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Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan
Showing posts with label Lon Tabatchnick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lon Tabatchnick. Show all posts

Monday, May 27, 2013

re Margaritaville Hollywood Beach Resort project - Special City of Hollywood CRA/City Comm. meeting re Margaritaville at 5 pm on Wednesday; re Hollywood's South Park Road Redevelopment (HIAD)

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re Margaritaville Hollywood Beach Resort project - Special City of Hollywood CRA/City Comm. meeting re Margaritaville at 5 pm on Wednesday; re Hollywood's South Park Road Redevelopment (HIAD)
There is a Special City of Hollywood CRA/City Commission joint meeting re Margaritaville at Hollywood City Hall on Wednesday on May 29th at 5 p.m.

Last week's community meeting was another masterful production by Hollywood City Manager  Cathy Swanson-Rivenbarkwith more than enough info to fill everyone in on what's what and what's been changed, with a well-produced Power Point presentation that answered and anticipated every conceivable question or concern with facts, not idle speculation or theories.

The City Manager's Office had 4 separate stacks of document handouts in the lobby for the public to grab on their way in, including a copy of new agreement; in total, weighing about 20 oz or so.

There almost might've been too much information to process, something that you could never say was the case in Hallandale Beach. 
Plus, they had a stash of three separate kinds of cookies in the lobby with a TV monitor set up for any possible overflow. Now that's planning.

Well, the cookies were grabbed and eaten, but the TV wasn't needed, as there were probably about 90 people in total inside, with a few empty seats near most of the usual familiar faces.
All but one current Hollywood City Commissioner was present in the chambers along with former Commissioners Fran Russo and Beam Furr.

From my perspective, someone who in the past had been dis-satisfied with various aspects of both Margaritaville's plan as well as the long-ago rejected Hard Rock proposal, it may've been the best single day thus far for the Margaritaville project and Lojeta developer Lon Tabatchnick.

Hollywood CRA Director Jorge Camejo, City Attorney Jeff Sheffel, Planning Dept. head 
Jaye Epstein and the city's hospitality consultant all spoke from dais when CSR wasn't connecting-the-dots down near the lectern with a mixture of both precision and humor.

It was clearly Lon Tabatchnick's best day at Hollywood City Hall in a long time, as he was up on the dais with the others, in a polo shirt instead of a suit, and from where I sat, with my video-camera rolling, he seemed much more relaxed and focused than in the past, and not nearly so anxious as he has sometimes appeared to be, given the investment of time, energy and money he's made.
Perhaps it was a turning point.

Coincidentally, there was an interesting photo-filled article in The Daily Mail today on Jimmy Buffet and the Margaritaville empire he and his team have created:

The Daily Mail
Welcome to Margaritaville: How Jimmy Buffett's four-minute song about being drunk and lazy became the most lucrative song in the world and spawned $100MILLION empire 
PUBLISHED: 00:44 EST, 27 May 2013 
UPDATED: 00:47 EST, 27 May 2013

Channel 10, Miami
Commission to vote on revised Margaritaville agreement 
New agreement adds Starwood Capital to the project  
Published On: May 28 2013 12:54:25 PM EDT


*Separate issue: 
As I've said previously said to people around town, the place where the City of Hallandale Beach actually thinks it'll be charging its alternative energy vehicles for the foreseeable future is a facility in Hollywood located on Park Road & Pembroke Road -across the street from the Coca-Cola bottling plant and the Orangebrook Golf & Country Clubthat'll be gone as soon as Hollywood can get rid of it, the South Park Road Redevelopment (HIAD)
So what's HB's back-up plan for when this facility disappears?
Good question.

In none of the HB City Commission meetings that I've personally attended or watched online in the past year or so on the subject of the city purchasing alternative energy vehicles, have I once heard former City Manager Mark A. Antonio and current CM  Renee Miller -or any of her three highly-paid assistants- say one word about the future reality of that Park Road site that HB intends on using to refuel its new vehicles.

