CBS News, Sixty Minutes: Hard times generation: Homeless kids,
First aired: March 6, 2011;cbsCarousel
From the Sixty Minutes website:
For some children, socializing and learning are being cruelly complicated by homelessness, as Scott Pelley reports from Florida, where school buses now stop at motels for children who've lost their homes.
Story at:
I originally had a lot to say about this Sixty Minutes segment from Sunday night's show but my draft of those comments was accidentally deleted this morning, and I'm exhausted, so this will have to do instead:
The emotionally-draining situation they describe -homeless individuals or families cleaning themselves at Walmart- is one that I actually used to see over at the Arlington County govt. HQ more often than you'd think in the 1990's when I lived in Arlington.
Since I moved back to South Florida in late 2003, I've occasionally written emails to friends and posted something here about how Arlington County, even more than usual, acted like a dog chasing its tail in their own policies on the homeless.
In the view of many well-informed people I knew -plus me- the County often seemed to be focused almost entirely on appeasing well-organized groups "helping" a segment of the homeless population, not entirely from Arlington, that, to me, at times resembled nothing so much as a very pushy and indignant voting bloc of the CDU under Helmut Kohl, constantly going on about what they wanted and needed, while simultaneously, the County seemed genuinely blind to instances where some assistance could really help some Arlington County families keep it together in their own homes.
It was hard not to notice that the constantly complaining spokes in the wheel, not the truly deserving, got the grea$e.
And that was before the foreclosure epidemic hit the country.
Friends and acquaintances of mine who travel across Florida more than I do now say they see a LOT MORE families cleaning-up in Florida Turnpike rest stops in the morning than they ever remember seeing.
Below, something I posted in January of 2010 on hemlösa, featuring the amazing Yohanna.
Yohanna - "Don't Save It All For Christmas Day" - HD -Dec. 15, 2009, TV3
JĂłhanna GuĂ°rĂșn JĂłnsdĂłttir, December 15, 2009 in Stockholm, for TV3's broadcast of "En SĂ„ng För Hemlösa 2009" (A Song For The Homeless 2009)
For more Yohanna videos, go to