of GOP moderates and his partisan brethren who have condemned President Obama as an international weakling.
“The easiest thing for me to do here today is to give a speech on my disagreement with this administration on foreign policy,” Rubio told a packed auditorium at the Brookings Institution. “I have many.”

The Washington Post

PostPartisan blog
Marco Rubio’s foreign policy message for the GOP
By Michael Gerson
Posted at 03:32 PM ET, 04/26/2012
Sen. Marco Rubio’s speech on foreign policy at the Brookings Institution was not oversold. It deserved the designation “major” for its courage, skill and moral seriousness. 
The courage came in criticizing a drift toward isolationism within the Republican Party.
Read the rest of the post at:


Monday, November 28, 2011

Forget your own Cyber Monday nonsense, the military's Digital Engagement Team is doing the heavy lifting to counter online Islamic extremist ideology

The Council on Foreign Relations video: Counterterrorism and Homeland Security: Does the United States Have the Right Strategy? September 12, 2011.
Thom Shanker of the N.Y. Times is the panel moderator, with Henry A. Crumpton, Frances "Fran" Fragos Townsend, and John F. Lehman as featured guests. I highly recommend watching the entire video at one time when you have no distractions. In particular, I urge you to listen at the 10:03 mark to former Navy Sec. Lehman, a member of the 9/11 Commission, who makes some spot-on comments I agree with 100% re wasted band frequency, the failure to fully comply with the 9/11 Comm.'s recommendations, and the remaining bloated bureaucracy in the intelligence community, In fact, Lehman is so disgusted with that bureaucratic red-tape that he admits he'd favor the Office of DNI being abolished if it can not be kept intentionally small as it was originally intended.
On 9/11, I was four blocks east of The White House and working in an office on Pennsylvania Ave. directly across the street from the FBI and DOJ.


Forget about your own silly Cyber Monday nonsense, read this GREAT story recently written by Thom Shanker & Eric Schmitt of the New York Times -co-authors of the book "Counterstrike: The Untold Story of America’s Secret Campaign Against Al Qaeda"- about the military's Digital Engagement Team, who is doing the heavy lifting to counter online Islamic extremist ideology, "promote cultural awareness and explain U.S. interests” Yes, strategic counter-terrorism that will make a tangible difference.

New York Times
U.S. Military Goes Online to Rebut Extremists’ Messages
By Thom Shanker & Eric Schmitt
November 18, 2011
MacDILL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. — The morning sun had barely cast its fresh light over Tampa Bay when Ardashir Safavi — born in Iran, a refugee to Turkey, educated in the mid-Atlantic states — was up and patrolling two dozen Persian-language Web sites, hunting militant adversaries in cyberspace.

His mission was to scan news reports, blogs, social media and online essays to identify those he viewed as “containing lies, misinformation or just misperceptions” about American military operations and Pentagon policy across the Middle East.
Read the rest of the article at:

Readers comments at:

See also:

Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI):

University of Southern California Center on Public Diplomacy blog
August 26, 2010
Posted by Philip Seib

Council on Foreign Relations website:

Council on Foreign Relations YouTube Channel:

Monday, October 24, 2011

"Holy terror' - The upcoming U.S. media contretemps & cable net subject that's already getting columnists denouncing it in Sweden; a raw nerve exposed

Frank Miller's Holy Terror

"Holy terror' - Frank Miller's new graphic novel, will, I predict, be the subject of an upcoming U.S. media contretemps and quickly become a cable net subject that's argued over-and-over, and, in any case, is already getting newspaper columnists denouncing it in Sweden.

Miller has definitely struck a raw nerve in Europe, where accommodation is the preferred mode in dealing with uncomfortable subjects that touch close-to-home for the majority of Europe's mainstream media.

Like these sorts of controversies that annoy or antagonize non-Americans usually do, the "
Holy terror' media controversy will start in Europe, migrate to Britain and then finally, the snoozing U.S. news media will notice, as per usual.

At which point, the 'Arab Street' that was completely unaware of it, will then see it on MSNBC at least once an hour with all the Usual Suspects discussing something they have never personally seen or read.

