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Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan, with iconic City Hall in the distance, on left, in Kungsholmen. In my previous life, I was definitely born there.

A reminder of why I and my savvy, sensible friends -like @UdenCatherine - push back vs. the serial nonsensical public policy + misanthropy fm #HollywoodFL City Hall, both the City Comm. as well as its often imperious, feckless, highly-paid, thin-skinned bureaucrats. THIS! ☀️🌴🏖️😎. Hollywood Beach, March 2025
Showing posts with label #RubiosFolly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #RubiosFolly. Show all posts

Friday, July 19, 2013

Where's Marco Rubio? Like me -but unlike the sleepwalking South Florida news media- blogger extraordinaire Mickey Kaus has not only noticed that Team Rubio has gone silent on immigration and wants to talk about everything BUT that, he's focusing like a laser on it. That's not by accident. 67% of GOP voters who oppose a "path to legal status" say they could not vote 4 someone who disagreed on that issue!; @kausmickey, #RubiosFolly

As I told you all last month in my multiple blog posts about Marco Rubio's lack of tweets about immigration -but about the Miami Heat- and the Miami Herald's self-evident and heavy-handed censorship for well over two weeks of all references, in-print and in their blogs, re Ryan Lizza's excellent New Yorker piece on the Schumer-Rubio bill, the Gang of Eight and Marco Rubio and his staff re the pro-amnesty bill that emerged.
And censorship of any articulate, fact-filled negative comments about the bill. 
Nope, nothing about Florida's agribusiness industry hungering for more low-cost labor and how much they were spending to make it happen.

Los Angeles-based blogger Mickey Kaus, long one of my favorites since I was living and working in the D.C. area and he was at Slate, and now writing at The Daily Caller website, is one of the many people I shared this bits of news with around the country.
Some didn't know about it, some had heard but hadn't seen any actual evidence.
Then I dropped some fact-filled evidence on them via email.

Over the past few weeks, as only Mickey Kaus can so consistently, with insightful reporting and good humor, well-timed sarcasm and a knack for saying today what others will be saying tomorrow, via his very popular Twitter feed and blog, he has reminded us all again that, surprise, "Team Rubio really has gone silent on immigration"

Saturday, June 29, 2013

How do you solve a problem like Marco Rubio? With lots of fact-filled Kaus-centricity! Mickey Kaus continues to write honestly about Rubio while Florida news media remains too cowed to report truth about him; After 19 days of Marco Rubio censoring his own Twitter feed, @MarcoRubio, just like the Miami Herald's two week #newsblackout of anti-amnesty, anti-Rubio news in-print and online, Rubio tweeted, well, more piety; @kausmickey, #RubiosFolly

Rush Limbaugh on reluctance of Republicans to openly criticize Marco Rubio for his pro-amnesty first position. Uploaded June 28, 2013.

Caller to Rush Limbaugh Show from El Paso, Texas area relates conversation he had with illegal aliens from Mexico about what they saw as the downside to Schumer-Rubio bill from their perspective: more competition for menial jobs from coming surge of people across border, people who don't want to become citizens. Uploaded June 28, 2013.
How do you solve a problem like Marco Rubio? With lots of fact-filled Kaus-centricity! Mickey Kaus continues to write honestly about Rubio while Florida news media remains too cowed to report truth about him; After 19 days of Marco Rubio censoring his own Twitter feed, @MarcoRubio, just like the Miami Herald's two week #newsblackout of anti-amnesty, anti-Rubio news in-print and online, Rubio tweeted, well, more piety; @kausmickey, #RubiosFolly
Now you can finally see for yourself what the Miami Herald has desperately trying to keep quiet about in Ryan Lizza's New Yorker column for the past two weeks, where never was heard a discouraging word -about Rubio (and the Herald's) pro-amnesty first policy.

The New Yorker
Inside the Gang of Eight’s immigration deal
By Ryan Lizza

Here's what Rubio wrote after 19 days of nothing on Twitter:

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Censorship? Guilty as charged! What do Miami Herald's Sergio Bustos, Marc Caputo, Mary Ellen Klas, Toluse Olorunnipa, Erika Bolstad, Patricia Mazzei and Amy Sherman all have in common? Of shirking their responsibilities as reporters! They have ignored all negative stories about Marco Rubio and immigration reform this week, and feign ignorance of what everyone else in the country is talking about -and reporting on: Ryan Lizza re #RubiosFolly

Censorship? Guilty as charged! What do Miami Herald's Sergio Bustos, Marc Caputo, Mary Ellen Klas, Toluse Olorunnipa, Erika Bolstad, Patricia Mazzei and Amy Sherman all have in common? Of shirking their responsibilities as reporters! 
They have ignored all negative stories about Marco Rubio and immigration reform this week, and feign ignorance of what everyone else in the country is talking about -and reporting on: Ryan Lizza re #RubiosFolly

Each one is a complicit member of the Hear No Evil/See No Evil/Speak No Evil reporting crew at the Miami Herald's feeble third-tier political blog, Naked Politics, that has completely ignored anything and everything over the past week about the furor erupting from Ryan Lizza's New Yorker column about the Schumer-Rubio immigration bill, S.744, i.e. Rubio's Folly

The influential piece which featured Rubio aide Alex Conant saying something controversial that won't win him any friends in Northwest Miami, and which has been discussed and analyzed in hundreds of national websites and blogs, but NOT in the main newspaper or political blog of the city where Rubio is from and the state that he represents in Washington. 
Not sure how I can make that any simpler for those of you who are late arrivals to the blog on this story.

Conant doesn't mention that he's in the center of the storm:

As of 4 p.m. today, as these links prove, there NADA for the sixth day in a row in the Herald.
How do you simply ignore the story and pretend that nobody is noticing what you're doing?

And as for Rubio's new penchant for continually talking but never actually explaining, nothing has changed at his Twitter account since I mentioned this matter on Wednesday
There's still nothing new there since June 7th about anything, and nothing in over a month on immigration.

There's a very good reason why I've hardly ever mentioned that blog on these pages, and it has everything to do with them ignoring so much news everyday that would be news in others cities, that Naked Politics is perhaps the least important media political blog on the entire East Coast of the United States.

Even in Miami, with its traditionally low standards for performance and competency, they don't give awards to professional reporters who go out of their way to ignore timely and relevant news about important public policy issues. 
But that's exactly what has taken place the past six days.

In fact, the Tampa Bay Times broke their own news blackout on the Lizza & Rubio story on Tuesday by running something by Alex Leary on their far-superior but-still very liberal political blog, The Buzz, which I mentioned her the other day and linked to.

But despite the fact that most of the best blog pieces on the Herald's site are from the West Coast, the Herald editors have consciously chosen NOT to post that story even though it's the most-important one of the week.
The same way they buried the Jeb Bush appearance that fell flat earlier in the week

The next time that you are somewhere in Florida and spot one one these reporters or Herald Executive Editor Aminda Marques or Managing Editor Rick Hirsch, walk right up to them and ask them why they were so afraid of printing the truth, and were content being seen as stooges.

With all the amazing technology in the world that makes it easier than ever before for a reporter to do their job well, these particular Herald reporters are ostriches who put their heads firmly in the sand and wait for it all the uproar to be over.

And then, MAYBE, just maybe, Marc Caputo will write another one of his famous after-the-fact pieces that are painfully defensive in nature, and totally unpersuasive on the facts, which here, could not be more clear that the herald has shirked their responsibilities.
Yes, if they gave a Pulitzer Prize for THAT, Caputo and the Herald would be standing pretty every year..

The Schumer-Rubio merit-based immigration farce