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Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Latest on the upside-down world of Hallandale Beach public policy from Hallandale Beach Comm. Keith London; Lewy's exactly what I predicted he'd be

For your information and education, at the bottom I've posted the latest perspective on the upside-down world of Hallandale Beach public policy from Hallandale Beach Commissioner Keith London.
Those of you in Hallandale Beach, Broward County and parts unknown who told me in person or via email that you honestly thought that Alexander Lewy was going to be a voice for common sense or reform -
or something- where are you now, exactly in your post-election analysis?

Where's the tangible proof that anything you said was true or ever will be true?

voting record on the dais and general demeanor throughout the city, where he feigns interest but yet always seems to say and do the wrong thing thus far, are even worse than I imagined they'd be, and you remember here that I told you last year exactly what would happen if he got in: precisely what's happening now.

Seriously, approving Minutes for meetings that he wasn't personally present at and intentionally preventing other commissioners from providing Corrections to the public record...

Really, THAT'S your reform?

been in office for a few months already and what has he actually done that's in any way a positive for HB taxpayers or business owners?

Not lip service, but something tangible?

Name something.

Has he even held one public meeting that he ran himself where HB citizens and business owners could talk publicly to him about their concerns and fears?


I told you last year that he was running to be a member of
Joy Cooper's Rubber Stamp Crew in order to use this city as a stepping-stone and facilitate his elevation to another political position as soon as possible.
It could hardly have been any more obvious.
Well, mission accomplished!

Folks, it's EXACTLY what it looks like, no need to pretend otherwise.


The following is an update of agenda items and other issues discussed at the Wednesday, March 2, 2011 City of Hallandale Beach Commission Meeting.

Highlights of this Wrap-Up

· Commissioner Lewy consistently undermines the discussion preventing Commissioner London from speaking on issues

· Commissioner Lewy votes to approve meeting minutes for meetings her never attended because Mayor Cooper said he could

· City Commission votes to move forward on NE 8th – NE 10th Aves. to spend over $1,500,000 when consultants provide an alternative at a lower cost of $165,000

· Diplomat Country Club is NOT closed – the City Commission recently hosted the United States Ambassador to Singapore there for a breakfast

· Mayor Cooper states “it is obvious that converting NE 8th and 10th Avenues to two-way is better” but again has no basis behind it

· Hallandale Beach public schools have a “supplies” wish list – Please help!

· Visit to read the latest about the Hallandale Beach High School Diversity Report

· City of Hallandale Beach, Workshop on Traffic Calming Monday, March 28, 2011 6:00 – 8:00 PM Commission Chambers




WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 2011 10:00 A.M.




4. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (to be heard at 10:05 A.M.)

· Dr. Bob Selz handed out three sets of reports showing that one way streets are better than two way streets.

o The following are a few of the references in the documents:

1. FHWA - Federal Highway Administration (USDOT)

2. Oregon State Highway Department

3. City of Denver

· In addition, Dr. Selz referred to the EAC report prepared by the City of Hallandale Beach’s consultant. The report shows for $165,000 the City could attempt to improve signage and the enforcement of the posted speed to improve NE 8th and NE 10th Avenues

· Commissioner Lewy stated he read a report from the US Department of Justice that stated two way was better but never produced the document

· Mayor Cooper stated “how it is obvious that making the streets two way is better”

· Mayor Cooper stated “ Hallandale does not have to bring NE 8th and 10th Avenues up to the county standard” but felt the City could do this on the cheap

· Commissioner London asked the following questions:

o If traffic is no longer allowed to continue north on NE 10th Avenue, what do the studies show will happen on NE 8th, NE 12th, and NE 14th Avenues? No Answer

o What will happen when cars stuck on US1 heading north see traffic flowing northbound on NE 8th Avenue? No Answer

o Does anyone expect less traffic in our community by doing this conversion? No Answer

o Have we tried to upgrade the streets, improve the signage, and place traffic calming devices in the area? Answer - NO

