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Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan
Showing posts with label City of Aventura. Show all posts
Showing posts with label City of Aventura. Show all posts

Monday, September 14, 2009

Hallandale Beach City Hall: "FREE AND OPEN TO PUBLIC" What, no cash bar?; The European Club, Gulfstream Point and 2010 budget come under scrutiny

Looking east at the middle of the Village at Gulfstream Park on U.S.1 and SE. 7th Street.
Notice the graffiti on the bottom of the Forest City sign?
It's been there for WEEKS,

A future blog post of mine this week will concern all the graffiti along HB roads that is continually ignored by the city and FDOT, particularly along HBB and on U.S.-1 opposite somnolent HB City Hall. (Shocker!)
Going north from the Aventura line, almost every street light pole has graffiti on it, some more than others.

What, no cash bar?
HB's Stealthy City Hall Will Pretend to Care
What You Think This Week

Sunday September 13th, 2009
9:15 p.m.

This was actually one of the easiest emails I've written because when HB City Hall makes so many screw-ups in one week, all I have to do is point them out and get out of the way.

Be sure to see the previous email at the bottom to learn more about who's behind Gulfstream Point.

Based on the city's toothless shopping cart ordinance, which continues to be ignored on a daily basis by Code Enforcement, just like they ignore other obvious violations for months and years at a time, in my opinion, that Dept, needs to be privatized toute-de-suite!

All photos below from September 7th, 2009 by South Beach Hoosier
The first item below was added to the city's website calendar since
Wednesday morning, since I
actually copied and pasted the whole calendar then to an email page so I'd have it handy
and searchable.

What does it say that City Manager Good and Mayor Cooper care so little what you think and about your input that they don't even give you one week's notice about this?

Have any of you seen even ONE sign, anywhere in the city promoting Monday's event?
I haven't and neither have you -there aren't any.

Meanwhile, PAL, as usual, has its signs -for this weekend's antique sale at the Cultural Center- on the medians along the major roads, esp. HBB, which NO other group in town can use.
Nope, just PAL

Here's the city's website calendar as of Saturday afternoon:
Go ahead, John and Jane Q. Citizen, click the
"More Information" link and see what you get.

City Manager/City Commission Forum - Sep. 14

Where: City Commission Chambers
When: 6:00 P.M.
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September 12, 2009
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Title: City Manager/City Commission Forum
Date: September 14, 2009
Address: 400 South Federal Hwy
City Commission Chambers
Hallandale Beach, FL 33009
View Maps: Google | MapQuest | Windows Live | Yahoo!
Location: City Commission Chambers
Hours: 6:00 P.M.
Contact: 954-457-1340

Hallandale Beach
400 South Federal Highway
Hallandale Beach, FL 33009
City Manager Good's proposed city budget is at:

re 9/16/09 HBCC meeting at 7:30 pm re Gulfstream Point (918 S. Federal Hwy.) and Broward County library lease

Doesn't the city or Gulfstream Point have to legally put up public notice signs for this?
There weren't any there as of Thursday.
(There also were no signs outside the library, as other cities would require to be posted on a lease that was ending that was coming before a commission.

Gulfstream Point is the proposed tall, skinny and ugly office project north of the Steak & Shake on U.S.-1 that I first wrote about on August 22nd, that will also include a hotel element.

Yes, TWO hotels within a block of the Aventura border/countyline on what is, essentially, one large block on U.S.-1, just steps from the Hampton Inn.

But the real kicker, of course, is that it's across the street from the southern-most entrance to the
Village at Gulfstream Park, which means it'll be a traffic nighmare for HB and Aventura residents,
since as I can tell you from personal daily experience, there are already so many U-turns and near-collisions
there in that one block stretch as it is, right now.

And at night -shocker!- it's very, very dark owing to the street lights that only work occasionally.