Each time I hear it brought up I honestly wonder if the highly-paid help at HB City Hall even knows.
And each time, I'm convinced they don't, because they speak in such smug and oblivious tones.

Tell me, when have you ever seen anything like this level of detail in HB for constructive suggestions for all the various empty lots and city/CRA-owned parcels in HB?

I mentioned this meeting last year on th blog but was unable to attend it:

The Department of Community and Economic Development is holding a public meeting regarding the South Park Road Redevelopment Site, formerly the Hollywood Incinerator Ash Dump, on Monday, October 22, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall, Room 219.The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for has announced funding availability to carry out cleanup activities at a specific brownfield sites. The City of Hollywood is interested in applying for a grant for the purposes of cleaning up environmental concerns on the South Park Road site.
This public meeting is the first step in moving forward with the potential redevelopment of this site and discussions will include funding availability and process and community support of grant efforts to address existing environmental concerns. Community participation is essential in City projects and your feedback during this public meeting is encouraged.
All interested groups or individuals are invited to attend this public meeting. If you are interested in providing feedback and are unable to attend, you may send your comments via e-mail to For additional information about this meeting contact the Department of Community and Economic Development at 954.921.327

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Update re Margaritaville Hollywood Beach Resort; Community Meeting/Q&A at Hollywood City Hall re proposed changes to the project's lease & related documents is Thursday at 6 p.m.; What are Starwood Capital and Lon Tabatchnick/Lojeta up to now?

Received a helpful head's up yesterday from a well-informed and plugged-in reader in next-door Hollywood about a timely update on the Margaritaville Hollywood Beach Resort; with a community meeting/Q&A scheduled for Thursday at 6 pm at Hollywood City Hall regarding the various changes to the project's lease and related documents.

This morning I officially received the news from the City of Hollywood, below:

What are Starwood Capital and Lon Tabatchnick/Lojeta up to now?

Seven weeks ago, thanks to The Balance Sheet Blog the conscientious “eyes and ears” of Hollywood, we knew the following:

I attended that semi-contentious meeting at Hollywood City Hall (and recorded it) and I think it's fair to say that even among the Margaritaville supporters in the chambers and within the general public as a whole, there is definitely growing resistance to letting this little melodrama play itself out much longer, as was made clear by the not-so-sanguine comments of Comm. Peter Hernandez towards the end of the meeting.

This was not at all helped by what in my opinion appeared to be the general evasiveness of some of the Starwood Capital team members present in their responses, as they seemed more tight-lipped than you would think they'd be at a public meeting involving something that the Hollywood community is so emotionally and financially invested in -and for good reason, too.

That's especially true given the history of this project and the fact that Starwood Capital and their new pal Lon Tabatchnick were asking for something from Hollywood's elected representatives, NOT giving them something to make the medicine go down faster.

Some of the Starwood Capital folks almost seemed genuinely upset that the City Commission wanted more specific answers from them than they were prepared to give, but then I saw this phenomena all the time on Capitol Hill, too, where well-prepped people hit a wall after a while, and became increasingly disconnected to the larger picture.

Specifically, that happened more frequently than you'd imagine it would at Congressional hearings I attended in the 1990's held by what was then called the House Telecomm. & Finance Subcommittee, under then-Chair John Dingell involving the U.S. financial services industry, some of which were both highly-publicized and highly-controversial.

As of today, I don't know with certainty who'll be speaking on Thursday -besides, likely, Hollywood City Manager Cathy Swanson-Rivenbark, whom as regular readers of the blog know, I'm a big fan of- but I genuinely hope that we hear the answers directly from Starwood and not from Lon Tabatchnick's attorney, or from a hired-gun PR whiz.
Guess we'll all find out soon enough...

The community meeting is NOT being called "As The World Turns," but you can be excused for thinking that it ought to be after all this time, with yours truly at 99% of those public meetings from the beginning.

