Today's blog post is the latest update to the neverending story regarding Broward County's longstanding effort to put a 325-foot high 911 emergency services radio tower and antenna in a very popular county park in northern Hollywood off Sheridan Street, West Lake Park.
Map here:
That plan has been almost universally opposed by the the city's residents and elected officials on largely environmental grounds and financial grounds, though there are clearly many Hollywood homeowners who are opposed to the radio tower being located there for strictly aesthetic reasons, too.
Which is their right, of course.
Broward Comm. Beam Furr, a former City of Hollywood Commissioner -and a friend of yours truly- was very articulate and persuasive in pointing out these environmental and financial facts at a summer County Commission meeting, pointing out that having it placed atop The Circ Hotel at Young Circle on U.S.-1/Federal Highway is better for all Broward taxpayers because
a.) it would cost less, and,
b.) there would be ZERO possibility of storm surge affecting the antenna tower during or after a hurricane, as would be more likely if it's located at West Lake Park.
As is commonly known, the whole Broward 911 communications system has been a fiasco for many years, with the murders at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywod International Airport in January of 2017 - I knew someone who flew out of the airport shortly before it took place- and the massacre at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas H.S. having revealed the self-evident dangers of the County Commission being behind-schedule on updating and improving the 911 system for what seems like forever.
That being the case, actually having the radio antenna located in a site that is both cheaper and safer made a lot of sense to me and most of the people I know, whether they were Hollywood residents like me or not.
But the rest of the Broward County Commission had little-to-no interest in listening to what Comm. Furr and the residents of Hollywood said, and to me seemed to have largely made their minds made up long before the meeting started, as evidenced by many their overly-dramatic self-serving, self-pitying, sanctimonious and sarcastic comments, especially those coming from Comm. Barbara Sharief and Comm. Michael Udine, the latter of whom I zinged on Twitter in late June, as you can see below.
Their whole Chicken Little "sky-is-falling" mindset was embarrassing, though predictable given where we are.
This all taking place despite the fact that it's clear to anyone paying the slightest bit of attention that the 911 radio tower antenna tower, no matter where it was located in the greater Hollywood area to cover SE Broward, would NOT be complete until... NEXT YEAR.
I heard one of the county's own experts say that right in front of me at the June meeting in Hollywood.
But to not real effect apparently.
People who know better still claim it will be done this year.
It's simply a preposterous claim, especially if we get anything close to a minor hurricane before the end of November now that we have moved into the heart of hurricane season, where 85% of them emerge.
Map here:
That plan has been almost universally opposed by the the city's residents and elected officials on largely environmental grounds and financial grounds, though there are clearly many Hollywood homeowners who are opposed to the radio tower being located there for strictly aesthetic reasons, too.
Which is their right, of course.
This blog post will cover what's largely taken place since my last blog post on this issue of May 6th, 2019, The West Lake Park Radio Tower issue is rubbing #HollywoodFL residents the wrong way, esp. people who don't see 325-foot tall radio antennas, even for 911 services, being compatible for a nature park. Especially when there's a better answer available. @SAVEWESTLAKE
The map above and the following infromation comes straight from Broward County's website:
Consultant Concludes West Lake Park is Best Site for 911 Tower Site
On June 19, Broward County and the City of Hollywood agreed to hire an independent subject matter expert to evaluate two proposed locations for a new radio tower in east Hollywood. The independent expert released his report earlier today and recommends the West Lake Park location (view site map) in lieu of the CIRC Hotel location. Per the terms of the agreement between the City and County, the independent expert’s decision is binding on both parties. Read Consultant Report.
Broward Comm. Beam Furr, a former City of Hollywood Commissioner -and a friend of yours truly- was very articulate and persuasive in pointing out these environmental and financial facts at a summer County Commission meeting, pointing out that having it placed atop The Circ Hotel at Young Circle on U.S.-1/Federal Highway is better for all Broward taxpayers because
a.) it would cost less, and,
b.) there would be ZERO possibility of storm surge affecting the antenna tower during or after a hurricane, as would be more likely if it's located at West Lake Park.
