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Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan
Showing posts with label David Cameron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David Cameron. Show all posts

Friday, August 30, 2013

Syria: Plain and True, Fact and Fantasy, Past and Present, but ever since it's artificial creation by the French and the British, it's always been an artificial 'Line in the Sand'. For President Obama, though, it's now 'a red line' in the sand

Awesome Sean Lee @humanprovince! "An open letter on Syria to Western narcissists.""></a>

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Despicable! Growing national backlash against sickening British police scandal that's only getting worse over time - Prime Minister David Cameron and entire U.K. literally staggered by the depths of despicable revelations re organized undercover police efforts to withhold evidence and smear the family of an innocent teenage boy murdered in 1993. Stephen Lawrence was murdered, and since then, it seems that Police and govt. bureaucrats have intentionally taken aim at his family to keep them quiet via orchestrated smears!; Damning news videos by BBC and Channel 4 News

Channel4News YouTube Channel video: Home Affairs correspondent Simon Israel reports on revelations that Stephen Lawrence's family was targeted and smeared by police. The parents of murdered teenager Stephen Lawrence were treated as a threat to be smeared, according to a former undercover officer with the Metropolitan Police Service. Uploaded June 24, 2013.

BBC-TV video: The MP for Eltham & Plumstead, Clive Efford, who was involved in the call for the original 1997 inquiry into the case, describes the very grave nature of the revelations that some members of the Metropolitan Police -as well as people connected to the Home Office in the '90's- have not only been withholding damaging evidence about the truth surrounding the murder of Stephen Lawrence in 1993, but been involved in even further corruption via an organized effort to smear the Lawrence family. MP Efford, a Labour Party member and the Shadow Secretary for Sport, further stated that he believed that the only way the truth will all come out is via a new inquiry that does NOT involve the "police investigating police" agreeing that it was "not going to be good enough" for the British people. And he's 100% correct.
Video at
Despicable! Growing national backlash against sickening British police scandal that's only getting worse over time - Prime Minister David Cameron and entire U.K. literally staggered by the depths of despicable revelations re organized undercover police efforts to withhold evidence and smear the family of an innocent teenage boy murdered in 1993. Stephen Lawrence was murdered, and since then, it seems that Police and govt. bureaucrats have intentionally taken aim at his family to keep them quiet via orchestrated smears!; Damning news videos by BBC and Channel 4 News 

Much of Britain has woken-up lately feeling like a thunderous punch has been delivered to their collective stomachs, out-of-the-blue, while they were minding their own business this wet summer.
Except that was then quickly followed-up with a swift billy club to the back of the neck and a taser to their groin.
Groggy and barely able to stand, they hold on as best they can and wonder what sordid fact is  coming down the pike next in a police scandal that gets every one's emotions boiling in a flash.
And with that comes the larger possibility of yet another flash point.

Me being me, being interested in the very wide variety of things that I am, which, fairly often, confounds and frustrates both family and friends, and listening, reading and consuming by the ton the digital media that I do every week with a very heavy U.K. flavor, especially radio and TV, I've been following the Stephen Lawrence case for years.

BBC's timeline on the case:

Before these most recent revelations that have taken away every one's breath by their sheer level of cruelty and evil, the “hunt for disinformation” to discredit the Lawrences,l had planned on posting something about it over the Fourth of July weekend, when I'd finally post a lot of non-South Florida posts that I've already written and have been keeping in cold storage until the right time came.

But Monday morning while looking for something else, I found this powerful BBC News video
that falls hard on the heels of all the dozens of news articles, columns, blog posts and radio program discussions so very upsetting and despicable in the tale it told, that I found myself unable to wait any longer.
And when I received my daily Snowmail from London after Noon on Monday from Channel 4 News that gives me the rundown on the news stories they'll be doing later,;jsessionid=0;apw63?sigreq=1937640847
I was absolutely sure of it.

The Guardian
Police 'smear' campaign targeted Stephen Lawrence's friends and family
Exclusive: former undercover officer Peter Francis says superiors wanted him to find 'dirt' shortly after 1993 murder
Rob Evans and Paul Lewis, The Guardian
23 June 2013

The Guardian
Stephen Lawrence: Cameron deeply concerned by smear campaign claim
PM calls for investigation into claims undercover police officer was part of operation to smear family of murdered teenager
Alexandra Topping, Paul Lewis, Rob Evans and Patrick Wintour,, 
24 June 2013 04.24 EDT

The Telegraph
Who’s keeping tabs on the undercover cops?
Stephen Lawrence's family are not the only ones concerned about their activities
By Philip Johnston
8:43PM BST 24 Jun 2013

I had to get it out of my system before I literally blew a gasket, and so have deleted many prior links to stories about the case that have been attached to the Draft for many months, given that they no longer seem nearly as important to the overall picture, given what we've learned of late.