After digesting that, the 'Arab Street' will swing by that flag store in Cairo & Damascus that never runs out of U.S. flags suitable for burning, and after some coffee or tea, or a Power Bar, assemble in the streets to denounce something that they too have never seen or read, and claim that this is how all Americans think, because, well...

They'll have no facts to support that supposition, but that hardly matters, right?
Who needs facts?
Why should this time be any different than the last?

The perpetually jaded foreign news media will then hit the protests with cameras to film the milling crowds of unemployed Egyptian college grads, making them look larger in size than they are, complete with the latest Obama effigy 2.0, and then it will suddenly get mentioned in the next-to-last news segment on a network TV newscast because some news producer saw a piece online about it while looking for something else.

And then we begin to see the ripples of it back here...

Voters in Iowa, again getting first crack at presidential candidates, will say when asked by shivering TV correspondents embedded in Iowa corn fields, "What the hell is all that protesting about?," even though the product itself is being pitched towards their teenage and college-age sons and daughters.

And there you have it
The only question is when it will happen over the next few months.

USA Today already bit at the apple two weeks ago with their 'Holy Terror' undone by patriotic revenge fantasy

Sweden's largest newspaper, Aftonbladet, with a huge online presence, and a frequent subject and source here on this blog, had a column today by Martin Aagård in their Culture section titled, Seriemördare i Breiviks anda, i.e. Serial killer in Breivik's spirit.

Here's what the teaser for it looked like on the newspaper's main web page:

Seriemördare i Breiviks anda Batmans skapare gör rasistisk serie

Yes, that's NOT the least bit inflammatory.

Even now, lots of copies of this article are already being emailed from Sweden to family and friends back in the Middle East.
Just saying...


Frank Miller's official homepage:

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Channel 4 News (UK): Gaddafi could've used an underground escape route from his compound to airport says engineer who worked on its renovation

Channel 4 News video: Gaddafi could have underground escape route -engineer.
The battle for Gaddafi's compound, August 23, 2011. Foreign Affairs correspondent Jonathan Rugman reports.

Muammar Gaddafi could have an underground escape route from his military compound to Tripoli International Airport, an engineer who worked on plans to renovate its infrastructure told Channel 4 News.
Read the rest of the article at:

You're entitled to wonder why you aren't seeing these sorts of enterprising stories about the fighting in Libya in the U.S. news media.
Where are they?
Why do so few American-born network TV reporters actually speak passable Arabic?

Catch-up -Watch Channel 4 News whenever you want and catch-up to past newscasts and segments:

LIVE BLOG: Rebels breach Colonel Gaddafi's Libya compound

World News Blog:

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

What's old is new again: NY Times film critic A.O. Scott on the Arab Spring of 2011 and David Lean's 'Lawrence of Arabia'

NY Times video: Critics' Picks with A.O. Scott: Lawrence of Arabia (1962 Best Film) by David Lean.


I have seen this film, one of the ten-best films ever made, conservatively, about sixty times, including a couple of times at an old-fashioned giant screen at the Uptown Theater in the Cleveland Park neighborhood of Washington, D.C., one of the great remaining theaters in the country, and located not far from The National Zoo.
Going to see a new film on that big screen and then walking around the zoo was a frequent pastime of yours truly and my pals on weekends.

To my mind, you simply can not consider yourself a well-educated and sophisticated person without having seen this film a few times and come to understand the brilliance of Lean's depiction of the simple and complex stories running parallel to one another throughout it, along with the myriad complexities and conundrums that puzzle us to this day.
There's always something new you see in it with every showing, and a lesson or allusion you can draw in comparing some aspect of it to something else.

I consider myself a bit of a David Lean buff since I have seen just about every film he's been associated with.

Original Trailer - Lawrence of Arabia (1962)

Path to Aqaba

Maurice Jarre's genius with this score never fails to impress, no matter how many hundreds of times you've heard it. (I've seen it so many times that I know which scene goes with which part of the score.) Three years later, Jarre wins the Oscar again for Dr. Zhivago, the second of his three Oscars.

Maurice Jarre conducts the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in 1992 performing his Oscar-winning score.

The next showing of Lawrence of Arabia on Turner Classic Movies, DirecTV Channel 256, is Tuesday July 12th at 8 p.m. Eastern.