wish YouTube Channel video: WISH-TV, Indianapolis - Hundreds attend vigil for slain IU prof outside Monroe County Courthouse. Uploaded January 1, 2010. http://youtu.be/XAEqoQSa8vg
Related article:
Hundreds attend vigil for slain IU prof
Updated: Friday, 01 Jan 2010, 6:12 PM EST
By reporter Liza Danver, editor Hyacinth Williams

Photo: courtesy of Indiana University
I first heard about this terrible incident just before the Michigan at IU basketball broadcast on ESPN Thursday afternoon, when I was checking my myriad Hoosier media sites for any last minute info.
Unfortunately, TV news-gathering is never much in evidence over holidays, and that's as true in Indy and Bloomington as much as it is here in South Florida.
It just seems so much worse in Miami because there's so clearly a higher percentage of news reporters here who seem to prefer doing "soft" stories, rather than ones that require some degree of mental acuity and resolve.
For more on what happened, please see http://justicefordonbelton.com/
IU News Room
IU community shocked, saddened by professor's death
December 29th, 2009
Read entire official statement at
wish YouTube Channel video: WISH-TV, Indianapolis - Police: Slain IU prof mentioned suspect in diary. Reporter Daniel Miller on the latests news in the slaying. Uploaded December 29, 2009. http://youtu.be/5ImX02RoVZI