Most of you reading this now know as well as I do that there are some things that are more than merely dramatic literary license and fictional threats delivered in film or criminal procedural drams on TV, but actually common knowledge.
One of those things that we know to be true is that former policemen in prison have a very difficult time surviving.

But knowing what I know about this case and the way that some undercover police and govt.
bureaucrats seem to have attempted to orchestrate a PR lynch mob against the family of a teenage boy killed for no logical reason other than sheer hate, I only hope it's even worse in prison for the people involved in this case, since they have been drawing a public paycheck for years as guardians of civility, without people they encounter having any idea of the true depths of their immorality.

Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe responds to allegations in the media about undercover officers conduct in the Stephen Lawrence murder investigation:

Speaking of incompetent and/or unethical police, I will soon be posting some information here on the blog about what I and many other concerned and well-informed Hallandale Beach residents believe is the completely unsatisfactory performance over the recent past of the Hallandale Beach Police Dept.

I will be mentioning and raising questions about several specific situations and episodes that I am all-too-familiar with, as well as daily policing practices that STILL defy logic and reason despite how obvious it is that they bear no semblance of common sense.
But continue they do, ridiculous or not...

They continue because the HBPD was, is and will likely continue to be led by people who really are NOT that interested in improving the performance and reputation of the police force and making hard choices, so that it at least measures up to what HB residents, taxpayers and small business owners have a reasonable right to expect, considering the giant over-sized slice of the city budget the HBPD currently consumes.
The ratio of HB taxpayer money spent on policing to the actual HB taxpayer's level of satisfaction is completely out-of-whack.

Things really need to change dramatically there soon.
In part, before the HBPD pension problems become so much worse that even the sleepwalking local news media finds themselves unable to ignore the problem any more, and HAVE TO start showing up at HB City Hall in person -which they hate, and not without reason.

Oh the ignominy of them showing-up at 400 S. Federal Highway, knowing perfectly well before they finally find a place to park in the too-small public parking lot that they will be met with a stonewall just like so many HB residents are when they want to know what's really going on at HB City Hall.

Imagine that, reporters actually (finally!) asking hard questions about how large those pension obligations are, and actually reporting what the percentage of the city's future budget they'll be consuming, though the truth is that we all know most of the local print reporters would rather just be leaving messages from their officefor the city's spokesman, messages that will never be returned.

You know, "unavailable for comment."

Try looking up "unavailable for commentin the Miami Herald and South Florida Sun-Sentinel's archives  PLUS the words "Hallandale Beach" and see how many times that comes up.

If yours truly only had a five-dollar bill for every time a newspaper article said that about someone at HB City Hall since i moved here, we'd already have that next trip to Sweden in the Fall already paid for -airfare, lodging and some really good food this time!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

While Scotland Yard ramps up its investigation into murderous attack on Royal Fusilier Lee Rigby in Woolrich, Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Melanie Phillips both remind us again of the truth behind much of the West's rosy view of Islam -and we keep listening: Ali Hirsi: "The Problem of Muslim Leadership - Another Islamist terror attack, another round of assurances that it had nothing to do with the religion of peace", Phillips: "Until our leaders admit the true nature of Islamic extremism, we will never defeat it"; Suspect Michael Adebowale brought to Westminster Magistrates' Court this morning, while Channel 4 News reports that suspect Michael Adebolajo had a split personality -both alleged murderers are said to be members of the Woolrich Boys gang

ITN YouTube Channel video: The family of slain Royal Fusilier Lee Rigby visited the scene of his grisly murder outside the Woolrich Royal Artillery Barracks in Artillery Place at the hands of two Radical Islamists. They laid flowers and read many of the tributes for the 25-year-old soldier who while off-duty and walking down the sidewalk last Tuesday was intentionally run over by a blue Vauxhall Tigra automobile and hacked to death with a machete. Meanwhile, British Home Secretary Theresa May warned there are potentially thousands of people at risk of being radicalised in the U.K., as she indicated plans for a fresh crackdown on extremist groups. Reported by Tom Ellis.  Uploaded May 26, 2013.