When I spoke to someone at Development Services in person at HB City Hall days the day after my Aug. 22nd email (below), and asked when Gulfstream Point would be coming up before the City Commission for further action,

I was told probably not until the end of the year, and maybe not until early next year.
And here we are three weeks later!

This was printed in the
Herald on Sept. 6th.

re 9/15/09 HBCC meeting at 5:05 pm re city budget

Yes, the map of the city is upside down!
This was printed in the Herald on Sept. 6th.
Announcements: Miami City and Public Notices - City of Hallandale Beach

re 9/16/09 HBCC meeting at 7:30 p.m. city recycling program, lot maintenance
Once again, the map of the city is upside down!

This concerns the future of ugly and poorly-maintained development lots, such as The European Club
What an eyesore!

My blog post on this topic Wednesday will have photos and video of what a mess it is similar to the below,
and other examples throughout the city.

This was printed in the
Herald on Sept. 6th.

The empty financial black hole that is The European Club is mocked by the Westin Diplomat and the
Trump Hollywood in the horizon on A1A. Looking NE from the p.o.v. of Hallandale Beach Blvd. and Three Islands

Many of these advertising panels have been on the ground or torn for MONTHS
And the long pipes next to the sidewalk don't
add much to the ambiance, either.
It cries out poor management and proper lack of supervision by both the developer and the city.

Once upon a time, what The European Club was supposed to look.

Don't you love their open door policy?
But the gate doors are actually supposed to be locked and secured to prevent vandalism, criminal mischief and, oh right, fires, like to those wooden pallets that have been on the lot for YEARS.

These last two photos highlight the fact that the HB City Commission already passed an ordinance a few years ago regulating shopping carts that quickly became the butt of jokes on the Internet.

This shopping cart on Three Islands, just a few steps from the driveway of a HB Fire Station, has been in the
same exact spot for AT LEAST three weeks.

So tell me, why would you expect the city's ordinance about the maintenance of development lots to be any better enforced if they ALREADY ignore what's right in front of them?

re 9/16/09 HBCC meeting at 7:30 pm
re Water and Wastewater Impact Fees

This was printed in the
Herald on Sept. 6th.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michael Butler
Date: Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 2:47 PM
Subject: Re: What and where is
Gulfstream Point Hotel and Offices? Any idea?

David, its a pencil thin highrise, already approved by the city commission.
the platting must be done, or the city could be sued.

On Aug 21, 2009, at 2:39 PM, Hallandale Beach Blog wrote:

I've never heard of it and when I do a Google search, this press release is the only reference to anything with the actual name Gulfstream Point Hotel and Offices.
How in the world can that be?

Is it this property? which is north of the Steak and Shake restaurant on U.S.-1, just north of the countyline?
I was at this HB P&Z meeting in April and because it was a plat, apparently HB's policy is to NOT require a public notice sign for the public to become aware of the change, a public policy that I think ought to be changed to allow for maximum scrutiny.

I even swung by there before the meeting started to see if there were any signs and took photos of the sheer nothingness.

Have you seen this yet?
I'm curious whether the traffic numbers cited are accurate.

Magna Entertainment Creditors Allowed to Sue Chairman

It's mentioned in the last paragraph below.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Early August notes on the amazing Esmée Denters, who's living the dream

The weekend is when I usually spend some time
catching-up with friends overseas, watch some
foreign TV and newscasts and videos on my to-do list
-with legal pad nearby for copious notes- as well
as listen to any music videos that my 'inner circle,'
domestic and overseas, thinks are worth a listen to,
especially if they happened to have recently caught
them in person in a club somewhere and can now
vouch for how they sound LIVE, the ultimate test.

So, that said, having the AT&T server down this
whole weekend -well, me and about 10,000 other
people in South Florida I'm told
- not only really
put me behind-schedule on my blog posts and
disrupted my routine, but combined with the scorching
hot weather that was near unbearable at times,
really put me in a bad mood for days, as my computer
just stood there mocking me, like it didn't have a care
in the world.

Which explains in part how I came to have time to
actually watch all three of the late inning and exciting
heroics-filled Marlins-Cubs games on TV this weekend,
after late afternoon pit stops for some cold coffee drinks
and intensive newspaper-reading at the Starbucks and
Panera's in Hallandale Beach, and the Seattle's Best
located in the Borders Books in Aventura, the first
time for the latter, despite how many times I've
been in there since they added that to the retail mix
last year or the year before.

So, as to Esmée Denters, not to say I told you so,
but, well, I did.
Last year.

Last year I told many of you out there reading this blog
now, via email, whether old friends or former colleagues
from IU or work, or just folks who discovered me and my
blogs thru the blogosphere while looking for something
else, and thought enough to drop me a line, that despite
some of your beliefs that she'd turn out to be nothing
more than a flavor-of-the-month, even before there was
ever anything of note about her in, say, Entertainment
, Esmée is showing rather conclusively that she
is here to stay..
That she is, to quote, well, myself, "the real deal."

The first video is self-explanatory, as she spends some
time with her voice coach, David Stroud, after being a
little under-the-weather, and then follows Esmée as she
and her band members lay down some tracks in LA
for the acoustic version of "Outta Here."

After watching this, click the button on the upper-right
of the video and listen to the acoustic version of
"Outta Here" and judge for yourself if the final version
sounds like what you expected

The second video is the long version of EPK, which is
sort of a, well, a mini-C.V. of her amazing story thus far
and how she came to be where she is now, living her
dream, but with the talent and hard work to keep it
moving forward.

Insert world-famous Casey Kasem maxim here, right?

I told you last year she was silly talented -and such
a charme
Here's more proof of that, as if it was needed.

Not to over-analyze or philosophize but I only wish
that more American singers had Esmée's 'grounded'
personality and strong work-ethic, since there are
so many terribly annoying, no-talent singers I
regularly spot on TV and in magazines who have
achieved attention despite their seeming lack of
tangible talent.

talent is self-evident, which is part of the
reason why she resonated with people all over the
world and made fans so easily.

It also explains why industry insiders, like Justin
, are so drawn to her -there's no
denying that amazing voice of hers

And she wants to get better and is willing to listen.

Plus, her appealing personality is intoxicating,
like a new best friend you want to spend lots of
time with

After watching this, click the button on the
of the video and try the acoustic
version of "
Outta Here"
In some ways, I actually prefer this version.

As always, more
Esmée is just a click away

Personally, I much prefer Esmée singing melodic
pop songs to R&B, but maybe that's just me.
In any case, she's got the pipes to be around

for a long time.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Marlins Stadium Non-Vote; Pronounced Plouffle as in Liar

7:30 p.m.

Just got back from the Marlins Stadium non-vote at County HQ in downtown Miami, at the multi-use, multi-ethnic and multi-agenda driven Stephen P. Clark Government Building, via the 93 Biscayne Max.
Stephen P. Clark Building. 111 NW First Street, Miami, FL 33128

This morning was the first time I've taken that semi-express bus in about a year from nearby Aventura, and after the trip back to Aventura early this evening, all I can say is that it's much
quicker -and imminently more relaxing- in the morning while reading the papers, though I did get some great shots of The Freedom Building at sundown; while waiting at the same red light that I haven't caught green on since the first term of the Reagan Administration.

While coming back home I also saw the multiple police helicopters flying over North Miami -at least three- looking for a multiple-murder suspect as the bus trudged north and approached NE 125th St. & Biscayne.  Two of them remained stationary as if frozen, and the other making sweeping banking turns while it looked for the suspect, as if it were trying to flush a bird out of some trees.

Just a thought here, but perhaps in the future, Metro-Dade Police and local LEOs might want to consider contacting Transit HQ so that they can get BOLOs out via radio to bus drivers going thru areas where a dragnet is taking place, so they don't let the suspect board and have everything become a hostage drama.  One of precisely the sort that would be turned into a very mediocre film that I would never seek out at the movie theater and only see once it's in heavy rotation on TNT or USA Cable.

As it was, I already felt like I was a hostage for the better part of the day downtown, as the county's  powers-that-be did a positively dreadful job of keeping the hundreds of folks joining me for the first few hours properly informed, while we parsed phone messages and rumors that came in as one hour turned into another.
Mere "Extras" in someone else's film.

Meanwhile, just a few feet away down the hallway, conveniently, members of the local media could watch the City of Miami hearing live on a TV, while hoi-polloi like me and the others were left to grasp at straws and try to figure out what was going on at Dinner Key.
More mañana on the Marlins Stadium debacle and the half-assed communication and citizen customer service efforts.

After being there for almost six hours, and seeing lots of familiar faces, including some other bloggers and public policy website folks, I also met some new folks of a similar mind-set, many of whom I'll be talking about over the weekend as I discuss everything that happened -and didn't.
Avec photos.

But that will wait 'till then, since I first need to relax and get ready to watch some action and
adventure with the continuing chronicles of Sarah Conner and the new ones of the amazing Eliza Dushku on the Dollhouse series premiere on Fox-TV.
Lucky Friday the 13th has finally come for those of us who love both.

But before I get too comfortable, I wanted to share this great video that I saw earlier today,
before leaving for downtown Miami, from my daily Mediabistro Fishbowl DC email on yet 
another sign of the "Obama difference."
Not for the first time I'm here to say, be careful what you wish for.

Take it away Dana Milbank at the National Press Club.

Friday, January 23, 2009

re FEC corridor: 1/22/09 Miami SunPost: The Little Corridor That Could

The primary reason I'm bringing this article to your attention today is because these upcoming 
SFECC Workshops throughout South Florida represent a second opportunity for South Florida's elected officials and community leaders, corporate and non-profit, to actually do the right thing, rather than simply talk about it after-the-fact.

An opportunity for them to do exactly what most didn't do during the previous workshops two years ago: actually show-up in person and listen.
And, if possible, for elected officials to actually go to a neighboring community hosting a meeting as well, if possible, so that talk of regional cooperation can actually be shown in a tangible, visible way rather than lip-service.

I also wanted to bring to your attention today a very troubling issue affecting the SFECC Workshops that has gotten neither the level of media attention it deserves, or the wide-spread criticism it's justly earned.

Once again, the Village of Miami Shores is hosting an FDOT public meeting, this time, 
on February 12th as part of the second round of SFECC workshops.

Where does the Village of Miami Shores get the nerve to host an FDOT-sponsored SFECC 
Workshop, when two years ago, it sent a city hall representative to the meeting I attended in Aventura on Oct. 11, 2006 to say that Miami Shores did NOT want a station.  

In fact, I was less than a foot away from the man who said it, Tom Benton, the Miami Shores village manager.
Months earlier, he'd earlier written SFECC on March 2, 2006 with his comments recorded thusly in the public records: 
Mr. Benton expresses demands quiet zone for all 5 crossings, and is opposed to any type of 
elevated train service or metro-rail type service since it would impact quality of life, esthetics, 
and property value. Whatever the choice serious environmental mitigation should be implemented. 
The community will fight vigorously to protect current quality of life.

Prior to that Aventura meeting in the Fall of 2006, nor at any time since, The Village of Miami 
Shores has NEVER held a public referendum where its citizens could directly show their level of support for access to a commuter rail that would conveniently connect them to points north and south.  

The self-important poo-bahs in Miami Shores decided that issue themselves!

In the process, because Miami Shores is both small and located right on the FEC tracks, from N.E. 87 Street to 105th, Miami Shores officials effectively get a veto over tens of thousands 
of South Florida taxpayers who live near there, but not in the village itself, thereby 
disenfranchising those South Floridians who'd likely enjoy being able to take advantage of something common sense that should've existed here over thirty-five years agoa commuter train.

That pocket veto of theirs means that the closest prospective stations to those citizens are
near N.E. 79th Street or N.E. 125th Street.  Miami Shores thus creates the largest gap anywhere along the heavily-populated route in Miami-Dade or Broward County.
Now that's regional planning South Florida-style!

If any citizens, community activists or reporters actually go that meeting in Miami Shores on Feb. 12th, how about asking someone from that community to publicly explain why that little village 
gets a veto over tens of thousands of South Florida citizens and taxpayers.  
"On the record."

In the aftermath of the meeting I attended in Aventura, and the accurate reporting of the Miami 
Shores' position the following morning by Carli Teproff in the Miami Herald -whom I'd written in advance of the meeting- I wondered why the South Florida news media allowed the Village of Miami Shores to get away with this parochial (and frankly, racist) attitude 
that goes directly against regionalism in planning, theory and practice.

(Yes, racist, just like Georgetown NOT wanting the Washington Metro -WMATA- to have a station located there when they were first considering locations in the late '60's & early '70's.  Why do you suppose that is?
Now, having lived up there for 15 years, and having my African-American friends who were born/grew-up there explain it all to me, I can tell you that everyone up there now sees the folly of that bad decision, and wishes they could undo it.)

Where were the newspaper editorials or the stories on TV or radio asking for a reasonable explanation?  
Where exactly was the South Florida Regional Planning Council then?
Where was the FDOT Secretary, Stephanie Kopelouos?
Where was the Beacon Council or the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce?

They were all missing-in-action!
Sadly for South Florida taxpayers, transit enthusiasts and people in general who just want to be able to get around more quickly, that is seemingly the default position for Sec. Stephanie Kopelousos, whom I personally find unsuitable for her current position, based on what we've already seen so far.

To me and many other citizens around the state, Kopelousos is part of the problem, NOT part of any solution.

That sentiment was echoed by other citizens I spoke to at the SFECC Workshops I attended in Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood and Aventura in 2006.
Ppeople who actually took the time to show up, become educated about the particulars of the plan, and ask questions and share their thoughts and criticisms.
They also largely thought the South Florida media did their usual piss-poor job of publicizing the
meetings in advance.
This was matched by a commensurate piss-poor job of the media of actually attending them.

That's not unlike the poor turnout among citizens for the Broward County Transit Forum at the Convention Center in late 2006, which suffered greatly from having FAR TOO MANY city, county and state employees there as shock troops, and not nearly enough citizens taxpayers,
(The Miami Herald didn't mention the Forum until the Saturday before, on the third page of the State/Local section, two days before the event, and the Sun-Sentinel waited until the day of the event, albeit, on the front page. Too late!)

And who exactly was planning these SFECC meetings two years ago for FDOT?
You have a meeting planned in Aventura, one of the most intensively built-up areas in all of South Florida, a city that has busy Biscayne Blvd. as its very backbone, and yet you put up ZERO signs about the meeting at large intersections on Biscayne in advance of the meeting?
Don't put them up 7-10 days in advance so that more people actually know about it and can make plans to attend?

Trust me, I looked for those signs in advance and the day of the event as well.
They didn't exist.
Sorry, that's not on me, that's on you, FDOT.

Are these the same marketing geniuses who are responsible for my not receiving a single email about SFECC
for over a year, despite my being on their mailing list since 2006?
The same ones responsible for there being no original content of any kind on the SFECC website for almost a year, as many transit enthusiasts in South Florida would remind me when they saw me.
That's embarrassing and incompetent all at the same time!

So, given what I've written here, can anyone tell me why FDOT continues to hold so many meetings in Miami Shores at the Miami Shores Country Club, if the town DOESN'T want to be part of the larger community, and openly says so?
For instance, the Workshops last year for the awful 95 Express experiment?