Email Notifications
The City of Hollywood will be holding a Community Meeting to review the proposed changes to the Margaritaville Hollywood Beach Resort Lease and related documents along with a question and answer period on Thursday, May 23rd at 6:00 p.m. at Hollywood City Hall (Room 219).

The Margaritaville Hollywood Beach Resort is proposed for construction on an approximately 5 acre parcel of city-owned land between Johnson Street and Michigan Street on Hollywood Beach.

The Community Meeting will be followed on Wednesday, May 29th at 5:00 p.m. with a Joint Special City Commission/CRA meeting.  This meeting will also be held at Hollywood City Hall (Room 219). City and CRA Staff will present the proposed changes to the City Commission. Representatives from Margaritaville Hollywood Beach Resort, LLC, including Starwood Capital, will also be in attendance. 

For questions, please contact the Office of the City Manager at 954.921.3201.

South Florida Sun-Sentinel

Developer tweaks Margaritaville contract with Hollywood
By Susannah Bryan, Sun Sentinel
5:38 p.m. EDT, May 21, 2013,0,2186680.story

Sunday, September 2, 2012

re Margaritaville Hollywood Beach Resort - Sara Case of Hollywood's Balance Sheet Blog weighs in on the plausible merits of the City of Hollywood CRA's plan to increase their stake in the Johnson Street project from $10 million to $23 million; Starwood Capital Group jumps on board, but why now?

Above, looking west at Hollywood City Hall, where Tuesday night's very important Hollywood CRA meeting will be held at 6 p.m. September 20, 2011 photo by South Beach Hoosier. © 2012 Hallandale Beach Blog, All Rights Reserved.
re Margaritaville Hollywood Beach Resort - Sara Case of Hollywood's Balance Sheet Blog weighs in on the plausible merits of the City of Hollywood CRA's plan to increase their stake in the project on Johnson Street from $10 million to $23 million; Starwood Capital jumps on board, but why now?

Over the weekend, well-informed Hollywood civic activist and blogger Sara Case posted some thought from her point-of-view on the city's new proposal to stanch the bleeding in the Johnson Street project known as Margaritaville Hollywood Beach Resort and mentions why she, rather counter-intuitively, supports it, despite the large number of CRA dollars involved.
I urge you to read it before Tuesday night's meeting, which I will be at.

Balance Sheet Blog
By Sara Case
September 1, 2012, 4:08 PM 
Hollywood residents in need of tax and fee reductions and City employees in need of salary increases …Time to Pay Attention!
As we all know by now, the Margaritaville project has been unable to secure funding from foreign investors as the original plan required.  So now we have a new proposal in which the CRA is to give the developer $23 million for construction financing.  When I learned of this plan, I initially opposed it as one more boondoggle — a massive developer subsidy like Radius, Hollywood Station, WSG, Great Southern, and Block 55, to name a few.
Read the rest of the post at:

My post on this topic from Friday, August 31st, was titled, Important public forum on the proposed Margaritaville Hollywood Beach Resort is scheduled for Tuesday Sept. 4th at 6 p.m. Chief among topics will be whether the Hollywood CRA should increase their investment in the Lon Tabatchnick project on Johnson Street and the Broadwalk from $10 million to $23 million

Saturday also brought forth this news, which is interesting in ways that I can't get into the details of now, but which I may be able to get into after Tuesday night, depending upon what gets said.

The Miami Herald
Hollywood’s Margaritaville project gets new funding source
By Carli Teproff
August 31, 2012
Margaritaville — the $130 million beach resort Hollywood city leaders have been dreaming about for years — has a new funding source: Starwood Capital, the investment group which once financed high-end hotels such as the St. Regis, W, Westin and Sheratons around the globe.
“We now have the necessary funds to complete the project,” developer Lon Tabatchnik said Thursday. “This is what we were waiting for.”
Read the rest of the article at:

After reading the above, you're more than reasonable if you ask whether or not anyone from Starwood Capital Group will be making themselves available for some serious questioning by Hollywood taxpayers at Tuesday night's meeting -besides City Manager Cathy Swanson-Rivenbark, some city staffers and developer Lon Tabatchnick or one of his reps, and, most likely, every single candidate challenging a City Hall incumbent.