Channel4News YouTube Channel video: One week after the Woolwich attack on drummer Lee Rigsby, while hundreds of members of the Metropolitan Police Service continue investigating the case, Channel 4 News has been told that one of the suspects, Michael Adebolajo, was described as having a split personality. Uploaded May 29, 2013.
Wall Street Journal
The Problem of Muslim Leadership
Another Islamist terror attack, another round of assurances that it had nothing to do with the religion of peace
By Ayaan Hirsi Ali
May 27, 2013, 6:40 p.m. ET
I've seen this before. A Muslim terrorist slays a non-Muslim citizen in the West, and representatives of the Muslim community rush to dissociate themselves and their faith from the horror. After British soldier Lee Rigby was hacked to death last week in Woolwich in south London, Julie Siddiqi, representing the Islamic Society of Britain, quickly stepped before the microphones to attest that all good Muslims were "sickened" by the attack, "just like everyone else."
This happens every time. Muslim men wearing suits and ties, or women wearing stylish headscarves, are sent out to reassure the world that these attacks have no place in real Islam, that they are aberrations and corruptions of the true faith.
Read the rest of the essay at:

The Daily Mail
Until our leaders admit the true nature of Islamic extremism, we will never defeat it
By Melanie Phillips
PUBLISHED: 17:04 EST, 26 May 2013, UPDATED: 17:04 EST, 26 May 2013
Ever since the spectre of Islamic terrorism in the West first manifested itself, Britain has had its head stuck firmly in the sand.
After both 9/11 and the 7/7 London transport bombings, the Labour government promised to take measures to defend the country against further such attacks.
It defined the problem, however, merely as terrorism, failing to understand that the real issue was the extremist ideas which led to such violence.
Read the rest of the column at

Anyone who filmed or took photos of the incident are asked to send the moving or still images to police via - please include your name and contact details, which will be treated in strict confidence. Anyone who may have such material is asked not to delete it after sending it in.

More information is available at the Metropolitan Police Service website:

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Observations on today's funeral of Margaret Thatcher, THE most-important woman of the 20th Century, and for years, THE most-famous person. Period. History will remember her forever even as some of her political opponents and their professional social misfit allies are still rehashing the same feeble arguments that were thoroughly rejected three times by the British public when it counted -on Election Day; watch the funeral at

pressassociation·YouTube Channel video: Prime Minister David Cameron pays respects to Baroness Thatcher following the 87-year-old's death following a stroke. 

UKParliament YouTube Channel: Tributes to Baroness Thatcher in the House of Commons Chamber. The House of Commons was recalled from the Easter Recess on Wednesday 10 April, to pay tribute to Baroness Thatcher via a general debate on the motion 'That this House has considered the matter of tributes to the Rt Hon Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven LG OM'. This excerpt consists of remarks by Prime Minister David Cameron and Opposition Leader Ed Milliband. Uploaded April 10, 2013.
Observations on today's funeral of Margaret Thatcher, THE most-important woman of the 20th Century, and for years, THE most-famous person. Period. History will remember her forever even as some of her political opponents and their professional social misfit allies are still rehashing the same feeble arguments that were thoroughly rejected three times by the British public when it counted -on Election Day; watch the funeral at

2:00 a.m.
I've got so very much to say about Margaret Thatcher that I've decided, rather reluctantly, and very much against my original plans from the weekend, to wait a few more days to posit it all at one time.

I did however want to share three columns -and some videos- that, to my way of thinking, offer the most spot-on assessments that have appeared in print or online since the news of Lady Thatcher's death last week, since they deal principally with the continuing power of her ideas and her ideals for making Great Britain strong and relevant again -Thatcherism.

I'm going to be watching the funeral at St. Paul's starting in a few hours, about 6 a.m. Eastern, via BBC News , which I'm watching right now as I type this.
You can watch it online now at

Wales Online
“She inspired love in her admirers, hatred in her foes and fear in her ministers. She dominated her Government and the nation like no other British leader since 1945.”
By Robert Llewellyn-Jones
14 Apr 2013 10:32
As a young reporter Sir Max Hastings felt like he had been hit by a "10-ton truck" after interviewing Mrs Thatcher when she was Secretary of State for Education in the 1970s

The Guardian
The Iron Lady is dead but Thatcherism lives on
In death Margaret Thatcher has caused further division. 
The left has failed to convince enough people of the alternatives
By Gary Younge
11 April 2013 16.00 EDT