As is commonly known, the whole Broward 911 communications system has been a fiasco for many years, with the murders at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywod International Airport in January of 2017 - I knew someone who flew out of the airport shortly before it took place- and the massacre at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas H.S. having revealed the self-evident dangers of the County Commission being behind-schedule on updating and improving the 911 system for what seems like forever.
That being the case, actually having the radio antenna located in a site that is both cheaper and safer made a lot of sense to me and most of the people I know, whether they were Hollywood residents like me or not.
But the rest of the Broward County Commission had little-to-no interest in listening to what Comm. Furr and the residents of Hollywood said, and to me seemed to have largely made their minds made up long before the meeting started, as evidenced by many their overly-dramatic self-serving, self-pitying, sanctimonious and sarcastic comments, especially those coming from Comm. Barbara Sharief and Comm. Michael Udine, the latter of whom I zinged on Twitter in late June, as you can see below.
Their whole Chicken Little "sky-is-falling" mindset was embarrassing, though predictable given where we are.
This all taking place despite the fact that it's clear to anyone paying the slightest bit of attention that the 911 radio tower antenna tower, no matter where it was located in the greater Hollywood area to cover SE Broward, would NOT be complete until... NEXT YEAR.
I heard one of the county's own experts say that right in front of me at the June meeting in Hollywood.
But to not real effect apparently.
People who know better still claim it will be done this year.
It's simply a preposterous claim, especially if we get anything close to a minor hurricane before the end of November now that we have moved into the heart of hurricane season, where 85% of them emerge.
After many meetings with the City of Hollywood to try to accommodate the concerns of residents, we now have the independent consultant’s report that “firmly” states West Lake Park is the best location for the public safety radio tower.— Mayor Mark Bogen (@mark_bogen) August 16, 2019
Here's a map from the consultant report -- showing the differences in radio signal coverage. Circ Hotel site is left & West Lake Park is on the right. Park better covers airport report finds, while Circ better covers north Miami-Dade County. @WLRN— Caitie Switalski (@caitielee0917) August 16, 2019
FYI- you can find the full report on the City of Hollywood's website at the following link:— City of Hollywood,FL (@cohgov) August 19, 2019
County expert tells Hollywood trees in West Lake Park stand 50 feet tall, will hide base of 911 communications tower county wants to build in West Lake Park. Tower would be 300 feet high topped by 25-foot antennas.— Susannah Bryan (@Susannah_Bryan) July 3, 2019
“I think the numbers are fairytale numbers.” #Hollywood Commissioner Dick Blattner on county’s claim it will cost $750,000 to build a 30-story communications tower in West Lake Park and $3.8 million to place 911 equipment on top of a building downtown.— Susannah Bryan (@Susannah_Bryan) July 3, 2019
Hollywood Commissioner Peter Hernandez says 3-ton fire trucks can’t get down dirt road leading to 911 tower at West Lake Park if diesel tank catches fire. County says a paved road will be built.— Susannah Bryan (@Susannah_Bryan) July 3, 2019
Hollywood just approved site plan for 911 tower at West Lake Park. Approval was required as part of effort to get county to consider city’s preferred site on top of the Circ tower downtown. Vote was 6-1 (Callari voted no, prefers to let a judge decide).— Susannah Bryan (@Susannah_Bryan) July 3, 2019
1/ NA: The #Broward 911 radio antenna system was never going to be "finished" B4 end of 2019, as was admitted @cohgov CityComm mtg I was at last wk where County Atty & staff were present. Not B4 Hurricane season started/passes. How come news media never mentioned this previously?— HallandaleBeach/HollywoodBlog (@hbbtruth) June 26, 2019
