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Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan

Monday, October 14, 2013

re Common Core - FL Dept. of Education's public meeting in Broward Wednesday re Gov. Scott's "Plan for Education Accountability" just got a whole lot more interesting -a pro-Common Core supporter and Jeb Bush "insider" just resigned; IVBE President Charlotte Greenbarg urges Gov. Scott to stay strong AGAINST Common Core; @JeremySWallace, @fineout

But today.. former Jeb Bush Chief of Staff and Ed Board member Sally Bradshaw says, "No Más."

Hmm-m... this immediately makes that Broward meeting of theirs much-more interesting now.

"The Florida Department of Education will be taking public input on mathematics and 
language arts standards in Florida, in accordance with the request that accompanied 
Governor Rick Scott's recent executive order regarding a Plan for Education Accountability."

Wednesday, October 16  5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time
Broward College - Davie Campus
Bailey Concert Hall - Building 4
3501 SW Davie Road

More information here:

Email comments on the standards to

Based on how these sorts of things have gone around the country, my free and unsolicited advice to any of you attending this or future meetings is: Beware of politically-motivated "experts" saying things that aren't quite true 
Like the one depicted here:

Education Views blog

Common Core ‘specialist:’ National standards are necessary to combat birthers and Bill O’Reilly
Posted by Jimmy Kilpatrick on October 8, 2013
By the way, Common Core standards are supposedly only for math and English. Why does a school district have a “Common Core science specialist”?
Now there's a question for Jeb Bush and his friends.


This afternoon, my friend and fellow Broward County civic activist Charlotte Greenbarg, president of the education reform group Independent Voices for Better Education, sent the following email to Florida Gov. Rick Scott, and gave me permission to post it here for your edification:

Dear Governor Scott,
Attached is IVBE's position paper on Common Core. We urge you to disengage Florida from this untested, intrusive and non-validated scheme.
The Brookings Institution/Brown Center's report cites the uselessness of Common Core.


Charlotte Greenbarg
President, IVBE

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