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Showing posts with label Winter Music Conference 2013. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Winter Music Conference 2013. Show all posts

Saturday, May 4, 2013

While Miami Dolphins stadium renovation deal was going south in Tallahassee, rather bravely, in between all this week's downpours, DJ Boris and his friends managed to party at the Surfcomber Hotel in South Beach, as part of Winter Music Conference 2013.; @MiamiDolphins Stephen Ross, his media flacks & pols at #MiamiFirst lost the battle and the war -both FL House Speaker and FL Senate President were against it; Time for Ross to open his own checkbook or sell the team; South Florida pols who supported Ross will find that comes with a downside that voters won't forget!; @willweatherford, @PhinPhanatic

fashiontv YouTube Channel video: DJ Boris and Friends Party at Surfcomber Hotel in Miami, Winter Music Conference 2013, FashionTV, Uploaded May 3, 2013.

I wasn't there myself, but I hear that... afterwards, they gathered around in small groups and talked amongst themselves about: the reluctance of the Obama Administration to arm the rebels in Syria, the death-spiral trajectory of the Gang of Eight's pro-amnesty immigration reform legislation in Congress, and what they liked the most about their favorite U.S. and foreign fashion bloggers.

But when they were finished talking about global issues, the got local and while the beer was still cold, they got together in and around the pool, threw the beach balls out, and argued over why billionaire Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross, one of the world's richest men, won't pay for the stadium improvements himself that he claims that HIS stadium needs to host another Super Bowl, or, at least get a loan for the improvements for HIS stadium from a reputable bank in Miami. But he doesn't want to do that, does he?

Is it because Ross didn't think any banks in Miami are reputable, or because he just preferred to avoid the paperwork and fees and instead get an interest free loan from taxpayers?

Field of Schemes blog
Dolphins are proposing to turn the $120 million public subsidy into a $120 million 30-year interest-free loan
By Neil deMause:
March 26, 2013

Or, as I wrote in the subject hearder of an email the day I came across this very curious bit of news from Tallahassee -news that not a single Miami TV station mentioned on-air that day or the next- and which none of the Dolphin "experts" and media types said anything at all about, "And boom goes the Dolphins charade

Palm Beach Post
Why the Senate president voted against the stadium deal
By Dara Kam
April 29th, 2013

Hmm-m.. do they not want to make permanent enemies of both Gaetz and Weatherford, only Weatherford?

In the next few days, if everything works out, I'll be posting the most egregious example of the dozens seen by South Florida residents in recent weeks of the Miami news media's sycophancy disguised as journalism during the Dolphins Stadium PR debate.

The debate that had support for the question in Miami-Dade County at 22% according to a poll I read about this week, much lower than even the paltry 30% I thought it might get, which would've been a landslide defeat for Ross.
Florida House Speaker Will Weatherford saved him from that embarrassment.

That post will include what I personally believe to be THE worst example of all, which came from an unexpected source -a usually-reliable person with a great voice.

Though it may be hard for younger Dolphin fans or people who have moved to South Florida since the 1990's to believe... Once Upon a Time, the Miami Herald had a Dolphins beat guy who was not only a a great writer who penned pieces with genuine insight and nuance, but who was also scrupulously fair and could almost always back up what he said with solid facts and reason. 
His name was Michael Janofsky.

He was so good and so fair-minded and insightful -yet opinionated- that he left the Herald for the N.Y. Times and was one of their best correspondents for 24 years.

Anyone thinking that current Herald Dolphin beat reporter Armando Salguero @Armando Salguero was ever going to report on the stadium renovation fight either accurately or without bias, has clearly been proven wrong over the past few weeks. 
How many mistakes can you make in one column or a single Tweet?

Me, I don't think Salguero will be going to the N.Y. Times in the future.
Just saying...  

FashionTV YouTube Channel:

PhinPhanatic @PhinPhanatic