Like, well... were they interested in the project much earlier and turn it down because of concerns about some aspect of the overall plan, marketing concept or the strength of the financing, or were they always biding their time in the bushes waiting for Tabatchnick and Company to get desperate enough to finally agree to meet their demands for whatever concession it was they weren't given originally?

It would also be great if someone asked Mr. Tabatchnick, given how over-confident he has appeared to many observers to be, when was the last time that he and his group actually met two of his promises, guarantees or legal deadlines (to the city and its taxpayers) in a row regarding this project?

Isn't that sort of history animating at least some of the opposition in Hollywood to this project getting more CRA funds now?
Yes, it is.

March 21, 2012  CNBC video: Maria Bartiromo interviews Starwood Capital's CEO Barry Sternlicht.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Important public forum on the proposed Margaritaville Hollywood Beach Resort is scheduled for Tuesday Sept. 4th at 6 p.m. Chief among topics will be whether the Hollywood CRA should increase their investment in the Lon Tabatchnick project on Johnson Street and the Broadwalk from $10 million to $23 million

Important public forum on the proposed Margaritaville Hollywood Beach Resort is scheduled for Tuesday Sept. 4th at 6 p.m. Chief among topics will be whether the Hollywood CRA should increase their investment in the Lon Tabatchnick project on Johnson Street and the Broadwalk from $10 million to $23 million
I received the communication below from the City of Hollywood this morning about an important subject that I've written about dozens of times on this blog the past few years, sometimes with frustration, sometimes with pleasant surprise. 

In an election year, with 5 of the 7 incumbents in Hollywood running for re-election in November, you simply can't underestimate how important this meeting may prove to be to the future of the city and the beach, depending upon not only the turn-out, but the tenor and direction of the debate as well.

Don't kid yourself -what Hollywood's elected officials are proposing is nothing less than doubling-down on their original bet with CRA dollars, from $10 million to $23 million.
Is this a wise and reasonable decision based on the facts on the ground, or is it going past the point of what is prudent under the current circumstances?

If you live anywhere in the area, you owe it to yourself to come see the presentation in-person and get the facts undiluted, and then hear Hollywood taxpayers ask questions and make the case for or against doing this, one day before the Hollywood City Commission meets as the CRA and votes on the matter at 5 p.m. Wednesday.

Email Notifications
Public Forum on Proposed Margaritaville Hollywood Beach Resort

A public forum to review proposed changes to the development agreement and ground lease
between the City of Hollywood, Hollywood Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) and
Margaritaville Hollywood Beach Resort, LLC is scheduled for Tuesday, September 4, 2012
at 6:00 p.m., Hollywood City Hall, Room 219, 2600 Hollywood Boulevard. 

This meeting comes in advance of a special joint meeting of the Commission and CRA Board
set for September 5, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. in which the Commission will consider an amendment
to the existing agreement that updates the timeline for the construction of the project, details
new financing plans and provides additional revenues to the city that have been
negotiated with the developer. The Commission, in its role as the CRA board, will also
consider a new compensated funding agreement that increases the CRA's investment in the

All interested residents are invited to attend.
For more information and history on the Margaritaville Hollywood Beach Resort project, see

3D animated depiction of the Margaritaville Hollywood Beach Resort is at

Monday, December 5, 2011

Tuesday morning's meeting in Hollywood on the Margaritaville Hollywood Beach Resort Project on Johnson Street & The Broadwalk

WPLG-TV/Channel 10 (Miami, FL) reporter Roger Lohse talks to Hollywood developer Lon Tabatchnick and Weston businessman Joseph Sloboda about the practical effects of the U.S. government's EB-5 Visa program, and how it allows American business projects to get critical financial backing from foreign investors. Tabatchnick credits this program for allowing his proposal for the Margaritaville Hollywood Beach Resort on Hollywood Beach to move forward.

I feel the need to publicly preface this news about a Tuesday morning meeting regarding the Margaritaville Resort/Johnson Street CRA project on Hollywood Beach with a few words about something that dozens of my friends and I are in complete agreement on, having seen this sort of episode be repeated FAR TOO MANY TIMES this past year with the City of Hollywood's announcement email list, which we are all on.
Think of it as constructive criticism.

Like me, my friends in SE Broward are NOT real crazy about receiving meeting announcements that are sent out -for the first time- 18 hours before the meeting starts.

It's just like the Miami Herald's own well-known penchant for writing about morning government meetings taking place that day in THAT morning's Herald, instead of days in advance, if not the day before.

I won't be able to attend this meeting, otherwise, I'd film it and place some of the more interesting excerpts here on the blog and on my YouTube Channel, which, I hasten to add, will see a huge change in focus in the coming new year.
Positive tangible changes.

City of Hollywood, Florida

Office of the City Manager



December 5, 2011

Contact: Raelin Storey
Director Public Affairs & Marketing

Phone: 954. 921.3098
954.812.0975 (cell)

Fax: 954.921.3314

Upcoming Meeting on Margaritaville Hollywood Beach Resort Project

December 6 at 10 a.m.

HOLLYWOOD, FL - On Tuesday, December 6 at 10 a.m. members of the Hollywood Beach Community Development District 1 will meet at Garfield Community Center, 300 Connecticut Street (2nd floor of City Parking Garage). In addition to other business items, the members will review the proposed assessment for the Margaritaville Hollywood Beach Resort development needed to fund the public parking component.

(This assessment will not apply to other properties in or near the redevelopment site.)

Due to a scheduling conflict, the Wednesday, December 14 update by Lon Tabatchnick to the City Commission will be held at a later date to be determined.

For more information, contact the Office of the City Manager at 954.921.3201.
For media inquiries, please contact Raelin Storey, Public Affairs Director at 954.921.3098.
# # #
Official City of Hollywood website for the Johnson Street RFP/Margaritaville Hollywood Beach Resort Project:

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Hollywood civic activist Sara Case's spot-on take on the latest move by Eleanor Sobel, Munilytics, and the need for meaningful audits; Margaritaville

Above, looking west at Hollywood City Hall. September 20, 2011 photo by South Beach Hoosier
Hollywood civic activist Sara Case's spot-on take on the latest move by Eleanor Sobel, Munilytics, and the need for meaningful audits; Margaritaville

As a follow-up to my blog post of Monday titled, Pol who wanted -and got- Hollywood taxpayers to pay $30k for her new FL State Senate office in 2009 now asks FL legislature for audit of Hollywood!
I strongly suggest you read Sara's perspective on the rather-sudden concern shown by FL State Sen. Eleanor Sobel -who represents me as well in Tallahassee- on city spending and expenditures at Hollywood City Hall.

Sara also explains what the much-discussed Munilytics report did and DIDN'T say, since there seems to be a great deal of not only genuine confusion by some Hollywood residents about its representations, but also, sadly, some intentional misrepresentation being floated about by supporters of the Hollywood Police, Fire/Rescue Dept. union members who are SORE LOSERS about Hollywood voters rejecting their arguments in last month's referendum on government pensions.
They keep wanting to fight the battle but the war is over -they lost.

I know because many of these same people have written me angry emails, thinking that I'd post whatever they said about the Hollywood CRA and its spending and legality, regardless of what sort of mis-information they attempted to peddle, perhaps assuming that I didn't know the facts.
That was their mistake.

I've been to more Hollywood CRA meetings and workshops than 99.99% of Hollywood residents.

Hell, I not only posted the information about the pre-bid information workshops here on the blog but also posted the city's public notices here so that more residents and concerned people would show-up for the meetings and get educated about what was and was not happening.

I even wrote here about who some of the candidates were to be the new CRA chief under the newly-restructured organizational chart when the Herald, Sun-Sentinel and local TV stations were completely ignoring it.
(In case you didn't know, Jorge Camejo is the CRA Executive Director.)

I not only took notes but videotaped the meetings to make sure that my notes were correct and so that I was ready in case somebody said or did something of note, good or bad, whether Mayor Bober, the City Commissioners, city staff, the public or the competing developers for the six-acre Johnson Street project at Hollywood Beach and The Broadwalk, that was ultimately won by the Jimmy Buffett-themed Margaritaville, despite my own preference for The Hard Rock proposal as a concept and tourism magnet, however imperfect that was.

I didn't stop attending once Margaritaville's won the bid unanimously despite my own reservations about it.

Yet despite this, I received emails from people who clearly DIDN'T do their homework and thought I'd just pass along their nonsense that failed both the common sense and smell test.
Sorry, no sale.

Balance Sheet Blog
October 4, 2011, 2:33 PM
Filed under: Budget, City Commission

State Senator Sobel – who in 2009 sought and was granted a $30,000 interest-free, non-recourse loan from the City of Hollywood to renovate 5,000 square feet of office space for her use – has suddenly expressed great concern with the City’s finances. She’s requested that the State of Florida audit Hollywood’s finances and her request has been granted.

Read the rest of Sara's post at:

For more examples of that often-inaccurate, anti-Hollywood CRA mis-information being pushed that I noted above, see some of the reader comments to this article:

South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Margaritaville resort brings optimism to Hollywood Beach
By Carli Teproff, The Miami Herald
12:00 a.m. EDT, October 5, 2011

Friday, October 15, 2010

Next step in Hollywood Beach's Margaritaville Resort project on Johnson Street is Special Mtg. of Technical Advisory Board on Monday at 10 a.m.

I received an e-mail reminder about this important meeting on Monday about Hollywood Beach's Margaritaville Resort project on Johnson Street from the City of Hollywood a few days ago, and had meant to post this earlier so those of you who are late to this issue can make arrangement to see and hear what's what for yourself.

That includes 95% of the South Florida news media, but who's counting?

A larger version of the photo I snapped at one of the Hollywood City Commission meetings of the projected look of the complex, above, is here:

That photo accompanied my April 7, 2010 post: Margaritaville unanimous choice of Hollywood City Commission for Johnson Street project over Planet Hollywood

This particular photo, which would feature the plane near The Broadwalk, can be seen in larger format at:

To catch up on what's been going on thus far, officially, go here:

My own version of the past on the Johnson Street project is here:
and here



Monday, October 18, 2010 10:00-11:00 a.m.

Hollywood City Hall







1.FILE NO.10-DP-59

APPLICANT: City of Hollywood/ Margaritaville Hollywood Beach Resort, LLC.,

LOCATION: 300 Johnson Street/1112 N. Ocean Drive
(Generally located north of Michigan Street, south of Johnson Street, east of the Intracoastal Waterway and west of the Atlantic Ocean)

REQUEST: Final Site Plan Review for a 349 room hotel including restaurant, retail, banquet hall, swimming pools, and associated public/private parking garage


Legal description for each of the above petitions is on file in the Department of Planning
and Development Services.
Two or more members of any other City board, commission,
or committee, who are not members of this committee, may attend this meeting and may, at that time, discuss matters on which foreseeable action may later be taken by their board, commission, or committee.
Persons with disabilities who require reasonable accommodation to participate in city programs and/or services may call the Office of the City Manager five business days in advance at
(954) 921-3582 (voice).

If an individual is hearing or speech impaired, please call 1-800-955-8771 (V-TDD).