· Commissioner London made the same motion as he made at the last meeting “ to present the project to the community at this phase to obtain “input” from the community - NO SECOND

· Dr. Judy Selz again asked about the incomplete Public Records Requests (PRR) she has requested for two months about the following:

o Hallandale’s charitable donations totaling over $525,000. To whom they are going? What are the criteria for receiving the monies? What accounts the monies are coming from?

o The $50,000 commission travel budget. How much has each commissioner used? Why are flowers, microwaves, coffee makers, and charitable donations coming from this account?

o Why was information redacted in a print out provided by the city manager’s office? See the document at the link


· Bob McColgan spoke in favor of item 8B (see below) and how staff was very helpful in meeting with him and his neighbors throughout the process of the design and development of the drainage improvements in the Southwest quadrant of the City

· Ivonne Aznarez also spoke about the conversions of NE 8th and NE 10th Avenues She stated the “obvious”

o The City has not provided enough detail

o There have been NO attempts to slow traffic

o Two way does not prove there will be less traffic

· Etty Sims spoke regarding need for school supplies in the Hallandale Beach schools. There is currently a community program going on for the collection of school supplies. Please click on the following link:


A. Presentation of Certificates to the Student Citizens of the Month

B. Presentation Regarding Activities at the Village at Gulfstream Park

C. Presentation by South Florida Water Management District

· Please visit the SFWMD for the presentation and more information about the drought at the following link:


D. Presentation by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) of Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting for Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2009 and the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the 2009-2010 Budget.

E. Proclamation Proclaiming April 3, 2011 as Parents and Children's Day

F. Recognition of Hallandale High as the Winners of 2010 Cans for Cash Competition

G. Discussion of Utilities & Engineering Construction Projects

· The Hallandale Beach Marina Dock ground breaking will take place in the next two months

· Moving of potable water well fields to West Park is progressing

o Commissioner London asked if the formula has been worked out with Broward County for the purchase of the existing pipes and the life expectancy of those pipes. Answer - will be forthcoming

· A1A and US1 medians landscape upgrades

o Commissioner London asked if City of Hallandale Beach will be installing purple pipes (reuse water) when the landscaping is installed? This is required for new development and we should lead by example. Answer - good suggestion and will be looked into

· NE 8th and NE 10th Avenues Intersections

o $828,250 this phase only

o 2-3 months for permitting, mast arm design and feasibility study are complete.


A. Approval of Draft Minutes - Regular City Commission Meeting of September 15, 2010

B. Approval of Draft Minutes - Regular City Commission Meeting of October 6, 2010

C. Approval of Draft Minutes - Regular City Commission Meeting of October 20, 2010

D. Approval of Draft Minutes - Regular City Commission Meeting of November 3, 2010

E. Approval of Draft Minutes - Regular City Commission Meeting of December 8, 2010

F. Approval of Draft Minutes - Regular City Commission Meeting of February 16, 2011

· Commissioner London requested pulling all items off consent for corrections and discussion.

· Commissioner Lewy immediately made a motion to call the question “to approve the minutes”; therefore not allowing any discussion or corrections to be made. This Motion passed 4:1- LONDON NO

· Commissioner Lewy then proceeds to vote for minutes to meetings when he was not a City Commissioner or even in attendance

· As I have repeatedly stated, I will not approve minutes that are more than 30 days old

· Passed 4:1 – LONDON NO

7. PUBLIC HEARINGS (to be heard at 10:30 A.M)

A. An Ordinance of the City of Hallandale Beach, Florida, Amending Chapter 30, Utilities, Article II, Water Service, Division 4, Water Conservation, Section 30-133, Restrictions on Landscape Irrigation, Establishing Mandatory Year-Round Landscape Irrigation Measures to Provide for a Prohibition of Wasteful and Unnecessary Water Use; Providing for Conflicts; Providing for Severability; and Providing for an Effective Date.

· Deferred till a later date to provide City Staff time to prepare the appropriate information


A. Presentation by Principal Financial Group of the Quarterly Results of the General Employees and Professional/Management Pension Plans for the Quarter Ending December 31, 2010.


