So here we are, South Florida, now in 2018, asking the very same kinds of questions as 2014: Supt. Robert W. Runcie - What happened to the

What happened to the #SchoolHardening at #Broward #Schools that taxpayers/parents were promised? Where ARE the actual #results?
Continued inability of #Broward Schools & Supt. Runcie to take public criticism, respond appropriately; #SoFL
@Buddynevins @GlennaOn10 @RedBroward @SayfieReview— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) February 19, 2018
1/ Dear #Broward: How does #RobertRuncie still have a job? In 2016, ex-#CoralSprings HS student walks into school cafeteria w/loaded 9 mm gun, yet in 2018 the school still lacks safety feature to prevent outsiders fm getting in.
2/ Runcie's #Broward SchoolBoard said $800 million bond passed by voters in 2014 wld do something abt it. So what's going on there? Four months ago this was the sad reality:— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) February 19, 2018
"There's been zero progress," says #CoralSprings Comm. Larry Vignola, adding it "should be top priority."
3/ #Broward School officials say project cld be complete by the summer of... 2019. 2019? WTF? So again I ask, how does #RobertRuncie still have his job as Supt.?— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) February 19, 2018
His track record is one of failure, unwillingness to take public criticism. @richardcorcoran
4/ #failure Whether it's safety or any of 1,001 other things, the status quo is NOT working for #Broward kids, their parents or taxpayers. So again I ask, how does #RobertRuncie still have his job as Supt.? 🤔 @BrittanyWallman @dwightyoakamfan @beamfurr @ChipLaMarca @JoshLevyHlwd— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) February 19, 2018
@CGreenbarg @SueGunzburger @staceykotzen @Buddynevins @RedBroward @tamaractalk @dwightyoakamfan— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) February 22, 2018
5/ #Parkland shooter always in trouble, never expelled. Could #Broward school system have done more? via @MarbinMiller @KyraGurney @MiamiHerald #Education
@DRUDGE_REPORT 6/ Almost 20 years after #Columbine shooting, #Broward requires no active shooter drills for high schoolers. 😲🤔😠— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 3, 2018
A Code Red drill was scheduled @ #MSD for March, district officials said. 😳
via @lbarszewski. @richardcorcoran @CGreenbarg
@Buddynevins 1/ So shld U & I do a PublicRecordsRequest to finally "out" the #Broward #School Board officials who requested we be BLOCKED on @twitter years ago bec of our pin-point, fact-filled criticisms of them? @BrittanyWallman @RedBroward @AngelaGreben— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 18, 2018
@Buddynevins @BrittanyWallman @RedBroward @dwightyoakamfan @crespogram @GlennaOn10 High time to find out some #Broward secrets! 2/ MT @AngelaGreben #Broward #Schools, Supt. #RobertRuncie provide their #BlockList but don't specify who is doing the blocking.— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 18, 2018
@Buddynevins @AngelaGreben @CGreenbarg @BrittanyWallman @RedBroward @dwightyoakamfan @crespogram @GlennaOn10 3/ Honestly, in light of history, who has more secrets/skeletons to hide than #Broward #Schools, Supt. #RobertRuncie? Thr worst enemy = Internet!🤔— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) March 18, 2018
Clearly targeting the youth vote. Today’s kids LOVE the comedy of Buck Henry & Don Adams cc: @DeebsFTL— RED BROWARD (@RedBroward) April 17, 2018
During #SoFL media's reverential treatment of all #MSD stories past 2 months, w/no push-back, in stories re HS kids registering to vote, media never mentions fact: most of #SoFL is in gerrymandered CDs, so they'll just be padding margin 4 liberal incumbents like Deutsch, #DWS. 🤫— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) April 17, 2018
Still waiting for the @SunSentinel earth shattering exposes on the Promise Program, School Board’s failure to spend $100,000,000 in school safety money, and political hackery of the sheriff.— Shawn (@shawnold1975) April 17, 2018
@CGreenbarg @Buddynevins @Florida_Bulldog @dwightyoakamfan @GlennaOn10 1/ U mean the $800 Million #Broward #Schools Bond that started out w/Supt. #RobertRuncie & #SchoolBoard NOT wanting genuine #transparency, just illusion of it? #ethics #SchoolHardening— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) April 17, 2018
2/ U mean the $800 Million #Broward #Schools Bond issue which, after being passed, led to Supt. Runcie picking a man to be in charge of it whose background was so below par that he kept lying about it to taxpayers, civic activists & #SoFL news media? Yes!— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) April 17, 2018
3/ Naturally, #Broward being Broward, the Usual Crowd decided that the best way to cover-up all of this deceit and BS was to give #Broward #Schools Supt. #Runcie an award! 😲— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) April 17, 2018
Here's the puff piece by County Mgr.'s daughter abt #Runcie in a faux newspaper:
4/ Of course, some ppl in #Broward who spoke honestly & factually abt what was going on and demanding Supt. Runcie & #Broward #Schools #SchoolBoard show real #transparency/#oversight w/💰 soon saw the petty bureaucratic pushback, inc. @Buddynevins and me.— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) April 17, 2018
5/ "At times like this, it's very hard to recall that Supt. #RobertRuncie works for us, not the other way around. And I remind you that I was a Runcie supporter initially, but at some point you have to admit that it's not working out the way you hoped." 🙄— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) April 17, 2018
6/ It's not like #Broward #Schools Supt. #RobertRuncie & Co. can say that obj. ppl like @CGreenbarg & myself didn't give them fair chance for YEARS to succeed.— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) April 17, 2018
MT @Buddynevins As #Broward #Schools grades fall behind, Runcie's spin machine at full blast
7/ So here we are, now in 2018, asking the very same kinds of questions as 2014: What happened to the 💰💰💰? What happened to the #SchoolHardening at #Broward #Schools that taxpayers/parents were promised? Where ARE the actual #results? #SoFL @crespogram— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) April 17, 2018
8/ A reminder of #Runcie's reign: Almost 20 years post-#Columbine, prior to #MSD attack, #Broward #Schools required no active shooter drills for high schoolers. 😲🤔😠#CodeRed drill was scheduled @ #MSD 4 March, district officials say. 😳via @lbarszewski.— HallandaleBeachBlog (@hbbtruth) April 17, 2018