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Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan
Showing posts with label Sony Pictures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sony Pictures. Show all posts

Monday, September 24, 2012

More exciting behind-the-scenes video of new 007/James Bond film, "Skyfall" in London, Turkey and Shanghai with Daniel Craig, Judi Dench and director Sam Mendes; #SKYFALL, #007

Reviewing what we already know -the second U.S trailer for Skyfall

"Some men are coming to kill us. We're going to kill them first."

Skyfall, directed by Sam Mendes, opens in U.K. cinemas October 26th and in U.S. theaters November 9th, and as everyone has known for months because it's the worst-kept 'secret' of the year, Adele will be singing the new title song. 
As I've mentioned in my previous posts about this film, Skyfall is the first 007 film to be only filmed in IMAX.

jamesbond007 video: Naomie Harris and Bérénice Marlohe on their roles in new 007 film, Skyfall.  Uploaded September 20, 2012.
M: "Think on your sins."

jamesbond007 video: Skyfall director Sam Mendes and Daniel Craig talk about the role of the London locations to show the essential Britishness of James Bond by showing real but iconic places he would frequent, but from unusal and perhaps even menacing perspectives. Uploaded August 16, 2012.

Amazing Shangai will clearly be a big co-star of the new James Bond film and a revelation for people who have never traveled there.

jamesbond007 video: On the set in Turkey for the shooting of the opening sequences of the film that sets up the premise. Uploaded September 7, 2012.

See the studio stage here, including a 360 view, at:

Visit the official website at 

See more 007/Skyfall videos at their official YouTube Channel at

See who else Likes James Bond at 

Monday, May 21, 2012

First teaser trailer for new James Bond film, Skyfall, released today! "Some men are coming to kill us. We're going to kill them first." Skyfall opens in U.K. on Oct. 26th and in U.S. on Nov. 9th

The first teaser trailer for the new James Bond film, Skyfall, was released today to set the mood for the millions of eager 007 fans around the world. May 21, 2012.

"Some men are coming to kill us. We're going to kill them first."

Skyfall, the first 007 film to be only filmed in IMAX, opens in the U.K. on October 26th and in the U.S. on November 9th, the first Friday after the election.
Directed by Sam Mendes and starring Daniel Craig, Judi Dench, Ralph Fiennes, Javier Bardem and Naomie Harris. And yes, once upon a time, the amazing Rachel Weisz dated Mendes for three years before breaking-up in 2002; she's now married to Craig since last year's surprise wedding.

Over 284,000 people have already seen this teaser within the first 12 hours it's been online...

New SKYFALL Production Videoblog. May 3, 2012.

See the studio stage here, including a 360 view, at:

Visit the official website at 

See more 007/Skyfall videos at their official YouTube Channel at

See who else Likes James Bond at 

Robbie Williams -  Millennium

In a word, brilliant!!!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

"Anonymous" -Was Shakespeare A Fraud?; Roland Emmerich's new film dares to ponder that literary heresy

Anonymous (2011) Trailer -a Sony Pictures release

Sony Pictures video: 10 Reasons Why Roland Emmerich Believes Shakespeare Is a Fraud

ITN video: Anonymous cast defend controversial Shakespeare movie

Los Angeles Times
Roland Emmerich's 'Anonymous' shakes up Shakespeare scholars,
Shakespearean scholars are scandalized by Roland Emmerich's 'Anonymous,' premiering Friday, which depicts a nobleman as the secret author of the Bard's plays.
By Rebecca Keegan, Los Angeles Times,
October 27, 2011

A statue of William Shakespeare in the playwright's hometown of Stratford-Upon-Avon was covered by a sheet Tuesday in protest; a debate enlivened a New York cultural festival; American university campuses have played host to surprisingly prickly encounters between professors and filmmakers.

Read the rest of the post at

See also:
The Guardian
Roland Emmerich: Appetite for deconstruction
Why is Roland Emmerich, purveyor of disaster-movie schlock, wading into the debate over the authorship of Shakespeare's plays?
By Damon Wise,,
27 October 2011 17.00 EDT
Roland Emmerich knows there's a subtext to the compliment when people tell him they like his new film, Anonymous. "Were my other movies so bad?" asks the Stuttgart-born director in his clipped Teutonic accent. But it's not so much that those other movies were bad – it's that they bore almost no resemblance to reality. In the last 15 years Emmerich has presided over an alien invasion (Independence Day), the trashing of New York (Godzilla) and the end of the world not once but twice (The Day After Tomorrow and 2012). So it comes as quite a surprise that his latest project, though just as rich in CGI, is quite an intelligent, if somewhat broad historical drama that portrays William Shakespeare as a drunk and posits the Earl of Oxford as the true genius of English literature.
Read the rest of the article at:

I'll be seeing this film sometime this week at the AMC Aventura 24.

HBB Trivia: I have roughly about a dozen books about Shakespeare here with me in HB, but when I lived on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. I used to live three blocks away from the Folger Shakespeare Library, and always attended their annual birthday party for dear Wills.
Years later, one of my housemates actually worked there.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

"'Moneyball' hits it out of the park" says NY Post and Brad Pitt draws raves from critics, but is too much of Lewis book dumbed-down for moviegoers?

