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Beautiful Stockholm at night, looking west towards Gamla Stan

Monday, April 19, 2010

Broward School Board prepares for their TV close-up tonight; Does Bob Parks have a good side?; Wither CBS4 News?

Above, the Broward County School Board paid ad that
ran in last weekend's Herald but which did NOT appear
on the Herald's website online ad directory, just like
the ad for last Monday night's meeting at Deerfield Beach
Middle School on school security never appeared, hence
my reliance on this so-so snapshot I took.

I've been sitting on this for an entire week now, waiting
to see
something -anything- in the Herald or
about the meeting Monday night, but since
they don't seem inclined on mentioning it, here's the deal.

The Broward School Board is going to finally do what they

should've done last year upon the creation of the so-called
Integrity ethics committee, their feeble attempt to allay
the very real and legitimate
fears and concerns of Broward
taxpayers and parents that
the whole school system is
in free-fall -which has proven to largely be an
PR fiasco of
an effort if you ask me;
have you seen their
laughably bad website at
and take my oft-given free advice here over
the past
few months.

They are going to air the problems on the School Board
TV station that taxpayers have already paid for, BECON,
starting tonight.

That Integrity website hasn't added anything in ages
and is a perfect example of the mess that rests with
James Notter & Company: the perfect marriage
of myopia and incompetency

See also:

Back To The Future At The School Board: Parks Wants Marko To Stay
By Buddy Nevins

And pay attention to what Karnack says in their reader

Speaking of using TV to illuminate the inner
of dysfunctional and ineffectual government that
millions, despite the fact that many Miami TV
used the LIVE feed of
The Florida Channel
to show Gov. Charlie Crist's
veto of S.B. 6 this past week,
have you ever seen any of
them actually air a single story
on efforts in Tallahassee
to cut their funding and make it
harder for the public to
keep an eye on things up there?

Didn't think so.
Neither have I.

That's how it goes in Miami these days with the present

cast of media characters, excepting the 'exceptional few.'
They leave all the heavy-lifting to others and then swoop in
afterwards to do the all-too-predictable human interest
angle stories we've all seen a million times before.

It explains so much of what goes on in South Florida, and

why people here are so thoroughly dis-satisfied with current
news media
coverage of local, regional and state news, both
print and electronic.

And as I've mentioned a time or two here, that includes
WIOD Radio, too, which is lazy in the extreme and seems
dead-set on reporting old news all day, word-for-word,
from 10 a.m. -6 p.m., despite what new updates I've heard
and seen elsewhere.

It's like they are stuck in a worm-hole, destined to repeat
themselves over-and-over, constantly getting it wrong.
But they don't have Captain Picard or Data to figure
a way out of their dilemma, so the pattern continues,

The lack of a rhyme or reason to local media is the very
rhyme itself.

Speaking of a bad sense of foreboding about the future
of local news coverage, guess who NEVER mentioned
during their 11 p.m. newscast, the day of Crist's veto,
that President Obama was at Cape Kennedy making
an extremely important speech on NASA's future,
before coming to Miami and spending time Estefans?

I ask because all their Obama coverage was on his trip
here, not his controversial policy pronouncements.

Well, to answer my own question, it was CBS4 News.

They didn't mention it once.

I taped their newscast and double-checked the next morning.
Nope, they didn't.

I'll have more to say about Channel 4 News in a day or two.

Budget Cuts Limit TV Eye on Legislature, Mission to Inform
Posted on April 18, 2010, 11:01 pm.

By John Kennedy, Associate Editor

Amid a legislative session marked by leaders touting transparency, the Florida Channel, the eyes and ears on Tallahassee for many Floridians, is on the chopping block — again.
The broadcasting service, which covers everything from gavel-to-gavel floor sessions to obscure committee hearings, faces as much as a 10 percent cut in its almost $3 million budget – the third straight year of reductions that have already eliminated one-quarter of its staff.
Read the rest of the post at:

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