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Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan, with iconic City Hall in the distance, on left, in Kungsholmen. In my previous life, I was definitely born there.

A reminder of why I and my savvy, sensible friends -like @UdenCatherine - push back vs. the serial nonsensical public policy + misanthropy fm #HollywoodFL City Hall, both the City Comm. as well as its often imperious, feckless, highly-paid, thin-skinned bureaucrats. THIS! โ˜€๏ธ๐ŸŒด๐Ÿ–๏ธ๐Ÿ˜Ž. Hollywood Beach, March 2025

Thursday, December 13, 2018

#murder - Sad news re murder of 2010 Hallandale Beach 'missing woman' Lynda Robin Meier confirms our worst fears -and reminds us of HBPD's incompetency, failure to perform professionally then under Police Chief Thomas Magill. As I wrote about at the time

The very sad news regarding the apparent murder of 2010 Hallandale Beach 'missing woman' Lynda Robin Meier confirms our collective worst fears, but for many of you longtime readers of the blog, it should remind you of lots of things that have been written about and analyzed in this space many times before, namely the Hallandale Beach Police Dept.'s longstanding incompetency, indifference to facts and appearances, failure to perform professionally then under Police Chief Thomas Magill. As I wrote about at the time.

Above, June 4, 2011 photo of Hallandale Beach Police Dept. HQ, across from HB City Hall, by South Beach Hoosier. On the one-year anniversary of Lynda Meier's disappearance, just as has been the case every single day since she vanished on June 4th, 2010, there was no flyer about her on the outside of the HB Police Dept., the City Hall bldg. or the nearby HB Cultural Center. 
Or anywhere in the entire city. SNAFU!

Yes, that jaw-dropping fiasco in 2010 where the Hallandale Beach Police Dept. NEVER put up ANY posters at ANY of the dozens of restaurants, retail stores, parks that residents visit daily, in the days immediately after Meier's disappearance, where a possible witness may've been found. 
Not one.

I know that from personal experience because in the days afterward I walked from I-95 to State Road A1A and personally spoke to nearly every store owner/manager and business owner on that route to inquire if someone from HBPD or HB Crime Watch had come by to ask if they could put a flyer in their window. Not one business ever responded yes to my simple question, and given that everyone wanted to help, they asked ME if I knew why HBPD and Crime Watch NEVER came by.
I told them why and they glumly shook their heads in silent agreement.
And there was no good reason for this failure except failure at every level and a lack of effort.

They NEVER even so much as put one up at next door City Hall, but sure as hell, there was a taped missing poster for someone's pet at the time, right next to the City Hall front door.
But not for Lynda Meier.

Mendacious and incompetent Hallandale Beach Police Chief Thomas A. Magill, who made the small ocean-side city of Hallandale Beach in Broward County a never-ending laughingstock thru his self-serving words, highly questionable actions and disreputable behavior.

Remains found of Hallandale Beach woman missing since 2010, source tells Local 10
Lynda Meier last seen June 4, 2010
By Roy Ramos - Reporter, Jeff Weinsier - Investigative Reporter
Posted: 12:13 PM, December 13, 2018Updated: 6:23 PM, December 13, 2018

JULY 1, 2010 
What's THE worst possible thing you can do during an active search for a 'missing person'? Another tale of HB incompetency under Police Chief Magill

JULY 9, 2010
The answer to my question of last Friday re Lynda Robin Meier will be answered on Saturday morning
SEPTEMBER 12, 2010
100 Days Missing: Lynda Meier of Hallandale Beach has been gone for over 14 weeks, so where are all the "missing" flyers around town?

JUNE 8, 2011
Lynda Meier's disappearance one-year later: apathy and absence of effort & thought by the HBPD and the South Florida news media loom larger than ever

That same mentality by HBPD is what had caused me to get so angry in 2010 with the Meier case because HBPD and HB Crime Watch -the latter then led by Alexander Lewy before he was elected a HB City Commissioner months later- did NOT do the bare minimum you'd expect from such a group, especially in such a time-sensitive case.
The sort of thing that we have all routinely seen done in a TV newscasts, a fictional drama or in motion pictures. Why?
Because it's common sense.

Because we know that people have a short memory and attention span for what seems like inconsequential things/facts that don't fit their daily lives.
So you have to get that information from those people before it completely evaporates.
But those efforts, the sort of thing we all have a reasonable right to expect in case of such an emergency, sadly and rather predictably, didn't take place.

Specifically,they chose NOT to pass out flyers themselves in the immediate area of US-1 and Hallandale Beach Blvd. at the time Meier went to that Bank of America branch to capture the attention of joggers, drivers, pedestrians, or anyone who might've seen something, or even use trained volunteers from the Crime Watch group.

The Police compounded this by also refusing to post fliers in nearby popular stores or restaurants until long past the point that any possible witness had long since forgotten what they might've seen or heard many weeks and months before for a fleeting second.
There was not a single police flier about the 2013 double murder posted on the bulletin board at Panera Bread until July! Five months later!

I know this because I have a photo of the flyer there shortly after it went up -too late.
Many of you received a copy of it from me in an email that July bemoaning HBPD's inability to get out of their own way.

And in case you might've forgotten, Michele Lazarow, the HB City Commissioner who lives closest to where this crime too place, someone who actually lives not so far away, and who'd just been elected weeks before, was NOT allowed to attend HBPD's meeting with the neighborhood.
A meeting that Mayor Joy Cooper was allowed to attend.
What does that tell you?
What sort of image does that convey to the public?

There's so many aspects of these two crime stories that stink to high heaven and still cause me to grieve for these families and their inability to get the closure they need and deserve, to say nothing of the questions never asked publicly about the enormous amount of time it took for HBPD to finally release a photo of a person of interest in the double murder case, and then, made that photo next-to-impossible to find on the city's own website!

But rather than repeat them all here, in case you want to have your memory jarred in a profound way, here are my last two blog post about the double-homicide, though there have been MANY more emails detailing the numerous policy and procedural failings of all the relevant parties and the failure of the South Florida news media to publicly question and criticize what in any other part of the country would be coming under justified criticism.

(If you want to know more details, contact me and we can always meet at Panera Bread or somewhere else and dissect the HBPD blunders all over again.)

FEBRUARY 11, 2013 
Still no new news or facts in Hallandale Beach re January's double-murder of Toronto couple in Venetian Park neighborhood; Important Three Islands neighborhood public meeting tonight at 7 p.m.

SEPTEMBER 6, 2013 
Crime and (No) Punishment in Hallandale Beach: Observations on Rachel Mendleson's spot-on Toronto Star article on January's double-homicide of a Toronto-area couple in the Three Islands neighborhood of Hallandale Beach, which remains unsolved 8 months later. I still believe the Hallandale Beach Police Dept. has done a very poor job of engaging in outreach and making it as easy as possible for the community to access relevant info about the case that could prove helpful, just as HBPD and HB Crime Watch completely botched public outreach in 2010 following the disappearance of HB resident Lynda Robin Meier, who has never been found. Just like others at HB City Hall, HBPD continues to never learn from experience

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