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Showing posts with label Richard Florida. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Richard Florida. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The "Creative Class" theory takes it on the chin: Joel Kotkin comes not to praise Richard Florida's notions of the economic dynamism of the Creative Class in urban environments, but rather to bury those ideas under cold hard facts and scrutiny, even while some critics say the theory was always too elitist and patronizing to begin with; "the creative class doesn’t have much in the way of coattails”

bigthink·YouTube Channel: Big Think Interview with Richard Florida, the director of the Martin Prosperity Institute at the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management. What are the factors in creating a successful economic recovery and what are the public policy. He brings up the South Florida housing market at the 10:28 mark. Uploaded April 23, 2012.

The Daily Beast
Richard Florida Concedes the Limits of the Creative Class
by Joel Kotkin 
March 20, 2013 4:45 AM EDT
The so-called creative class of intellects and artists was supposed to remake America’s cities and revive urban wastelands. Now the evidence is in—and the experiment appears to have failed, writes Joel Kotkin.
Among the most pervasive, and arguably pernicious, notions of the past decade has been that the “creative class” of the skilled, educated and hip would remake and revive American cities. The idea, packaged and peddled by consultant Richard Florida, had been that unlike spending public money to court Wall Street fat cats, corporate executives or other traditional elites, paying to appeal to the creative would truly trickle down, generating a widespread urban revival.
Read the rest of the essay at:

I last wrote about Richard Florida when his book Who's Your City: How the Creative Economy is Making Where to Live the Most Important Decision of Your Life 
came out.

I not only purchased a copy for myself, but after a few days of reading it, also purchased a copy at the then-Borders in Aventura and mailed it to my my niece in Maryland who was then weeks from leaving for her freshman year at Washington & Lee in Virginia, where her younger sister is now still at UVA in Charlottesville, one of the country's really great cities to live in and visit.

His May 27, 2008 appearance at Google HQ at Mountain Vista was one I taped for a number of friends. You can also watch it online at:

Transit Miami blog
Miami’s Suburbs in the Sky 
by Craig Chester
May 17, 2012 

Are the mega-condos of Brickell the key to urban vitality and innovation or are they just cul-de-sacs in the sky? In a keynote speech during the 20th Congress for New Urbanism in West Palm Beach, author Richard Florida challenged the idea that the “rush to density” will unlock and release the potential of our cities.
Read the rest of the post at

I was originally going to write a comment there the day the post above came out but I never actually sent it after writing it, though I did share it with some friends around the country who are also interested in urban planning and design/
Transit Miami 

His essays at The Atlantic on urban theory:

Deconstructing Richard Florida
By Ian David Moss
April 27, 2009

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Obamacare death panels won't save legacy media's Newsweek: You could've been a MSM news mogul for the small introductory price of $1

On September 18, 2009, I wrote a post about my observations about Newsweek magazine's future, and as you can tell from the title I gave that post, Obamacare Death Panels have bad news for Newsweek: Doctors will pull the plug on mag at $75 a year; Newsweek R.I.P.

I suggested that the reality was that there wasn't much of a future for them, because they had become increasingly irrelevant to the larger public discourse going on in America, in large part, due to their own insular liberal, hipper-than-thou parochialism and dis-connectedness to the country west and south of the Hudson River, and some rather uninspired editorial choices.
It was a mess.

Not that I was alone in my observations, given Michael Kinsley's spot-on take in The New Republic, Backwards Runs Newsweek, which could've easily been made the year before it ran last May and been just as accurate.

It's hardly breaking news that Newsweek had never been relevant in the first place in longstanding public policy backwaters like South Florida, since as far as I can remember, it was never ever cited by anyone at any time at any public policy gathering I or any of my civic-minded friends ever attended from the mid-'70's on.

But in certain places throughout the country where ideas, especially new ideas, still really matter and have not just currency but urgency, and are argued about and discussed at length -and I don't mean that in a pejorative fashion but simply as a descriptive- it actually was relevant as recently as ten years ago.

I know because I've been to places where that really was true, at least among a certain sub-group of the local population that I knew, which is to say, friends of mine whom reporters and columnists call for quotes.

Places with serious, smart and well-educated people who read voraciously and who consume multiple hard news sources and trade/specialty journals weekly by the barrel and mega-bite.

Cities like Boston, New York, New Haven, Washington, D.C. , The Research Triangle in North Carolina, Atlanta, Nashville, Louisville, Austin, Chicago and Evanston, Champaign/Urbana, Milwaukee, Madison, Ann Arbor, Columbus, Lawrence (KS), Albuquerque, Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, Berkeley, Palo Alto and Silicon Alley, Sacramento, certain parts of Los Angeles and Orange County, and yes, Bloomington.

See for more on why it is certain U.S. cities are incubators of ideas, public policy amd innovation, while other places, like South Florida, aren't.

To its own dismay, Newsweek had become the proverbial boyfriend who hadn't gotten the hint that he was about to be tossed overboard in favor of the new, more-interesting boyfriend, who was lurking discreetly off-camera, who doesn't take her for granted.

Boyfriend #1 is blindsided, of course, but to anyone actually paying any attention, it had seemed self-evident and rather inevitable since it was clear that there were no longer any sparks in the relationship, just a drab, mundane sameness and shallow me-too-ism.

Well today, or rather yesterday, we learned that you, too, could have become a media mogul for the low introductory price of exactly $1.

But the fact that one American dollar was more than hundreds of people and entities thought Newsweek magazine was worth as a going concern is perhaps the most salient fact of all, and a real warning to those who currently take their dwindling readership for granted, like the Miami Herald and South Florida Sun-Sentinel, who are barely relevant or trusted in their very own neighborhoods, as they continue to dangerously list.

Man the lifeboats!

The Washington Post
Post Co. discloses Newsweek's price tag: $1

The Associated Press
Wednesday, October 6, 2010; 7:11 PM

NEW YORK -- The Washington Post Co. has revealed exactly how much cash that audio equipment magnate Sidney Harman paid for Newsweek magazine this summer: $1.

The Post Co. also agreed to cover up to $10 million of Newsweek's existing bills. And it will hold on to certain employee pension liabilities, though it did not spell out a dollar figure in a regulatory filing Wednesday.

No one thought Harman paid much for Newsweek, which lost almost $30 million last year amid circulation and advertising declines.

But the magazine's sale for less than its $5.95-per-issue price on newsstands is still a grim milestone for a brand that was once a prized asset at the Post Co., which bought Newsweek in 1961.

The filing comes as speculation builds that Harman's Newsweek will form some kind of partnership with The Daily Beast, a news and opinion site owned by Barry Diller's media conglomerate, IAC/InterActiveCorp, and run by former New Yorker magazine editor Tina Brown.

In a piece commemorating the site's second anniversary on Wednesday, Brown answered the buzz about a deal with Newsweek by saying, "Yes, there have been some interesting discussions going on, as we have with potential partners large and small all the time."

Calls to The Daily Beast and Newsweek seeking further comment were not immediately returned. The Post Co. also declined to elaborate on its filing.


The Daily Beast:

Media and investigative reporter Howard Kurtz joins The Daily Beast as Washington Bureau Chief.
By Tina Brown

October 5, 2010 12:40pm

New York magazine's Daily Intel blog
What Would a Tina Brown–Helmed Daily Beast–Newsweek Hybrid Look Like?
By Chris Rovzar
10/6/10 at 3:20 PM

New York magazine's Daily Intel blog
Michael Kinsley Attacks the New Newsweek, and We Feel Bad About It
By Jessica Pressler
5/22/09 at 10:11 AM

New York magazine's Daily Intel blog

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Upcoming Radio and TV FYIs

Meant to post this yesterday but was having lots of trouble with my Bell South internet connection, which came and went of its own volition, regardless of my own plans.

Had some recommendations for two Book TV segments on Sunday, featuring new books by authors whom I've greatly enjoyed in the past, Marshall Goldman of Wellesley College, and Simon Winchester, and an overnight radio program early Tuesday morning featuring Richard Florida, whom you can hear and judge for yourself whether my take on him and his work is correct.

I first got turned onto Dr. Goldman when I lived in Evanston in the mid-80's, thru my then-girlfriend, who was attending grad school at Northwestern and who'd taken his classes when she was an undergrad at Wellesley.
(The Wellesley grads in the Washington D.C. area annually have one of the largest and best book fair events of the year, which most of my friends and I have gone to a few times, due to the great finds there. I could always find issues of Foreign Affairs or Foreign Policy that I was missing, for whatever reason.)

The only Wellesley grad I've met since returning to South Florida is Hollywood activist and public policy guru Sara Case, the Editor of Balance Sheet Online.
Sara is also a member of the Hollywood Charter Review Committee and was recently appointed by Broward Commissioner Sue Gunzburger to the Broward County Planning Council.
Next meeting is Thursday, August 7, from 3-5 p.m.
Article 4 - Initiative; Article 5 - Referendum; Discussion on campaign finance reform and suggested topics from Vice Mayor Blattner
On C-SPAN 2, Direct TV 351

Sunday, July 27, at 7:30 AM
Monday, September 1, at 12:00 AM
Petrostate: Putin, Power, and the New Russia
Oxford University Press. 230 pages. $27.95.

About the Author
Marshall Goldman is a senior scholar at the Davis Center for Russian Studies at Harvard University and an economics professor emeritus at Wellesley College. Mr. Goldman's writing has appeared in several publications, including The Washington Post, The Atlantic Monthly, and Foreign Affairs.

About the Program
Marshall Goldman recounts Russia's economic collapse in 1998 and its reemergence only a decade later as a financial force due to its energy wealth. Mr. Goldman reports that Russia is the world's largest producer of petroleum and the second largest exporter. He details the efforts Vladimir Putin made to renationalize Russian oil and how these profits were used to pay off the countries national debt. This event was hosted by the Southern Center for International Studies in Atlanta.

Publisher's blurb:

Dr. Goldman was on NPR's Diana Rehm Show on June 8th,

The most insightful critique of the book was this one by Edward Lucas on his blog about his new book on Russia, The New Cold War: how the Kremlin menaces Russia and the West

The biggest hole in "Petrostate" is its skimpy treatment of the European Union. An important question facing the EU now, for instance, is whether its energy liberalization policy -- unbundling the wholesale and retail businesses in gas and electricity -- will help or hinder the Kremlin. A fragmented market may be even easier to manipulate. Mr. Goldman's sharp mind would be well-suited to untangling such intricacies.
The unanswerable question is whether the Kremlin -- or more precisely, Vladimir Putin -- will use gas as a weapon to gain international political influence. The optimistic view is that business normalizes politics -- in this case, that Russia's need to be a dependable partner will require it to soften its political edge and conform to international standards of behavior. Pessimists fear that gas dependency will lead to the Finlandization of Europe. On the evidence so far, the pessimists have the better chance of being right.

That this particular angle on energy policy and U.S-Russian foreign policy is hardly ever discussed either intelligently or at length on network TV news goes without saying, not that PBS has much to crow about, either.
Sunday, July 27, at 7:00 PM
The Man Who Loved China: The Fantastic Story of the Eccentric Scientist Who Unlocked the Mysteries of the Middle Kingdom

About the Author
Simon Winchester is the author of numerous books, including "The Professor and the Madman," "The Map That Changed the World," and "Krakatoa." Mr. Winchester has written for several publications, including National Geographic and Smithsonian.

About the Program
Historian Simon Winchester recounts the life of Joseph Needham (1900-1995) a Cambridge University biochemist who became obsessed with China and wrote "Science and Civilization of China" a twenty-four-volume study of Chinese history and culture that assisted in introducing the West to the East. Simon Winchester discusses his book with John Major, senior lecturer of the China Institute at the Asia Society in New York City.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
LIVE with George Noory,
Guest: Richard Florida
Book: Who’s Your City?

One of the world's leading public intellectuals, Richard Florida will discuss his work analyzing and predicting future trends in housing, economy, work, lifestyle and community.

Program runs live from 1-5 a.m., and I suspect that guest Florida will be on the first two hours.
As some of you may recall, I'm currently reading his insightful and perceptive book after having watched the author's fascinating apearance on Book TV a few weeks ago.

Who's Your City: How the Creative Economy is Making Where to Live the Most Important Decision of Your Life

Richard Florida contends that in the era of globalization it still matters where people call home and where you live is one of the most important decisions you will make.
From your quality of life to the people you surround yourself with, Mr. Florida determines which cities are suited for certain people.

Richard Florida is Director of the Martin Prosperity Institute and professor of business and creativity at the Joseph L. Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto.
He is the author of several books, including "The Rise of the Creative Class" and "The Flight of the Creative Class."

To see his recent appearance on C-SPAN's Book TV from the Google HQ:

For more information, see

I've been meaning to suggest that those of you who who are hardcore book readers, might want to consider adding the book blog, Edmund's Saltmines to your list of things to peruse daily, since his list of authors on TV or radio is often quite helpful.