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Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan, with iconic City Hall in the distance, on left, in Kungsholmen. In my previous life, I was definitely born there.

A reminder of why I and my savvy, sensible friends -like @UdenCatherine - push back vs. the serial nonsensical public policy + misanthropy fm #HollywoodFL City Hall, both the City Comm. as well as its often imperious, feckless, highly-paid, thin-skinned bureaucrats. THIS! ☀️🌴🏖️😎. Hollywood Beach, March 2025
Showing posts with label #OccupyMiami. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #OccupyMiami. Show all posts

Monday, October 3, 2011

Hipper-than-thou: Fickle South Florida news media ignores pretentious, creepy and condescending “hipsters by the Bay” i.e. #OccupyMiami; LOL!

Hipper-than-thou: Fickle South Florida news media ignores pretentious, creepy and condescending "hipsters by the Bay" i.e. #OccupyMiami; LOL!
The 'revolution' will NOT be televised.
No, and neither will these clowns' exercise in political masturbation.

Too many laughable and self-serving videos posted on YouTube to choose just one to make a real example out of up at the top today, so take a look here and try your luck; most recent first.

No matter how many times you watch these videos, it's really hard to believe how truly smug, condescending and disconnected these people behind Occupy Miami are, or their level of

Well, you don't have to be a PR expert to know that these characters first major cataclysmic mistake was thinking that local Miami TV news stations that are now based in the suburbs -
Channel 4 in Doral, Channel 6 in Miramar and Channel 10 in Pembroke Park, less then four miles from me- are going to cover a story in downtown Miami on a Saturday.

Especially one involving so few people about an issue 99.9% of their viewers will yawn at!
That is NOT must-see TV!

If these hipper-than-thou members of the coming socialist vanguard were actually either smart or savvy, they'd have been clever enough to set-up a contrasting photo op that the TV stations couldn't possibly ignore - socialist hipsters march on South Beach and do their thing in front of the The Clevelander!
Or over on that spot on South Beeach where the really successful models hang-out when they can because they are largely left alone to relax. (Sorry, I can't publicly reveal here where that is.)

You know, so these social misfits can confront the very people they say are the enemy?
You may know them better as your friends and family and neighbors.

Instead, these socialist lemmings stood and sat on their ass on hot asphalt, brick or tile.
Real geniuses.

But then even while they spout their anti-corporate nonsense, they use technology that does NOT grow on trees.
You know, like an APPLE... or AT&T, Sprint, Best Buy, Microsoft...
They don't exactly communicate with each other thru smoke signals now do they?

Nope, some multi-national corporations they like!
To use their work-product that is, but their employees, no doubt they are considered "corporate stooges" by this crew.

The point that can't be refuted though is this one and it's one that the anti-corporate crowd doesn't want to acknowledge: Occupy Miami actually attracted many LESS people than dozens and dozens of Boys Optimist/PAL football games in South Florida Saturday played by Elementary School and Junior High kids, including one that I saw for myself for a few minutes on Saturday afternoon on a drive to North Miami Beach for an errand.
That lack of a stampede of people or an avalanche of support is NOT exactly a ringing endorsement for the Occupy Miami positions.

But then if their message really resonated with a majority of Americans, the folks behind Occupy Miami would likely change their mind and be against it in principle -that's the hipster's creed- since everyone knows you can't be part of the political vanguard when everyone agrees.
You have to be part of the true believers.

Below, an inside view of the supremely smug too-much-time-on-their-hands Americans who are at war with the rest of America.
It's not just bad analysis, it's ass-backwards liberal agit-prop analysis about the state of the South Florida's professional agitator crowd, many of whom in the 1980's, wanted Europe to disarm.
If that had happened, do you really think the Berlin Wall would've fallen?
In a word, NO.

But then I actually know people who lived in Eastern Europe when they couldn't speak freely
or live free and make their own choices.
They appreciate the difference and loathe these types even more then me.

The venom-filled characters behind this effort are NOT lovable losers like the Cubs and their fans, they're know-it-all losers who never learn from history, in particular, that people don't want to constantly be lectured to about how to live their lives.
But these folks can't help themselves.

Criticizing others and telling them how immoral or unethical or XYZ their "empty lives' are is all they know how to do.
It's what animates them, sad as that is to realize.

It's like they saw Dr. Zhivago and missed one of the main points of the film completely.
The socialist bureaucrats aren't the heroes!
Dr. Zhivago - The Private Life is Dead

So, after reading these two stories, I guess this means that they WON'T be going to any public housing sites in Miami or Ft. Lauderdale and asking -via a megaphone- when some of these long-established "families" are going to get it together and finally move out after 30-40 years of living on the public's dole?
The hundreds of millions of dollars spent on that, for what was intended to be temporary help,
with what to show as a positive, exactly?

They won't be marching around the American Airlines Arena and demanding to know when billionaire Miami Heat owner Mickey Arison , one of the richest men in America, when is he FINALLY going to honor his word with Miami-Dade County taxpayers for the construction of the arena?
No, I guess they're not.

Boston Phoenix
The Phlog
What #OccupyMiami learned from #OccupyBoston learned from #OccupyWallStreet
By Chris Faraone
Published Oct 02 2011, 11:46 AM

Up until a decade ago, I'm guessing that reporters got to see one major movement in their lifetime. Maybe two or three if they were R.W. Apple, or some other red-nosed journo stalwart with longevity. But in my mere half score of covering pols and pimps, contractors and detractors, whores and wars, I've already witnessed a number of full-blown culture spats, each with a cast of characters worthy of their own trading cards. From the Tea Party to Al Qaeda to the hackers who gangbanged Scientology, I've had front row seats to see the status quo get pounded more times than I remember.

Miami NewTimes
"Occupy Miami" Camp-Out Will Begin Oct. 15, 700 Arrested In New York
By Michael Miller
October 3 2011 at 9:00 AM

A protester in New York. But will they turn out in force in Miami?
They came. They saw. They arranged to convene at a later date.

Ar-Miami-geddon didn't happen, but more than a hundred "Occupy Miami" protesters did meet on Saturday in Bayfront Park downtown. They agreed to gather again this Saturday to plan a camp-out beginning on October 15.
Read the rest of the post at: