Veteran reporter Martin Schram will be appearing on NPR's The Diane Rehm Show this morning at 11 p.m., promoting his new book. Trust me, you really ought to listen.
From the DR website, :
11:00 Martin Schram: "Vets Under Siege" (Thomas Dunne Books)
An award-winning journalist and author exposes mistreatment of American servicemen and women by the Department of Veteran's Affairs.
Martin Schram, author of five books, and former national affairs correspondent for the Washington Post. His nationally syndicated column appears in more than 400 newspapers.
That mini-bio hardly begins to tell the story.
His column yesterday on the topic of his book is here, as seen in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer
VA or Veteran's Advocacy?
See also:
Want Political Truth? Buy a Book
PW's Political Calendar: June–October, by Dermot McEvoy -- Publishers Weekly, 6/16/2008
So, just how sharp is Martin Schram?
1. Consider the famous, oft-quoted story CBS News' Lesley Stahl tells herself about her negative piece on President Reagan and her great puzzlement on the White House absolutely loving it. Schram "got it" right away. Pictures count more than words.
2. Or consider Schram calling out the national media on CNN for irresponsibly trying to dictate the nature of the '96 presidential campaign between Clinton and Dole, chiefly, Newsweek, publicly berating it for trying to have it both way: stating -as opposed to asking- on its cover "Is it over?" and then later later, like someone who has never heard of a self-fulfilling prophecy, wondering why voters were so damn apathetic.
"Cover the campaign. Don't try to get out in front of it."
As you can see from this dispatch from earlier this year, he hasn't mellowed.
Some reporters should drop out of the campaign
By Martin Schram
January 13, 2008
The verdicts of Iowa and New Hampshire prompted a handful of the 2008 political players to depart from the presidential campaign trail.
But far too many remain for our own good.
Along with the handful of presidential candidates who dropped out so far, voters might be better served if a hundred or so of my political-reporter and pundit colleagues dropped out as well – and were replaced by journalists whose beats are about national security, economics, environment and health care.
For our coverage has not been serving the public interest by providing the sort of information voters really need to know – especially in the last weeks when many voters make their decisions.
Much of the blame goes to the editors who apparently are satisfied with the sort of poll-driven horse-race journalism that we have gotten in the final weeks.
Political journalists are a unique breed within our craft. Their job (as assigned by their editors) is to cover contests in which the contestants debate a wide range of vital issues – subjects about which the journalists who cover them have no expertise. So when the candidates are proposing their detailed plans for the economy or the war or health care or global warming, the journalists who cover the candidates rarely ask informed, penetrating follow-up questions.
(Unless they are fed these questions by an opposing candidate's issues specialists.) But occasionally, a news organization and its editors rise to the occasion and get it right. Which is what The New York Times did on Wednesday, Jan. 2, the day before the Iowa caucuses and six days before the New Hampshire primary. The Times had dispatched to the campaign trail Washington correspondent Michael R. Gordon, whose reputation has nothing to do with political journalism but who is a top Pentagon correspondent and co-author of a much-praised book on the Iraq war.
He interviewed former Sen. John Edwards about just how the North Carolina Democrat will fulfill his campaign promise to end the war in Iraq. His in-depth questions led Edwards to provide his most detailed explanation yet: He intends to withdraw within 10 months virtually all U.S. troops, including those who are training Iraqi forces and police.
And the newspaper had the good sense to play the news on its front page, right where we usually see those campaign horse-race stories.
But that, unfortunately, was the exception in a week in which America's news media – such as the prime-time TV network news, the nonstop cable news and, of course, the front pages of virtually all U.S. newspapers – were dominated by stories covering every nit and nuance about Sen. Barack Obama's surge in Iowa and New Hampshire, not the U.S. military's surge in Iraq.
Indeed, on Tuesday, the day of the New Hampshire primary, The Washington Post's lead editorial focused on the Democratic presidential candidates and the surge in Iraq. "Why do the Democratic candidates refuse to acknowledge progress in Iraq?" asked the sub-headline above the editorial. Perhaps the editors at the Post should have been asking each other why they had not sent their paper's defense-policy experts out to the campaign trail to grill the candidates and inform the public about just that.
Actually, The Washington Post has done some fine campaign journalism this year – from national correspondent Michael Dobbs and his team of researchers, who produce a series titled, "The Fact Checker." It regularly compares candidate statements with the truth – and reports to us when the candidates are lying, deceiving or exaggerating.
After Saturday night's New Hampshire debates, "The Fact Checker" reported five short and direct stories. Among them:
• That Republican Mike Huckabee "was simply wrong" in saying he had supported President Bush's Iraq war policy before Mitt Romney did – and that he supported the surge while Romney did not.
• That Romney made an assertion that was "untrue" in saying his campaign ad had never accused John McCain of favoring "amnesty" for illegal immigrants – his ad said just that.
• And that Hillary Clinton was "exaggerating her role in extending health-care benefits to National Guard members."
The Washington Post played those little stories on page A6. Voters would be better served if every news outlet gave Page One or prime-time coverage to each of these stories. And who knows? Perhaps the candidates might stop – or at least curb – their lying, deceiving and exaggerating.
Perhaps even politicians can be paper-trained.
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Showing posts with label Department of Veteran's Affairs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Department of Veteran's Affairs. Show all posts
Thursday, July 10, 2008
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