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Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan, with iconic City Hall in the distance, on left, in Kungsholmen. In my previous life, I was definitely born there.

A reminder of why I and my savvy, sensible friends -like @UdenCatherine - push back vs. the serial nonsensical public policy + misanthropy fm #HollywoodFL City Hall, both the City Comm. as well as its often imperious, feckless, highly-paid, thin-skinned bureaucrats. THIS! ☀️🌴🏖️😎. Hollywood Beach, March 2025

Friday, September 30, 2011

Hallandale Beach Blog's Time Machine visits 1/14/92 and sees what a pathetic hypocrite former Hallandale Beach CM R.J. Intindola is -who needs facts?

The past is prologue -yet again.
Yes, even here in Hallandale Beach.

(FYI: I've deleted a few extraneous "Friends" below from this Facebook post about public policy in Hallandale Beach who didn't actually say anything about the issue so that you can better follow the back-and-forth, NOT to protect the dimwits who seem like they could care less about the actual facts.)

Following this ridiculous pronouncement above by R.J. Intiondola, later, on Wednesday at 11:15a.m. he then goes on to ramble...

Currently, Keith London is seeking through his charter review representative to alter the existing appointment structure of the City Clerk. Currently, the city clerk is appointed by and reports to the City Manager. Keith London believes the City Commission has more expertise at selection, recruitment and managing the position and therefore the elected officials should select and appoint the city clerk. The elected body would therefore supervise the position. He makes this comment without a single day of management, administrative and recruitment experience. This is not unusual for elected officiasl whose ego has blown out of control to believe they are the expert at every and any given subject. Facts are, he has no idea on how to manage an organization.

At 3:34 p.m. Wednesday, Intindola responds peevishly to my friend Michael Butler of Change Hallandale's reasonable question.

It's especially reasonable given that Intindola doesn't live anywhere near here and hasn't attended a 2011 HB CRC meeting in person, like both Comm. London and I have.
Trust me, THAT is one very small list.
London and I were the only ones sitting in the audience at their first meeting.

This comes on top of the central fact that Intindola has no idea what he is talking about, as a simple conversation with the CRC's Chair, Anthony Musto, a former HB City Commissioner himself and current Law School professor would prove.

(Did I mention yet that Musto was Comm. London's appointment?
Meanwhile Comm. Dotty Ross, from the thousands of people in this city whom she could've selected to add their perspective to the group, chose the much-loathed former HB City Commissioner, William "Bill" Julian, to add his longstanding myopia and chronically bad judgment to the mix.
Yes, Julian, a person who along with Mayor Cooper and Comm. Ross and the current and former City Manager, is held personally responsible by a large portion of this city's well-informed populace for why this city is such a mess, and so much LESS than what it ought to be.
And yes, defying logic as he always has, Julian has filed to run for the city commission next year, much to the delight of many friends of mine who anticipate him finally getting the public grilling and buzz-sawing that his ridiculed record deserves, after making this city a perpetual media laughingstock, due in large part to his very own jaw-dropping personal actions, petty and unethical behavior, and penchant for almost always saying the wrong thing at the wrong time while voting also against the larger community's best long-term interests.)

Intindola can't logically explain why the CRC would knowingly vote in favor of an idea they didn't like and knew would make them look ridiculous, or, why, given that, the HB City Commission, who would get it after the CRC to decide whether it goes on the ballot to be voted upon, would then repeat that action and approve it even if they didn't like it.

Intindola can't logically explain his own opinion about London because it completely lacks logic and common sense.
Given what the process is, how exactly does Intindola think that one person, Keith London, can change the form of city government we currently have -for the worse- by himself?

But why let facts get in the way, right?
Mike, he doesn't say anything specifically but all of his actions would leave anyone to that conclusion. He was the commission the higher the city clerk, was to contract out legal services and has made numerous relative other comments degrading the form of government. As part of the profession, I feel compelled to support professionalism in local government and not political hackery.

"As part of the profession, I feel compelled to support professionalism in local government and not political hackery."

So sayeth R.J. Intindola, long-time Georgia resident, former Hallandale Beach City Manager, and self-appointed expert in good government, civics and public administration.

Well, at least the first two are true. Oh, those pesky facts!

R.J. Intindola is nothing but a know-it-all, long-distance serial meddler who writes about things he is neither an expert about nor even an eye witness to.

In short, an embittered and dis-connected man who was thoroughly rejected by his former city last year when he thought he heard them calling out his name.

No, they were NOT.

That sound he heard was just in HIS head.


South Florida Sun-Sentinel

By Sallie James, Staff Writer
January 14, 1992

HALLANDALE -- The bare facts about a stripper's appearance at a bachelor party for a public works superintendent on Monday left city officials rolling their eyes.

''I don't condone it, but I am not going to do anything about it,'' City Manager R.J. Intindola said when told about the party held on city property.

The stripper danced her way through the conference room of the Department of Public Works at a 4 p.m. party for general superintendent Mike Good , who is getting married, said John Depp, who supervises the department.

Depp helped arrange for the stripper.

The naked truth? Somebody just used bad judgment, said Mayor Arthur ''Sonny'' Rosenberg.

''I don't think whoever hired the dancer should have done it on city property,'' Rosenberg said.

Intindola said it is not the first time strippers have appeared at parties for city employees. In past years, it has happened three or four times, he said.

He joked Monday that the employees should have sent the stripper to City Commission chambers -- adjacent to his office.
Yes, that R.J. Intindola sure is the consumate professional!

Almost everyone I know who's well-informed about what happens here in HB has whatever opinion of Intindola they have completely independent of anything I've said or written -or will say or write in the future.
Nobody is going to suddenly jump to his side of an argument based on his bitter enmity and lofty opinion of himself.

My understanding -which could be wrong, but I doubt it- is that Intindola was quite angry that nobody in town would publicly back him last year for the CM position when it was clear that Mike Good was being shown the door with a super-golden parachute, despite Good so frequently NOT showing-up for work, showing-up unprepared or dressed inappropriately for meetings with developers who'd flown into town for the meeting, or -and this is what I suspect eventually soured even loyal Good defender Mayor Cooper- Good NOT even being available on the telephone.
Of nobody, including his wife, the former HB Asst. City Manager -who once worked for two cities at the same time, unbeknownst to one of the cities- actually knowing where he was or how to reach him.

If you look at Intindola's Facebook "Friends," you'll see both Alexander Lewy and Broward School Board member Patricia Good, Mike Good's sister-in-law.
Just saying...

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