Reason magazine
How Thatcher Liberated Western Europe
Even while saying "No. No. No," the famous Euro-skeptic helped the continent say yes to much-needed reforms
By Matt Welch
April 9, 2013

Monday, November 26, 2012

Growing anger in Great Britain as foster-care scandal widens by the hour as party leaders & pols of all stripes condemn Labour-led Rotherham Council Social Services removal of three children from experienced foster-parents -with spotless record- because of their political beliefs

ITV News YouTube Channel: UKip leader Nigel Farage on Rotherham fostering case. Uploaded November 26, 2012.
This is from today and was uploaded this afternoon, U.S. Eastern time

Growing anger in Great Britain as foster-care scandal widens by the hour as party leaders & pols of all stripes condemn Labour-led Rotherham Council Social Services removal of three children from experienced foster-parents -with spotless record- because of their political beliefs. 
The three children involved are a baby girl, a boy and an older girl, and the couple who have been foster parents many times before consist of a retired Royal Navy reservist who works with disabled children and his wife who is a is a licensed nursery nurse. Political correctness run amok!

ITV News YouTube Channel: Conservative Party co-chair Michael Fabricant on possible pact with UKip that would allow a straight-up Yes or No referendum on EU membership if UKip doesn't oppose them. But today UKip has pulled their willingness to participate in such a pact because of Prime Minister David Cameron's comments. 

On Saturday, though, Channel 4 News' "Snowmail" news email, which I subscribe to had a subject header that read, "Cameron's U-turn on Ukip: they're 'not closet racists.'" But then Downing Street retracted the retraction! Uploaded November 26, 2012. 

BBC News, Daily Politics show: Rotherham Council faces fostering legal threat from UKip. Party leader Nigel Farage has suggested taking legal action against them after it removed foster children from a family who are members of his party. November 26, 2012. Video at

View Larger Map

Rotherham is located in South Yorkshire

Now here's more on the story in chronological order...


Channel 4 News video: The Rotherham Borough Council's Social Services' decision to remove three happy and well-adjusted foster children from emergency placement from their experienced foster-parents is 'indefensible' says Minister of Education Michael Gove. This report gives a timeline on the situation. Posted November 24, 2012.

Channel 4 News video: UKip leader Nigel Farage responds to questions from Channel 4 news presenter on 'racist' tag. Posted November 24, 2012.
Video at

BBC News video: Labour leader Ed Miliband: 'Urgent investigation' into fostering row. Posted November 24, 2012. 
Video at

UKIP Webmaster YouTube Channel video: Foster-parent scandal in Rotherham. Various news bites from SkyNews and BBC. A solid case of Political Correctness run amok that's taking children from parents with a spotless record? Uploaded November 24, 2012.

On Sunday morning, as more and more people have learned the facts, people woke-up to this shocking news in The Daily Mail...

We were RIGHT to take foster children away from Ukip couple insists social workers as they blame party's 'extreme' views for decision

UKIP Webmaster YouTube Channel video: On the BBC's Sunday Politics show, host Andrew Neil spoke to Tim Loughton, a conservative Party MP and the former Labour Minister for Children and Families and Liam Byrne, a Labour MP, and current Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary, on the story that has everyone up-in-arms and wondering if there's something rotten in Rotherham? Uploaded November 25, 2012.
The complete interview between Neil and Byrne is at:

Liarspoliticians YouTube Channel is at:

Updated news and videos on this story at

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Olympic torch fever sweeps across Great Britain as huge crowds watch the flame and its torchbearers make their way towards London in 13 days, delighting supporters and surprising cynics; #London2012, #London2012TorchRelay, #bbctorchcam

London2012 video: Olympic Torch Relay Week 8 Highlights - London 2012

Beanyman62News video: London 2012 Olympics -Prime Minister David Cameron greets Olympic Torchbearers in his constituency in West Oxfordshire, and discusses the immense popularity and interest in the progress of the relays across Great Britain as they make their way to the Opening Ceremonies in London on the night of July 27th.

On Wednesday, Day 53, it was The Queen and Prince Philip and The Olympic Flame and Sebastian Coe at Windsor Castle:

WiltshireCouncil video: U.S. Gold medalist Michael Johnson's Olympic Torch Run at Stonehenge. July 13, 2012.

On Friday the 13th, Day 55, the flame went thru Dorset, one of the most magical places in all of England. (If it's not God's Country, it's a nearby suburb!.)
Seriously, who doesn't love Dorset, beautiful any time of the year, rain or shine!