Sony Pictures video: Moneyball trailer

New York Post video: 'Moneyball' hits it out of the park

CBS Sunday Morning video: David Edelstein reviews Brad Pitt in Moneyball movie 9-18-11 CBS Sunday Morning

Since the Hurricanes play Kansas State on Saturday afternoon and the Dolphins play in Cleveland on Sunday afternoon against the Browns, I'll necessarily be seeing this film I've been waiting for for years -since first reading the Michael Lewis book "Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game" in hardback- later today at the AMC Aventura 24 down the street at the Aventura Mall.

See also:
The Washington Post
Celebritology blog
‘Moneyball’: Why it’s this year’s ‘Social Network’
Posted at 09:08 PM ET, 09/22/2011
By Jen Chaney

and a VERY dissenting review:

Baseball America
Movie Review: Moneyball
By Conor Glassey
September 21, 2011

Moneyball is being billed as a sports drama, but really it's a mystery.

The first question I couldn't figure out is: Why was it even made in the first place? When the book was released in 2003 it was polarizing but it was interesting and helped casual baseball fans gain acceptance and understanding of advanced statistics.

Through no fault of its own, the book (written by Michael Lewis and published in 2003) hasn't aged well and the story just doesn't translate to the screen. The Moneyball concept has become trite and misunderstood over the years and this movie will only continue to make things worse.
Read the rest of the review with lots of good points about the finer points being dummied down for movie-goers:

FYI: In my opinion, actress Tammy Blanchard, who plays Scott Hatteberg's (Chris Pratt's) wife in the film, is an amazing mega-talent who ought to be starring in a a lot more big films than she is. Ten years ago, she won an Emmy Award for playing a young Judy Garland in a TV film titled "A Life with Judy Garland: Me and My Shadows," which was only one of the best things I've ever seen on American TV. It was stupendous.
If you have never seen it and see it advertised on cable, watch it -you won't be disappointed!


Given the media contretemps that has surrounded Brad Pitt the past ten days since his comments to the Parade magazine Sunday newspaper supplement about ex-wife Jennifer Anniston, and his subsequent attempts to clarify them and undo any misperceptions, I wish that someone could explain to me just when and why it was decided that one of the unwritten job responsibilities of the American news media in the 21st century was being a suck-up for Anniston, and defending her from any and all criticism, no matter how valid.

It's unprofessional, and seems to especially be an epidemic among female journalists.
And it's equally true of their treatment of Julia Roberts.

Anniston is NOT Katharine Hepurn or Audrey Hepburn or Ingrid Bergman or Elizabeth Taylor.
She's NOT even Faye Dunaway, Jennifer Connelly or Natalie Portman.
Not be any stretch of the imagination.

Jennifer Anniston is famous for what she looks like, what she's wearing -or barely wearing- and whom she's dating.
There's room for that in an entertainment-consumed society, of course, but is her life in particular really so fascinating that it's deserving of the out-of-proportione attention she nets among the non-entertainment media?
That's just it -she's NOT that interesting.

And while no serious well-informed person who closely follows contemporary entertainment or the real inner working of 'Show Biz' harbors any illusions about what Entertainment Tonight is now compared to what it once was or at least aspired to be, with serious reporting in the 1980's on what was happening behind-the-scenes at the Hollywood studios, their over-the-top coverage of Pitt's comments seem very sexist and parochial in a way that is hard to fathom in the year 2011.

As he stated himself to NBC-TV's Matt Lauer, can't he just be happy he is with Angelina Jolie?
Does everyone immediately have to jump to Zero Sum theory and say that it's a reflection on Anniston?
He was unhappy, unfulfilled and didn't want to be married to Anniston anymore.
Can't you cut the guy some slack?

Besides, it's always been clear to me that he wanted to have a family sooner than Anniston and that cleavage created the same sorts of difficulties for them that it does for millions and millions of married couples with a lot less resources than Pitt and Anniston.

As I've stated her previously, Sharon Waxman's TheWrap has made a name for itself in Hollywood in part because it refuses to play the role of talent-friendly, hand-holding media stooge.
Months ago, she wrote a great blog column about actor Rupert Everett attacking the liberal Hollywood studios for their politically naivete and for defending and promoting stars like Anniston no matter how poorly her films do at the box office.
(You could throw-in Sarah Jessica Parker to that mix as well.)

I strongly suggest you read it.

Rupert Everett Lashes Hollywood as Homophobic, Jennifer Aniston as Protected
Published: January 01, 2011 @ 10:42 pm
By Sharon Waxman

Rupert Everett has given scorched earth interviews before, but none like the one he gave the BBC this week, criticizing Hollywood and its “powers that be” for shutting out homosexuals like himself and protecting favored movie stars like Jennifer Aniston.

Read the rest of the article at:


Friday, July 31, 2009

Even for seen-it-all Miami, alien problems in "District 9" will be tough to resolve

Famous last words: "There are a lot of secrets in District 9."


Daily Variety
review of District 9 from
July 28th, 2009:

This official Sony website is great, with by far
the most information, best trailers and even some
p.s.a.s and games, even MNU training simulation.

You may prefer to watch the official trailer here
and click theater format:

For more information on film director Neill Blomkamp, see

How Peter Jackson Discovered District 9 Director Neill Blomkamp

By John Pavlus
July 20, 2009

See also: thompsononhollywood/peter_jackson/


As is almost always the case, there's never a big story
that isn't without a South Florida angle:

Multi-National United
, Miami Division,
Police you can count on in an emergency!