When I saw the ads FDOT paid for in the Herald advertising the Workshop there, I foolishly assumed some reporter attending the workshop would actually ask someone from FDOT for an explanation.
What was I thinking?
Assuming a reporter would ask a good question?
Had I forgotten where I was? 

Well, I no longer harbor assumptions that just because someone down here shows up 
somewhere and calls themself a reporter, that they have actually done any kind of independent research prior to showing up -and neither should you.

Please learn from my mistake, and ask lots of questions publicly at these Workshops , since you simply can't rely on reporters to do that in South Florida anymore. 
Sad but true as I've lamented in this space many times before.

DATE:Tuesday, January 27
LOCATION:Boca Raton Community Center
Royal Palm Room
ADDRESS:150 Crawford Blvd.
TIME:3:30 - 5:30 p.m. OR 6 - 8 p.m.

DATE:Wednesday, February 4
LOCATION:The Raymond F. Kravis Center for the Performing Arts
Cohen Pavilion
ADDRESS:701 Okeechobee Blvd.
TIME:3:30 - 5:30 p.m. OR 6 - 8 p.m.
DATE:Thursday, February 5
LOCATION:Riviera Beach City Hall
Council Chamber Room C202, Second Floor
ADDRESS:600 W. Blue Heron Blvd., #1
TIME:6 - 8 p.m.
DATE:Tuesday, February 10
LOCATION:Greater Bethel AME Church
Lower Auditorium
ADDRESS:245 NW 8th St.
TIME:3:30 - 5:30 p.m. OR 6 - 8 p.m.
DATE:Wednesday, February 11
LOCATION:Delray Beach City Hall
Council Commission Chamber
ADDRESS:100 NW 1st Ave.
TIME:6 - 8 p.m.
DATE:Thursday, February 12
LOCATION:Miami Shores Country Club
ADDRESS:10000 Biscayne Blvd.
TIME:6 - 8 p.m.
DATE:Tuesday, February 17
LOCATION:Hollywood Central Performing Arts Center
Auditorium & Café
ADDRESS:1770 Monroe St.
TIME:6 - 8 p.m.
DATE:Wednesday, February 18
LOCATION:E. Pat Larkins Community Center
Auditorium – West side
ADDRESS:520 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
TIME:6 - 8 p.m.
DATE:Tuesday, February 24
LOCATION:Aventura Community Recreation Center
Classrooms 1A, 1B and 2
ADDRESS:3375 NE 188th St.
TIME:6 - 8 p.m.
DATE:Wednesday, February 25
LOCATION:African American Research Library & Cultural Center
Auditorium & Michael Bienes Seminar Room #2
ADDRESS:2650 Sistrunk Blvd.
TIME:5 - 7 p.m.

Despite my speaking about SFECC with Hallandale Beach City Manager Mike Good in early 2008 at a public town hall meeting, about having to attend meetings in Aventura and Hollywood because Hallandale Beach was asleep at the wheel and didn't think to be included -despite the fact that a commuter train here could revitalize the city quicker than anything else could, and with more tangible results sooner than any other place in Broward -and my publicly requesting that the city contact FDOT so that future workshops include Hallandale Beach, guess which city along the FEC tracks once again doesn't have a workshop?

Yes, Hallandale Beach, the city made famous by the film "A Railroad Runs Thru It

And 97 years ago today, the first train arrived in Key West, marking the completion of the Florida East Coast Railway.

*Reminder: South Florida Regional Transportation Summit is Saturday Feb. 21st in Fort Lauderdale.
The Little Corridor That Could

Miami Commissioner Echoes Plea for Corridor Restoration
By Jackson Tonti
Also see my July 31st, 2008 blog post titled DOT Sec. Mary Peters in Miami on Friday
Miami Shores Country Club, 10000 Biscayne Blvd., Miami Shores, FL 33138