· Report accepted

B. Pursuant to Chapter 23, Section 105, Award of Contracts, Request Authorization to Award Calvin, Giordano and Associates, Inc. Professional Engineering Services Required for Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grant for City Flood Mitigation in Accordance with RFP #FY2007-2008-004, Continuing Services and Comprehensive Services, for an Amount not to Exceed $7,500.

· Passed 5:0

C. Discussion Regarding the Highland Park Village First Time Homebuyers Program. (Staff: CRA Director)


· The following is some back up information concerning this item:

o The property is located in the Northwest quadrant of Hallandale Beach

o The property was formerly a run-down mobile home park

o The city subsidized $2.5 million to help purchase the land

o The project is a 53 unit affordable housing development with subsidizes of up to approximately $75,000 for qualified participants

o Hallandale Beach contributed $2.65 million for down payment assistance that is due to be paid back

o When the real estate market turned began to decline, the City of Hallandale Beach committed to purchase 26 units to facilitate construction moving forward and serve as a “backstop”. There is $4.47 million in CRA reserves for this purpose

o At this meeting there was no additional money invested into this project

· Commissioner London wanted to move forward and make sure the City of Hallandale Beach did not become a landlord and owner of the twenty six properties by suggesting the following:

o The City of Hallandale Beach should NOW figure out how the 26 units should be marketed and in what time frame

o Shanco Building Group should continue to promote, advertise, market and walk prospective buyers through the process for all the units at Highland Park

o If Hallandale Beach takes control of the 26 units, we then must hire a real estate agent to assist in selling the properties at a commission

o It is more cost efficient to continue marketing the project with Shanco than it is to pay real estate commissions on the 26 units

o We must move fast as the city will take ownership of the 26 remaining units by the end of May 2011

· Passed 5:0

D. Presentation of Community Redevelopment Agency Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2009/2010. (Staff: Community Redevelopment Agency Director) (See Backup)


· The following are some highlights regarding the City’s CRA Budget:

· The City’s CRA Budget for 2009/2010 was $9.8 million dollars

1. Administrative charges/support services - $495,000

2. Personnel expenses - $1,024,000

3. Capital Program transfers to other funds - $3,400,000

4. Charitable Donations - $258,000

· An external auditor hired by the City Commission is only 50% complete in its analysis of the CRA

· This is the first time the City has hired an independent outside auditor to scrutinize the CRA expenditures for a one year period of time

· Commissioner London stated he was not comfortable voting to support this report until after the results of the audit have been received, reviewed and made public

· Passed 4:1 – LONDON NO



· Mayor Cooper scolds Commissioner Lewy for sending and receiving emails during Commission meetings which is against the Commission protocol manual. But she does not threaten him to be sanctioned as she does for Commissioner London.

· Commissioner London requested the status of the Economic Development Study for Foster Road – Answer – the project is still in the research phase

· Commissioner London requested to know when the Commission will begin to receive fiscal impact statements attached to each agenda item – Answer – some time in April 2011

· Congratulations to the new CRA Director, Alvin Jackson and CRA Manager, Liza Torres, for bringing the US Ambassador to Singapore to the City of Hallandale Beach

11. PLANNING AND SCHEDULING MEETING (to be heard in Room 257)

I welcome and will gladly add those individuals who may not currently be included on my email distribution lists. Please feel free to forward those email addresses and contact information to me.

Please contact me if you would like unsubscribe to any future emails.

For all you who are unable to physically attend and participate at the City Commission meetings, these meetings are replayed on Comcast Channel 78 on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday @ 12:00 P.M. and Mondays and Thursday @ 6:00 P.M.

Commission Meetings are now being web streamed and archived. Please visit:

You are always welcome to contact me with questions or suggestions and I encourage you to contact the rest of the City Commission with your questions or comments.

Keith S. London

City Commissioner

Hallandale Beach

954-457-1320 Office

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