Translated yr tweet: IF @cohgov citizens had remained quiet, let @browardinfo /experts have thr way, it might've been 'finished' since U ALREADY paid Motorola. But other ones that are NOT ready now wld... STILL not be up? Oh, okay.— HallandaleBeach/HollywoodBlog (@hbbtruth) June 26, 2019
Sorry, no sale.@Susannah_Bryan @caitielee0917
1/ NA: The #Broward 911 radio antenna system was never going to be "finished" B4 end of 2019, as was admitted @cohgov CityComm mtg I was at last wk where County Atty & staff were present. Not B4 Hurricane season started/passes. How come news media never mentioned this previously?— HallandaleBeach/HollywoodBlog (@hbbtruth) June 26, 2019
Translated yr tweet: IF @cohgov citizens had remained quiet, let @browardinfo /experts have thr way, it might've been 'finished' since U ALREADY paid Motorola. But other ones that are NOT ready now wld... STILL not be up? Oh, okay.— HallandaleBeach/HollywoodBlog (@hbbtruth) June 26, 2019
Sorry, no sale.@Susannah_Bryan @caitielee0917
#Broward @browardinfo Commissioners approve agreement to hire independent expert to study Circ Hotel rooftop and West Lake Park sites for emergency radio tower in Hollywood with specific timelines. Also may look at alternate water treatment site. Hollywood Comm will vote Wed.— Broward County Commission (@browardinfo) June 18, 2019
From today's meeting ---> Hollywood Takes Step Forward On Agreement With Broward County Over 911 Radio Tower— Caitie Switalski (@caitielee0917) June 13, 2019
Hollywood City Commissioners and residents are meeting again right now about the site options for the new 911 radio tower - residents during public comment are mostly worried about environmental, hurricane concerns at West Lake Park site option. @WLRN— Caitie Switalski (@caitielee0917) June 12, 2019
I will be discussing this topic in more detail, coming up on the South Florida Roundup at 1 p.m. Listen on 91.3 FM or on stream at --> Broward County, City of Hollywood Still Disagree Over Location For New 911 Tower— Caitie Switalski (@caitielee0917) June 7, 2019
#Broward Mayor @mark_bogen suggests moving forward with West Lake Park as a 3rd independent consultant is hired with 60 day timeline to further study best location for a public safety tower in Hollywood. Hollywood wants 325 ft tower on Circ Hotel. County prefers West Lake Park.— Broward County Commission (@browardinfo) June 6, 2019
Mayor @mark_bogen says “we all agree that the health, welfare and safety of our residents is what is most important Our consultants tell us West Lake Park is best for the radio communications tower.” Commission meeting with Hollywood City Commissioners, who oppose park location— Broward County Commission (@browardinfo) June 6, 2019
@BrowardCounty commissioners are meeting with @cohgov commissioners to discuss a proposal to install a new 911 radio tower in West Lake Park in Hollywood. The Broward commission has wanted the tower in the park, but Hollywood wants it on top of the Circ hotel instead. @WLRN— Sam Turken (@SamZTurken) June 6, 2019
If the City of Hollywood does NOT approve the permit at tonight's meeting - there will be a joint meeting with Broward County Commission tomorrow. Here's the background: @WLRN (3/3)— Caitie Switalski (@caitielee0917) June 5, 2019
If there are no lawsuits or more delays - and the City of Hollywood approves the permit tonight - the new 911 radio system still won't be up and running for likely a year and a half, MSD Commission estimates. Commission implores city to approve permit. @WLRN— Caitie Switalski (@caitielee0917) June 5, 2019
So THAT just happened... for the worst. #Broward's plans for a 325-foot 911 Services radio tower at #WestLakePark in #HollywoodFL just got the green light from an independent consultant.— HallandaleBeach/HollywoodBlog (@hbbtruth) August 20, 2019
So now what?
Don't hold your breath, Hollywood! 🤨 @Susannah_Bryan
Twitter: @hbbtruth,
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