Moment to Shine
In Dorset, 15-year old swimmer and torchbearer Lisa Devine at the lookout at Durdle Door

The Olympic Torch relays start in the morning and remember the five-hour time difference between Miami/EDT and London right now, so unless you are a night owl, you can always  watch videotape of what happened While You Were Sleeping

Follow the progress of the Torch here,
and watch the Olympic Torch relay Route LIVE at and

This morning, I watched it make its way from Bournemouth to Southhampton, where 100 years ago this past April, everything started out so swimmingly for the maiden voyage of The Titanic...

BBC torchcam becomes cult viewing worldwide
Roger Mosey | 11:09 UK time, Wednesday, 23 May 2012

At 10 a.m., they're zipping down the road in one of their many vehicles with a police escort, since as you might've already guessed, though the route is 8,000 miles, there isn't someone running or walking for all 8,000 miles over 70 days.   
At 10:01 we just passed the Esso service station...


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Arizona's immigration law goes before U.S. Supreme Court; Myanmar's natural beauty -largely tourist-free, but for how long?; Rupert Murdoch before the Leveson Inquiry

Timescast of the New York Times for April 25, 2012: Arizona's immigration law goes before U.S. Supreme Court; Myanmar's natural beauty -largely tourist-free, but for how long?; Rupert Murdoch before the Leveson Inquiry.

I'll have some thoughts to share later today on Murdochpère et filsand the Levseon Inquiry later today, including some thoughts on an angle to the story involving former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown that, curiously, never seems to quite get mentioned in the American press, but which if it did happen here, would be the thought uppermost on everyone's minds.

It's hard not to look at those islands in Mynamar and not think of the scenery for two 007 films, The Man with the Golden Gun and Tomorrow Never Dies, since both were filmed in both Thailand and near the South China Sea.

I wonder how long it will be before Sports Illustrated shoots their annual swimsuit issue there?
Once that happens, there'll be no putting the genie back in the bottle.
As we have all seen before...

Colorized clips from first episode of NBC-TV's I Dream of Jeannie, The Lady In the Bottle, September 18, 1965.

The first episode, in glorious Black & White

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Channel 4 video: The Great British Property Scandal series starts Wednesday; host George Clarke pines for days of pre-Thatcher nationalized housing

Channel 4 video: Architect and campaigner George Clarke invites you to join the campaign to fill Britain's empty homes.

Newer longer video at:

The Great British Property Scandal | George Clarke | Channel 4

While I can understand how, in the face of lots of seeming misery, it's easy for the host to throw stones and pine for the days of pre-Thatcher nationalized housing, that's hardly the answer now, anymore than simply allowing squatters in the U.S. to "occupy" expensive homes in Cambridge, Chevy Chase or Santa Monica that have been foreclosed, but which still have value, is the answer here for inadequate housing for some.

Thatcher's efforts, while frequently knocked and reviled now among the professional Left, would NOT have been possible without her and the Conservative Party having had something positive and tangible to offer by way of a public policy that the majority of the British people believed was long overdue

And what was that you ask?
How normal.

But THAT is what the Labour Party was vehemently opposed to.
Think about the ethical contortions you have to bend yourself into in order to justify that sort of anti-social policy.

Telegraph TV video: Prime Minister David Cameron -pictured here alongside coalition partner Nick Clegg of the Lib Dems- discusses the government's £400m investment in housing, 95% mortgages, and principles of home ownership. November 21, 2011.

My own experience in living in different parts of the U.S. -with often very different norms and customs- is that the one constant in this country regardless of where you are in the social order is that most people who are given something for nothing -or almost nothing- rarely fully appreciate it or properly maintain what they are given as long or as well as people who actually earned it.
And the same with their kids.

The Telegraph
The Great British Property Scandal, episode one, Channel 4, review
Andrew Marszal reviews the opening episode of The Great British Property Scandal, part of Channel 4's week-long focus on the nation's housing shortage.
By Andrew Marszal
10:00PM GMT 05 Dec 2011
Margaret Thatcher’s time in office left many enduring legacies – crippled unions, privatised industry, even a pop at a third Oscar for Meryl Streep. But few can be as divisive as her “right-to-buy” policy of selling off government-owned council houses, which is now being revamped for the twenty-first century by David Cameron.
Read the rest of the review at:

George Clarke's official website, full of more info about this effort, is at:

This website should be working soon:

I've already alerted my stealthy covert affairs team members in Chelsea and Notting Hill to record the show and try to get it to me in fairly short order, though I strongly suspect that some vids of it may start appearing on YouTube within the week before they are pulled off for copyright violations.

As always, if members of the team are captured, the secretary will disavow all knowledge of their actions.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

British Tory Party co-chair giving key public policy speech today on whether Islamapobia has become 'acceptable' dining-room conversation in the U.K.

Sayeeda Warsi, Baroness Warsi, is a VERY interesting personality and the star of some of the British Conservative Party videos, some of which I have posted here on my blog in the past.

Sayeeda Warsi looks at the exciting times ahead

I'm listening now to BBC Radio 5 live... a VERY INTERESTING interview by Richard Bacon with Duran Duran's Simon LeBon on their exciting new album All You Need is Now -online now, out physically March 21st, that sounds like their '80's roots; it sounds great!- and they will be discussing her speech in
Leicester later in the day:

Check it out!

Daily Telegraph
Tory chief Baroness Warsi attacks 'bigotry' against Muslims
Prejudice against Muslims has become widespread and socially acceptable in Britain, the Conservative chairman will claim.
Baroness Warsi will warn against trying to divide Muslims into 'moderates' and 'extremists' saying that it simply fosters intolerance
By James Kirkup, Political Correspondent 10:00PM GMT 19 Jan 2011

Islamophobia has “passed the dinner-table test” and is seen by many as normal and uncontroversial, Baroness Warsi will say in a speech on Thursday.

The minister without portfolio will also warn that describing Muslims as either “moderate” or “extremist” fosters growing prejudice.

Lady Warsi, the first Muslim woman to attend Cabinet, has pledged to use her position to wage an “ongoing battle against bigotry”.

Read the rest of the column at:

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Three Lions make their best pitch for World Cup 2018 as English bid team flies to Zurich led by Prince William, David Cameron & David Beckham

Channel 4 News
November 30, 2010
World Cup 2018 bid heads to Zurich
Reporter Keme Nzerem in Zurich reports on England's bid to secure the FIFA
World Cup competition in 2018. The omens are not looking good.


The BBC Panorama program that's at the center of the FIFA World Cup bid controversy, Fifa's Dirty Secrets, is here, where you can read about some of the accusations leveled against FIFA officials, but for copyright reasons, the program can't officially be seen in the U.S..

Long story short:
The alleged bribes to three officials are included in a confidential document listing 175 payments totalling about £64m.

Here are two videos on YouTube that comprise the
FIFA'S DIRTY SECRETS program, so watch it while you can before the BBC makes them take the videos down.




The Channel 4 website article that accompanies this video at the top is here:

Tuesday 30 November 2010

Prince William, David Cameron and David Beckham fly to Zurich to try and boost England's bid to host the 2018 World Cup - but hopes have been dampened by the latest publication of bribery allegations.
As delegates gathered to press the flesh at the headquarters of FIFA - football's governing body - ahead of Thursday's announcement of the winner, the English bid team have been frustrated by the timing of the BBC Panorama programme which accused three FIFA officials of taking bribes in the past.

Read the rest of it at:


I wrote about the bid process on my blog on Monday and just loved Australia's bid videos, esp. the one hosted by Nicole Kidman, which emphasized the sorts of things that real fans care about: fun, safety and ease-of-access and no hassles.

As you know by now, the announcements about who'll be hosting the 2018 and 2022 FIFA spectacles are to be made on Thursday, or Friday Australian time.

Nicky Campbell talked on his BBC Radio 5 live show Tuesday morning with some very knowledgeable guests and well-informed listeners about Monday night's Panorama program and whether there'd be a backlash among the FIFA officials against England's bid to host in 2018, or whether the truth is more important than commerce.

The podcast for the informative program is here and well worth listening to:

Tony Livesey’s show on BBC Radio 5 live on Thursday December 2nd will originate from the City of Manchester Stadium and "will gauge reaction to the FIFA World Cup vote which will have decided the host country for the 2018 World Cup."

"Win or lose, a panel of football pundits will discuss the result including former Hull Boss Phil Brown and 5 live football commentator Connor McNamara, and an audience of 5 live listeners."

It airs 10:30 p.m.-11:30 p.m. U.K. time, or 5:30 p.m. Eastern/2:30 p.m. Pacific in the U.S. and Canada.

Catch it here at: